Rulebooks & Starter Sets

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<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
<p>It was thought that what began as a skirmish between two mercenary companies would end with both parties leaving with a bloody nose and no more said of the matter. This turned out to be far from the truth. With their future hiring power in jeopardy, neither of the forces could surrender the fight without losing face. The Crimson League and Honorable Eclipse Company were now locked in battle, both needing to secure their future contracts and, consequently, the future of their very existence.</p><p>Reinforcements came in, not just from paid battlefleets but also from the Great Powers of the Union and Sultanate, both eager to have the mercenaries they regularly employed owing them favourable rates in the future. Specialist crews with their John Henry Colossi made their way to where the fighting was thickest while Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers guarded the coastal defence platforms that had become a focus of the fighting. No mercy was given, and no quarter asked.</p>
<p>After Helsinki Markov's treachery stole the Prometheus away from its creators there has been a bitter rivalry between the Covenant of the Enlightened and the Commonwealth. Certain Peers of the Enlightened have decided to make an example of the Commonwealth for such an audacious heist and show that they have as much military influence as any of the Great Powers. As for the Okhrana, the Commonwealth Intelligence Service, they hope for more secrets of the age to be unlocked by luring the various automata and advanced enemy vessels into engagements that they can't hope to escape from. With the plan of dissecting any captured inventions for reverse engineering.</p><p>With the help of Mongolian offshore platforms and a web of false leads, the Okhrana have orchestrated for an Enlightened battlefleet to be in place for an ambush. The Commonwealth now has engineering marvels of their own in the shape of Vitruvian Colossi. Will the Enlightened fall for the trap or have the Commonwealth bitten off more than they can chew?</p>
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<p>The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict. The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.</p><p>The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?</p>
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Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
<p>The Great Powers vie for control of the world's trade routes, unleashing mercenary forces to disrupt shipping and sow chaos and confusion to destabilise their rivals. Two of the most notable of these privateers are The Crimson League and The Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The Crimson League is led by Princess Scheherazade. Escaping the traditions of her royal family, she joined the Covenant of the Enlightened only to leave when the Egalitarian and Custodians schism came to the fore. Now, she operates following her own unknowable plan. Angry at the power of the Order within the Sultanate, she lashes out, taking contracts that appear to have nothing to do with the religious zealots, only for some to realise later that there was design all along.</p><p>The Honorable Eclipse Company have secured lucrative escort contracts with significant clients around the globe. The HEC offer security and defence solutions to those who cannot apply direct political or military action in safeguarding their investments. The HEC have had major investment from the Union of Federated States and often that Great Power has used the Company when the deployment or involvement of a Union battlefleet may be politically unwise. Though some might call the involvement of the HEC an unwelcome influence by the Union in global affairs, in truth, many commanders have found that their need for support in a theatre of engagement can only be solved by hiring the Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age. The Dystopian Wars Rules and Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Battlefleet (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents on the high seas.
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This box set not only provides everything you need for two players to start playing Dystopian Wars, but it also contains a campaign that details the theft of the prototype Hypatia Class Generator ship by the Russian double agent Helsinki Markov. The Commonwealth Intelligence Service (known as the Okhrana) have seen a chance to acquire Enlightened secrets and add new technology to their arsenal in order to better defend the Commonwealth. They risk reprisals from the Enlightened but as long as the technology is theirs it would be worth the consequence. The Covenant guard their secrets jealously and losing the Generator ship will cost them years of research and development. The game is afoot and the stakes are high for both sides. Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
<p>The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown's Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser's blessing to begin the special operation.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
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Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is. In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour. Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.
When negotiations between the Factions of the Dystopian Age break down or when only conflict will settle a dispute fleets clash. This can happen anywhere across the globe and in the heat of battle many a Captain has been caught out by a sandbank or tidal Island. Some larger islands even have modest fortresses and gun emplacements built on them to add protection to the secrets and supplies that lie within.
<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
Alliance Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA260000)

<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
Beyond Fortune And Glory (DWA990039)

<p>It was thought that what began as a skirmish between two mercenary companies would end with both parties leaving with a bloody nose and no more said of the matter. This turned out to be far from the truth. With their future hiring power in jeopardy, neither of the forces could surrender the fight without losing face. The Crimson League and Honorable Eclipse Company were now locked in battle, both needing to secure their future contracts and, consequently, the future of their very existence.</p><p>Reinforcements came in, not just from paid battlefleets but also from the Great Powers of the Union and Sultanate, both eager to have the mercenaries they regularly employed owing them favourable rates in the future. Specialist crews with their John Henry Colossi made their way to where the fighting was thickest while Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers guarded the coastal defence platforms that had become a focus of the fighting. No mercy was given, and no quarter asked.</p>
Beyond The Hunt for the Prometheus (DWA990025)

<p>After Helsinki Markov's treachery stole the Prometheus away from its creators there has been a bitter rivalry between the Covenant of the Enlightened and the Commonwealth. Certain Peers of the Enlightened have decided to make an example of the Commonwealth for such an audacious heist and show that they have as much military influence as any of the Great Powers. As for the Okhrana, the Commonwealth Intelligence Service, they hope for more secrets of the age to be unlocked by luring the various automata and advanced enemy vessels into engagements that they can't hope to escape from. With the plan of dissecting any captured inventions for reverse engineering.</p><p>With the help of Mongolian offshore platforms and a web of false leads, the Okhrana have orchestrated for an Enlightened battlefleet to be in place for an ambush. The Commonwealth now has engineering marvels of their own in the shape of Vitruvian Colossi. Will the Enlightened fall for the trap or have the Commonwealth bitten off more than they can chew?</p>
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Beyond The Sturginium Skies (DWA990026)

<p>The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict. The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.</p><p>The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?</p>
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Commonwealth Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA270000)

Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
Dystopian Wars - Fortune and Glory Two Player Starter Set (DWA990024)

<p>The Great Powers vie for control of the world's trade routes, unleashing mercenary forces to disrupt shipping and sow chaos and confusion to destabilise their rivals. Two of the most notable of these privateers are The Crimson League and The Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The Crimson League is led by Princess Scheherazade. Escaping the traditions of her royal family, she joined the Covenant of the Enlightened only to leave when the Egalitarian and Custodians schism came to the fore. Now, she operates following her own unknowable plan. Angry at the power of the Order within the Sultanate, she lashes out, taking contracts that appear to have nothing to do with the religious zealots, only for some to realise later that there was design all along.</p><p>The Honorable Eclipse Company have secured lucrative escort contracts with significant clients around the globe. The HEC offer security and defence solutions to those who cannot apply direct political or military action in safeguarding their investments. The HEC have had major investment from the Union of Federated States and often that Great Power has used the Company when the deployment or involvement of a Union battlefleet may be politically unwise. Though some might call the involvement of the HEC an unwelcome influence by the Union in global affairs, in truth, many commanders have found that their need for support in a theatre of engagement can only be solved by hiring the Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
Dystopian Wars Rules And Gubbins Set (DWA990001)

Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age. The Dystopian Wars Rules and Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Battlefleet (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents on the high seas.
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Dystopian Wars Two Player Starter Set - Hunt for the Prometheus (DWA990005)

This box set not only provides everything you need for two players to start playing Dystopian Wars, but it also contains a campaign that details the theft of the prototype Hypatia Class Generator ship by the Russian double agent Helsinki Markov. The Commonwealth Intelligence Service (known as the Okhrana) have seen a chance to acquire Enlightened secrets and add new technology to their arsenal in order to better defend the Commonwealth. They risk reprisals from the Enlightened but as long as the technology is theirs it would be worth the consequence. The Covenant guard their secrets jealously and losing the Generator ship will cost them years of research and development. The game is afoot and the stakes are high for both sides. Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
Dystopian Wars Two Player Starter Set - Sturginium Skies (DWA990024)

<p>The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown's Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser's blessing to begin the special operation.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
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Imperium Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA250000)

Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is. In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour. Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.
Islands and Archipelagos Set (DWA990022)

When negotiations between the Factions of the Dystopian Age break down or when only conflict will settle a dispute fleets clash. This can happen anywhere across the globe and in the heat of battle many a Captain has been caught out by a sandbank or tidal Island. Some larger islands even have modest fortresses and gun emplacements built on them to add protection to the secrets and supplies that lie within.
Union Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA120000)

<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
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