
Mysterious guns for hire, the Wayfarers are a secretive guild of mercenaries with no single purpose, but many allied secrets and aims. It is said they are controlled by a shadowy figure, the identity of which even the most important Wayfarers have never seen. This mystery leader is the heart and soul of the Wayfarers, organising which jobs they take, and which they reject. No wayfarer is ever obliged to take a job which has been offered, and it is known that many Wayfarers will turn their nose up at particularly unsavoury or immoral work. That said, their reliability and effectiveness is famed throughout Ulaya, and their services are in high demand. 
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Mysterious guns for hire, the Wayfarers are a secretive guild of mercenaries with no single purpose, but many allied secrets and aims. It is said they are controlled by a shadowy figure, the identity of which even the most important Wayfarers have never seen. This mystery leader is the heart and soul of the Wayfarers, organising which jobs they take, and which they reject. No wayfarer is ever obliged to take a job which has been offered, and it is known that many Wayfarers will turn their nose up at particularly unsavoury or immoral work. That said, their reliability and effectiveness is famed throughout Ulaya, and their services are in high demand. Wayfarer models can be taken as a faction in their own right, or separately as Faction Neutral Mercenaries for other factions.
Medic for hire, Arabelle prefers not to talk about her age, but it is clear that she is not yet fully grown. A precocious child, from the mountain city of Kajin Kai, Arabelle was studying modern medicine when most of her peers were still learning their letters. Nonetheless, she made a personal study of traditional methods, always eager to stop by any local healer, and share knowledge. As a lover of nature she spends much time researching new herbal cures and remedies. Her eagerness for medical knowledge is rivalled only by her sense of adventure. She is highly selective about the sorts of Wayfarer jobs she will take, but despite her aversion to cruelty she can sometimes be seen helping the Bondsmen, Firm and other such unsavoury people and organisations. Her reasons for doing so remain mysterious.
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries. Wishbone can be used as the Leader of the Wayfarers or as a non-leader mercenary in any other faction, and is supplied with profile card for both roles.
Wayfarers Faction Starter Box (TDE-W5550)

Mysterious guns for hire, the Wayfarers are a secretive guild of mercenaries with no single purpose, but many allied secrets and aims. It is said they are controlled by a shadowy figure, the identity of which even the most important Wayfarers have never seen. This mystery leader is the heart and soul of the Wayfarers, organising which jobs they take, and which they reject. No wayfarer is ever obliged to take a job which has been offered, and it is known that many Wayfarers will turn their nose up at particularly unsavoury or immoral work. That said, their reliability and effectiveness is famed throughout Ulaya, and their services are in high demand. Wayfarer models can be taken as a faction in their own right, or separately as Faction Neutral Mercenaries for other factions.
Arabelle - Wayfarer Medic (TDE-W5007)

Medic for hire, Arabelle prefers not to talk about her age, but it is clear that she is not yet fully grown. A precocious child, from the mountain city of Kajin Kai, Arabelle was studying modern medicine when most of her peers were still learning their letters. Nonetheless, she made a personal study of traditional methods, always eager to stop by any local healer, and share knowledge. As a lover of nature she spends much time researching new herbal cures and remedies. Her eagerness for medical knowledge is rivalled only by her sense of adventure. She is highly selective about the sorts of Wayfarer jobs she will take, but despite her aversion to cruelty she can sometimes be seen helping the Bondsmen, Firm and other such unsavoury people and organisations. Her reasons for doing so remain mysterious.
Lliana - Wandering Wayfarer (TDE-W5006)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Aronax, Wayfarer Scout (TDE-W5005)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Bluewing - Wayfarer Mech (TDE-W5004)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Grayze - Wayfarer Medic (TDE-W5002)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Wishbone - Wayfarer Leader (TDE-W5001)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries. Wishbone can be used as the Leader of the Wayfarers or as a non-leader mercenary in any other faction, and is supplied with profile card for both roles.
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