Sci-Fi Miniatures & Games

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Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment. The Wild West Exodus Rules & Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Posse (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents in the West.
6mm scale 4 way building designed to match up with other pieces from the 43 range. Cast in resin.
Cast in resin. 6mm scale. Great for games of BattleTech/46.
<h2>A GALAXY AFLAME?</h2>The universe has gone dark. Interstellar communications has been lost across the Inner Sphere, threatening the corporate giant ComStar, and maybe civilization itself. Risking everything on a last chance for survival, Comstar has kidnapped the engineering genius Tucker Harwell, hoping he can unravel the mystery of the blackout. But Tucker isn't just working on why it happened... he's also trying to figure out who's behind it. Meanwhile, Khan Malvina Hazen solidifies her hold on a purified Clan Jade Falcon while hunting for the next enemy to crush under the talons of her brutal Mongol Doctrine. Hundreds of light-years away, Clan Wolf is carving out territory along the Lyran Commonwealth/Free Worlds League border, and Alaric Wolf is primed to make his moves in the halls of power. Plans years in the making begin to come together across hundreds of star systems, and secrets hidden for decades will finally be revealed while an empire goes up in flames?
<h2>A UNIVERSE GONE DARK</h2>Months have passed since the interplanetary communications net was destroyed, isolating planets across the Republic of the Sphere and beyond. Achernar is one of the few worlds that still possesses a working Hyperpulse Generator Station, a device that enables communications across the galaxy, and a highly sought-after prize for the splintering factions of the Republic... After failing to qualify as an active MechWarrior, Raul Ortega finds solace in the Republic's military reserves on Archenar, and dreams of the day he might know the adventure and glory of real combat. The planet's Republic-loyal forces are supported by a loose alliance with the Swordsworn, a faction pledged to House Davion whose leaders have an agenda all their own. When the planet falls under siege by yet another splinter group, the Steel Wolves, who are intent on capturing the HPG station, Raul is called up to active duty. But when the Swordsworn desert Archenar in its time of need, Raul discovers there's little honor in the subtle schemes of treachery and the brutal realities of war...
<h2>THE INNER SPHERE UNDER ASSAULT</h2>Since the failure of the interplanetary communications system, the decades-long peace brokered by the Republic of the Sphere has begun to splinter. Power-hungry factions such as the Steel Wolves are invading vulnerable worlds to establish their own rule. As a gateway to Terra, the planet of Northwind has strategic value making it a fiercely-contested target for the emerging factions springing up across the Republic, and Duchess Tara Campbell will not allow her home to fall into enemy hands. Offering military assistance, the Republic sends Paladin Ezekiel Crow and his fully armed BattleMech to help defend Northwind. MechWarrior Anastasia Kerensky, of the infamous Clan Bloodline, has set her sights on Northwind, and what Anastasia wants, Anastasia usually gets. But first, she must contend with the deadly politics of the Steel Wolves before embarking on a conquest that could lead to the very heart of The Republic itself...<h2></h2>
One of the most exciting and dynamic elements of Wild West Exodus and Lost World Exodus is the interplay between the Action and the Adventure card decks. This set contains a complete 60 card Adventure deck and a full 48 card Action deck.
The defining moment of Akara's life was when the passenger boat carrying her family and about forty other refugees sank in the deep Eastern jungle. She was 7, and the only survivor. In fact, She did not return to civilisation for another nine years, surviving alone in the forest when, against all odds, she was adopted by a family of Yuttaraptors and lived as one of them. Her attitude towards civilisation is mixed. While she values the comfort and convenience of many aspects of living within society she despises most people, and longs to hunt once again in the jungle. Applying negative conditions becomes as deadly as it is useful under Akara's leadership, where granting additional damage dealing opportunities to her allies are as important as her own devastating combat abilities.
The defining moment of Akara's life was when the passenger boat carrying her family and about forty other refugees sank in the deep Eastern jungle. She was 7, and the only survivor. In fact, She did not return to civilisation for another nine years, surviving alone in the forest when, against all odds, she was adopted by a family of Yuttaraptors and lived as one of them. Her attitude towards civilisation is mixed. While she values the comfort and convenience of many aspects of living within society she despises most people, and longs to hunt once again in the jungle. Give Akara extra resilience and a blisteringly scary charge, where barrelling other models out of the way and knocking them down combines with her innate abilities to create chaos and disrupt your enemy's plans.
<p>Flagship of the Black Wolf Mercenary Fleet and commanded by the charismatic Volodymyr Nikonov, the Death Bringer is feared around the globe. Stolen from the Enlightened during a presentation to the Tsar, Nikonov ensured the Death Bringer was an utterly unique masterpiece by destroying the blueprints and setting the shipyards ablaze.</p><p>Extrapolated by Ukrainian engineers from charred blueprints of the stolen Death Bringer, the Akula is still the most powerful in the Ukrainian Submarine Command. One element that was successfully replicated was the Akulas magnetohydrodynamic drive enabling the boat to approach virtually undetected before striking.</p><p>Based in Odesa, Ukrainian Submarine Command (UPK) has the lead in subnautical warfare and exploration for the Commonwealth. With an impressive training academy in nearby Zatoka, the UPK provides a steady supply of skilled submariners and vessels like the lethally fast Khyzhak class.</p><p>Fast and deadly, the Piranya hunter submarines patrol in packs along the Black Sea and the Bering Strait. With a complement of twelve, the Piranya make for a close-knit boat crew, ideal for such vessels with sparse living comforts on month-long duty beneath the waves.</p>
The largest Ekranoplan in the world, the Alexayev is tasked with rapidly deploying small squadrons of hovercraft or even other Ekranoplans to key locations as part of a rapid reaction force. Named after Evgenievich Alexayev, the brilliant engineer who won the Tzar’s wager by proving his proposed design for the Ekranoplan was possible. A brutal addition to the White Navy and favoured by northern Captains, the Khatanga combines a ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow with the dreaded cryo Generator. The Dragunov and Stoletov ground effect vehicles were designed by Helsinki Markov himself following his return to the Commonwealth after years studying with the Covenant of the Enlightened. Skimming the surface of the sea, they excel at high-speed rocket attacks and troop transport. Utilising the repulsion field generator obtained by Helsinki Markov in 1856, the Irkutsk Skydrill is often heard approaching, long before it is seen. The buzz of the overcharged field generators and the roar of the Semyenov assault bore spinning up to full speed makes a terrifying cacophony. Utilising the Selivanenko pattern Aural Dissonance Array (known more commonly as a Shockwave Generator), the Giyena moves rapidly across uneven landscapes, marshland and the open sea to bring this potent device to bear. The Boyar Heavy Frigate packs a surprising punch for its size. Woe betide any captain who mistakes these vessels for a standard frigate. Their combined firepower can be surprisingly devastating if one makes a mistake identifying them. The squadron captains have used this to their advantage by meeting their opponents head on, appearing to be less threatening Rurik Frigates to the unaware, only to turn and show their second gun batteries at the last second where they unleash twice the firepower that was expected. This is often the last mistake that their enemies make.
<p>The Chevalier cruisers and Charlemagne heavy cruiser are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.</p><p>Loire light cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.</p><p>Captains of Picardy monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and the ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.</p><p>Multiple squadrons of Ecuyere frigates often accompany Alliance Battlefleets, defending their flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.</p>
The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.<p>No captain wants to see an enemy craft soaring above them but the Furieux Levant Grand Corvette make ones blood freeze in terror. That could be the last time the crew feels cold as the Furieux releases deadly thermal cluster bombs. Even the bravest crews know to be rightfully scared if they spot a Furieux rising into the air ahead of them.</p><p>As fighter pilots rise in the ranks they may be promoted to become flight crew on a Voliere Levant Support Carrier. The launch catapults put greater strain on pilots and landing on a Levant that could be at almost any height takes incredible skill. Despite this, pilots elevated to this level are often competing with each other to gain more confirmed kills so they can be promoted once again to become the Angels of Death aboard a Saint-Michel Assault Carrier.</p><p>Part of Napoleon’s modernisation of the French navy, the Sirene is a powerful attack vessel able to close undetected until it surfaces with its deadly heat Lancette in range to do maximum damage to the enemy. The tactical counterpart to the Sirene class, the Epaulard uses its secretive deployment to surface at a distance and employ its magnetic bombard to deadly effect.</p>
<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
Commander's Edition collects into one handy volume the revised fast-play rules for BattleTech. Take command of large-scale engagements with tabletop-miniatures gameplay designed for the modern wargamer. Use the force-creation rules to marshal your armies, charge them into battle, and either reap the rewards of conquest or taste the bitter pill of defeat.
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Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
<p>Designed to replace the bulky and antiquated Fettah class battleships, the Anatolia Heavy Battlecruiser has proven to be a much leaner and more advanced vessel. The combination of manoeuvrability, firepower and armour is considered, by the Sultanate Military, to be unmatched by the other Great Powers.</p><p>One of the oldest flagship classes still in service to the Sublime Porte, the Hurrem Grand Cruiser is a beloved command for many seasoned Captains. Refitted and modernised with the latest weapons and magnetic impeller propulsion, her age is still shows with the lack of an Orichalcite core and her cramped confines making it difficult for her crew. Despite this she is still able to bring considerable firepower to bear against her enemies and her striking design has inspired much of the look of the modern Ottoman fleet.</p><p>Nowhere is this more clearly seen than with the Mehmed class Grand Monitor. This modern ship was intentionally designed to harken back to the venerable Hurrem class, a silhouette so distinctive that it confuses enemy analysts as to exact size, strength and composition of Ottoman fleets. The class was named after the great Mehmed himself and Sultanate naval doctrine often sees these vessels deployed to show that the Sultan is always watching over his people. As the captains of these Grand Monitor are drawn from those most loyal to the Sublime Porte, this is not always a comforting notion to the rest of the fleet.</p><p>The Izmir Monitor can often be seen supporting a Mehmed class, making sure that the great rivers and coastlines under the Sultans' protection are well defended. Assignment to an Izmir is often seen as a sideways promotion as the constant presence of a Grand Monitor can make a captain and his officers feel they have little chance to show initiative and that any orders they give their crew may be changed at a moment's notice.</p><p>When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers<br />have become the mainstay in the highly mobile Sultanate armada, particularly when partnered with Pasha class vessels. These Light Cruisers are often the first to attend a conflict, they are outfitted with extensive observation systems allowing any reconnaissance to be as detailed as possible. This helps the Iskanders and flagships be in the best position to bring their formidable weapons to bear.</p><p>Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers are the envy of the world's navies. Advanced Sultanate engineering, the match of even the Covenant of the Enlightened, combines speed and manoeuvrability with enhanced firepower to deadly effect. Regularly fitted with particle beamers, the sight of a squadron of Sadrazams on the horizon is often enough to shake the resolve of the bravest enemy Commodore.</p><p>Often seen as part of large battlefleets, the Temir Frigates are employed as flanking squadrons supporting Pasha or Izmir class warships. These frigates are sometimes tasked with engaging a secondary objective while the larger ships proceed with the main thrust of an attack.</p>
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Artefacter Scout, Explorer and certified insane, dinosaur killer! Ando has served as dig site security for the Artefacters for many years, clearing out the area of unwanted predators, guarding the Artefacters as they undertake involved excavations in dangerous locations. As a young Dverg Ando was a member of a group of wandering, commercial hunters. His father was killed when he was young. His mother was a respected hunter and trapper, and the other members of the group were all "her boys". In this way, Ando had five fathers, and anywhere he could hang a hammock was home. It was an exciting childhood, and a very dangerous one too. Many might argue it was no place for a child, and they would probably be right. Nonetheless, Ando survived. He grew up to be a good shot, formidable tracker, and the sort of person for whom fear was unnecessary. His actions might look insane to the uninitiated, but as far as he is concerned, he doesn't take risks. Others call him brave, but for him, risking life and limb, swinging from a grappling hook to take out the jugular of a huge predator is all in a day's work.
Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and infamous for her heartless scheming in order to get whatever she desires. Able to enact powerful charms, the Enchantress is able to bend even the strongest resolve to her will. Firstborn of Odin and Freyja, Angela was kidnapped by Heven during the war between Heven and Asgard. Thought dead by her parents, Angela was raised and trained to be one of Heven's deadliest hunters and warriors. Having learned of her true parentage, Angela cast aside her loyalty to Heven and to Odin, choosing to serve no master but her own conscience. She now travels the cosmos fighting against any evil which dares crosses her path, both alongside her brother Thor, and as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: Not Available</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3085</span>
The relentless Ankylosor! This chunky fellow can be used as an alternate boss in several Ulaya Chronicles scenarios, or by any faction in The Drowned Earth.
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
A good man with a criminal past, when Scott Lang broke into the home of the original Ant-Man Hank Pym and made off with Pym?s Ant-Man suit, Lang inadvertantly began down a path that would ultimately see him become one of the world?s foremost heroes. Able to shrink to microscopic sizes thanks to Hank Pym?s signature Pym Particles, Lang is also able to communicate with ants and other insects via the specially designed helmet of the Ant-Man suit. Evil-doers everywhere have plenty of reason to fear the tiny, yet mighty Ant-Man! A founding member of the Avengers, Janet Van Dyne has earned her place among the ranks of the world?s most beloved and celebrated heroes as the Wasp. Like Ant-Man, Janet is able to alter her size thanks to command over Pym Particles, and also has the ability to generare bio-electric blasts that debilitate and sting her foes, while the wings of her specially designed suit allow her to deftly evade and attack her enemies with ease.
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Medic for hire, Arabelle prefers not to talk about her age, but it is clear that she is not yet fully grown. A precocious child, from the mountain city of Kajin Kai, Arabelle was studying modern medicine when most of her peers were still learning their letters. Nonetheless, she made a personal study of traditional methods, always eager to stop by any local healer, and share knowledge. As a lover of nature she spends much time researching new herbal cures and remedies. Her eagerness for medical knowledge is rivalled only by her sense of adventure. She is highly selective about the sorts of Wayfarer jobs she will take, but despite her aversion to cruelty she can sometimes be seen helping the Bondsmen, Firm and other such unsavoury people and organisations. Her reasons for doing so remain mysterious.
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War (2005 - 2570)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 5
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
The architects of the Dystopian Age, the Covenant of the Enlightened wield their formidable intellects to sweep aside those ignorant or deluded who stand in the way of Scientific Progress. These masters of technology covet knowledge above all things and believe that it is only they who can steer humanity on a path to enlightenment. With their wondrous war-engines, the Covenant of the Enlightened take every opportunity to demonstrate their technological supremacy. The discoveries that were intended to herald a new era for humanity are instead used to punish those who would misuse them. Only when the Covenant are lauded as the rightful leaders of the Earth, can the world be brought into a new dawn of achievement and prosperity.<br /><br />A flagship of the Enlightened fleet, Vault ships were conceived as massive floating platforms to deploy their larger engineering and scientific marvels. In this manner, the Archimedes class is usually fitted with either a Callimachus Chrono-Lathe or Diophantus Chaos-Orb, both so intricate and sophisticated in their crafting that like much that is not understood in the Dystopian Age, they are considered magical by the uneducated..<p>Other fleets are centered around the graceful, and superbly equipped Nansen Explorer. Designed for long voyages far from friendly ports, with extensive laboratories, training facilities and cartographic equipment. The Nansen class is in many ways the ultimate expression of Covenant naval ambitions.</p>
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Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - QuadVee<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: The Clans
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Treasure hunters, tomb robbers, adventurers, scavengers and rogues: an Artefacter cuts a glamorous, but undoubtedly nefarious, figure. Often dashing, brave to the point of recklessness, and willing to risk their life for personal gain. They can be found wandering the wilds for valuable artefacts from a bygone age, from which, they hope to become fabulously rich... However, there is more to these ambiguous figures than the mercenary opportunist image they project. Underneath the gloss of avarice and roguish indifference lies a secret. Few know the truth, but there are rumours that the Artefacters hold to a higher purpose. There are even whispers that they are agents of the 'New Enlightenment'...
Action Point and Wounds tokens in one handy pack.
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: Not Available</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:   Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Draconis Combine
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 35</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Tonnage: 35 Technology: Clan Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter Era: Succession Wars TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 80</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit:  BattleMech </span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Steiner
Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
BABYTOPS! This little miracle of creation just wants his mum! While not a powerful combatant of its own the Babytops buffs the Ceratops (mum!) in various ways, and increases her combat effectiveness from terrifying to... devastating!
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Steiner
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 2
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
The Mighty Baryonyx! Use this beautiful metal miniature instead of the standee in the core box.
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrade
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner SPhere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
<h2><span style="font-size: 12pt;">FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD...</span></h2><p>In 2825, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky, the founder of the Clans, gave his exiled, warrior-led people a dream: the first Clan to return to the Inner Sphere and claim Terra, the cradle of humanity, in honorable combat would claim the title of ilClan"”ruler of all the Clans. The ilClan would reestablish the venerable Star League from the ashes of the old, and its Khan would become ilKhan, supreme ruler of all the Clans. Now, 326 years later, the Children of Kerensky have fought their way to Terra with the intent of fulfilling this dream. But will this dream become destiny or nightmare?</p>
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit: Aerospace - Omnifighter<br />Era: Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War (2005 - 2570)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 3
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060 Upgrades
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
<p>It was thought that what began as a skirmish between two mercenary companies would end with both parties leaving with a bloody nose and no more said of the matter. This turned out to be far from the truth. With their future hiring power in jeopardy, neither of the forces could surrender the fight without losing face. The Crimson League and Honorable Eclipse Company were now locked in battle, both needing to secure their future contracts and, consequently, the future of their very existence.</p><p>Reinforcements came in, not just from paid battlefleets but also from the Great Powers of the Union and Sultanate, both eager to have the mercenaries they regularly employed owing them favourable rates in the future. Specialist crews with their John Henry Colossi made their way to where the fighting was thickest while Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers guarded the coastal defence platforms that had become a focus of the fighting. No mercy was given, and no quarter asked.</p>
<p>After Helsinki Markov's treachery stole the Prometheus away from its creators there has been a bitter rivalry between the Covenant of the Enlightened and the Commonwealth. Certain Peers of the Enlightened have decided to make an example of the Commonwealth for such an audacious heist and show that they have as much military influence as any of the Great Powers. As for the Okhrana, the Commonwealth Intelligence Service, they hope for more secrets of the age to be unlocked by luring the various automata and advanced enemy vessels into engagements that they can't hope to escape from. With the plan of dissecting any captured inventions for reverse engineering.</p><p>With the help of Mongolian offshore platforms and a web of false leads, the Okhrana have orchestrated for an Enlightened battlefleet to be in place for an ambush. The Commonwealth now has engineering marvels of their own in the shape of Vitruvian Colossi. Will the Enlightened fall for the trap or have the Commonwealth bitten off more than they can chew?</p>
Out of Stock
<p>The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict. The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.</p><p>The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?</p>
Out of Stock
Bez and her sister Romi were not born to suit the mundane village life they were born into. At a young age, they stowed away on a river-trader and fell in with a group of adventurers. However, they took very different paths... while Romi a loyal member of the Artefacters Bez joined their arch-nemesis... The Firm. Her darker impulses were a bone of contention between the sisters, and they have never yet met in battle. Nobody knows what will happen when they do... Not even them.
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
A master manipulator, Ebony Maw uses his formidable powers to enforce his master Thanos' rule across the galaxy. Brother to Corvus Glaive, Black Dwarf is a hulking slab of muscle and aggression who obliterates all who dare oppose his master Thanos.
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Clan<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Mixed<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Black Wolf is the nickname of the former Russian Commonwealth submariner and Commander of the prototype Death Bringer submarine, Volodymyr Nikonov. Though he usually operates under contract to the Commonwealth he now runs a large and powerful mercenary outfit. Funded, in part, by the Tsar himself, the Black Wolf Company have a reputation for daring assaults and sudden ambushes that make them a force to be feared the world over.<p>Nikonov has a lifestyle and status that he believes befits him. He can see a future where he marries the Tsar’s daughter, Anastasia and claims the throne for himself. When not at court or in action Nikonov operates out of a converted gigantic Murmansk class vessel near Novo-Arkhangelsk. From this fortified harbour-ship he not only has safety but has established a planning room to help with the execution of even more daring raids for pleasure and profit. The Tsar’s favourite story features the Black Wolf in a daring exploit to sink the Union battleship Hornet and Crown carrier Wessex. This attack was all the more thrilling (when Nikonov retells it) as the commanders of the two vessels were allegedly discussing a potential alliance and that the Black Wolf had to infiltrate the heavily-guarded Thames Estuary in London in order to sink them.</p><p>In between carrying out missions for his future father-in-law, Nikonov has the latitude given to his growing fleet of submarines and assault craft to allow them to be deployed as mercenaries alongside many rival nations around the globe. Each battle adds not only to the coffers of the Black Wolf but also his prestige at court, even when to some observers such raids do little to further the Commonwealth.</p>
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 30058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
For use with The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game.
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
<h2>IN THE FALCON'S CLAWS?</h2>Skye struggles to rise from the ashes of the last Jade Falcon assault. Tara Campbell's Highlanders are limping back from battles fought all across the Prefecture. And Anastasia Kerensky's Steel Wolves have disappeared again. It's a matter of when, not if, the Falcons will renew their brutal assault, and Skye is unprepared.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />On the world of Nusakan, Landgrave Jasek Kelswa-Steiner appears to be Skye's only chance for salvation. Gathering his Stormhammers, he prepares to throw his force into the teeth of the Falcon advance. But will the cure be worse than the disease? Jasek passionately advocates a return to House Steiner, a political movement his father just as passionately opposes.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Unfortunately for the Republic, desperate times call for desperate alliances, and the Jade Falcon force is still spoiling for battle. Clan Jade Falcon will not rest until Skye is conquered...or reduced to a charred cinder.<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
<h2>TIES THAT BIND?</h2>Danai Liao-Centrella is many things: Solaris gladiator; proud military commander; successful diplomat. All of those roles pale beneath perhaps the heaviest responsibility of anyone in the Capellan Confederation: to speak the truth to its ruler, Chancellor Daoshen Liao. He is the undeniable dictator of hundreds of worlds. Mighty armies move at his command. Billions of lives hang on his every decision.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Against that, she must speak the truth.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />And the truth is, the war with House Davion must end. Because there is a greater danger looming: the Republic of the Sphere, hiding behind its impenetrable fortress. When that wall comes down, the Confederation must be ready. It cannot be distracted. Danai will pay whatever price necessary to make Daoshen see that.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />And that price will be heavy. It will force her to take on a role unlike any other: servant of the people. In the Confederation, the people are the heart of the state. When, not if, the wall falls, Danai and her regiment will be ready.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />They'll have to be ready, because behind the wall the Republic regiments are finally ready to come out of hiding. On worlds like Elgin, Hall, and Liberty, Republic forces are prepared: well-trained, and armed with weapons the Capellans have never seen.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />When BattleMechs clash, Danai will have to choose between serving the Chancellor or serving the people.
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
There are many different kinds of mercenary, but perhaps the most feared are the bounty hunters who ask no questions: The United League of Bondsmen. A Bondsman may tell you he is part of a great tradition of hunting down transgressors and dangerous criminals, but the truth is quite different. Their only qualification is brutality, martial skill and a complete lack of moral qualms. Officially they are bounty hunters and thief takers. In reality more often than not they are slave-catchers, assassins and hired muscle. Their motto speaks for itself. For the Bondsman, cash talks, and the question 'why?' is a mere formality.
The main warhorse of the Commonwealth Naval warmachine is the Borodino Class Battleship. These vessels are of solid construction and the first of them to come out of the shipyards are still going strong after almost three decades of service. Bearing a formidable loadout of cannons and equipped with thick ablative armour, the Borodino is able to weather a return volley from the enemy and keep fighting. As a result the Borodino Class are often found in the thick of battle. Battleships are typically accompanied by frontline cruisers, who's durable armour and heavy gun turrets make them solid companions for the fleet. The Norilsk Heavy Cruiser has a distinctive long and sleek silhouette and it's extra turret gives it that little extra firepower needed to hit at larger targets. The mainstay of the frontline cruisers are the Kutsov Class; solid and dependable they can be utilised in any number of operations. The Oleg Class Monitors and Sineus Class Fast Cruisers act as rapid response when speed is more sedated than firepower. In and amongst these larger ships are scattered squadrons of Rurik Frigates, their captains are adroit hunters and enjoy finishing off damaged larger targets.
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
The Britannia class Heavy Battleship is a testament to the might of the Crown and symbol of power in defence of her Dominions. Rumour of her mere presence in local waters has quelled uprisings and deterred piracy. Bristling with armaments and protected by thick steel armour and Guardian Generators these powerful vessels are the pride of the Royal Navy. The Britannia Class Battleship was ahead of her time when the first vessel was launched over three decades ago and has been in service ever since. Many of the latest battleships are now catching up with the engines, armour and weaponry equipped by the Britannia but she can still hold her own against any other Battleship on the water. Over the last century Crown engineering technology has been ahead of the rest of the world and their naval superiority has earned them control of the seas. That control has been slipping for some time now and while her fleets are still numerous the Crown's international dominance is no longer assured. The fleets still continue to have a presence across the globe and alongside the Britannia Class Battleships numerous Cruisers and Frigates can be found. The most common Cruiser in the fleet is the Albion Cruiser. Armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes, this ship is the backbone of the Crown Fleet. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.
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<p>While the Frontline Squadrons of the Crown Navy are used to going toe-to-toe with enemy fleets, the Support Squadrons serve a range of unique roles to aid and assist the fleet as a whole to complete their missions. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.</p><p>The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.</p><p>The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class or other capital ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier as well as other large command vessels.</p>
Out of Stock
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit: BattleMech<br />Era:<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
As a boy, Matt Murdock was blinded in an accident involving radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock?s other senses and imbued him with an incredible 360-degree radar sense. With years of martial arts training under the ninja master Stick and fueled by a relentless pursuit of justice, Matt Murdock protects the innocent of Hell?s Kitchen as Daredevil, the Man Without Fear! A psychopathic assassin, Bullseye is one of the deadliest men in the world. Beyond his superb skills in hand-to-hand combat, Bullseye was born with the innate ability to throw any projectile with lethal force and accuracy. As a costumed criminal, Bullseye has crossed paths with many of the world?s greatest heroes, but he holds a special hatred for his nemesis, Daredevil, stopping at nothing to put him down once and for all.
Perfect for protecting your troops or tanks in the heat of battle. Made in resin.
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
<h2>A SPARK OF REBELLION</h2>When the Republic of the Sphere was established, it absorbed a quarter of Capellan Confederation space. Now that the crippled Republic is embattled everywhere, the Confederation Chancellor sends an operative into former Capellan territory to nurture the seeds of rebellion. Freedom fighter Evan Kurst has resisted the Republic's 'benevolent occupation' of the world of Liao for as long as he can remember. He has fought side by side with agents from the Confederation, and rallied other fighters to the cause. Until now, his efforts have been in vain. But amid the chaos of the interstellar communications blackout, Kurst sees a new chance to liberate his homeworld and return it to its rightful rulers. The Chancellor's support is assured, and embodied in the person of Mai Wa, the operative sent to ensure Kurst's success. But Mai has betrayed Kurst before, and his biggest problem remains knowing whom to trust in a world where today's ally is tomorrow's enemy.<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Succession Wars 1
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO:  Era Digest: Dark Age
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 3</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039 Upgrades
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:   Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: The War of Reaving
The magnificent Ceratops! This mighty figure can be used in The Drowned Earth miniatures game or as an alternate boss in several Ulaya Chronicles scenarios (not required to play UC).
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 6 Technology: Clan Unit Type: ProtoMech Era: Civil War (3062 - 3067) TRO: Technical Readout 3075
The Clan Command Star includes the Dire Wolf, Summoner, Stormcrow, Mist Lynx, and Shadow Cat, along with five MechWarrior pilot cards and five Alpha Strike cards.
The Clan Heavy Heavy Star includes the Stone Rhino, Warhammer IIC, Supernova, Hunchback IIC, and Marauder IIC, along with MechWarrior pilot cards and Alpha Strike cards.
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
At the close of the Ore War, Confederate President Davis commanded his forces to stand down. Though General Robert Lee carried out this order, Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Buchanan refused and withdrew her battlefleets southwards to find a safe haven in the Socialist Unity of South America. For the vessels of the Union fleet, while they had served well during the civil war, the fleet was in need of modernising and expanding if the nation was to fulfil its Manifest Destiny as the preeminent Great Power of the Dystopian Age. Newer designs became more common and began to take on frontline roles such as the Constitution, Yorktown and Farragut classes. <br /><br />The Columbia class was the most powerful vessel found in both the Union and Confederate navies during the Ore War. 12 of these vessels were maintained by each side in the conflict though their rugged design allowed several of these prized vessels to be returned to service after sustaining catastrophic damage. Occasionally this saw Columbia class ships returned to battle in service to the opposing navy. After the CSS Merrimack was sunk by the USS Monitor in the closing stages of the civil war, she was repaired and recommissioned as the Union vessel USS Virginia. That ship, like all Columbia class vessels, was recategorised as a Heavy Battleship, post-war. <br /><br />The Confederate navy did not fall into despair and disrepair, however, despite the predictions of the Union's analysts. Instead, Admiral Buchanan accepted a seat on the council of the Latin alliance and put her considerable fleet and experienced crews at the disposal of the Socialist Unity of South America (SUSA). The Confederates found surprising common ground with their new compatriots with their refusal to yield to the aggressions of the Union, The fleet was modernised with the best engineering and weaponry available to the Alliance. Within a few years of the Ore War, while the vessels appeared superficially to resemble their Union counterparts, their internal systems and armaments were distinctly a product of their new allegiance to the Alliance. <br /><br />While SUSA lacks most of the engineering marvels that are becoming commonplace in the north, the Union's continuous martial footing that it has maintained since the end of the war has caused a small but constant flow of disenfranchised or disaffected military personnel and their families to flee southwards. In SUSA they find former brothers and sisters proudly defending the seas of the South-Western Atlantic, swelling the crews with new blood and ideas. It is no surprise that within twelve months of the Providence and Sumter class refits in the Union that similarly renovated vessels were in service to SUSA. Even the Mark II Talon autogyros from the Ore War have slowly been replaced by locally manufactured variants that are the equal of the Mark VI in use today by the Union.
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Age of War (2005 - 2570)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Succession Wars
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Commonwealth engineering is often a case of forcing something to work, whether it wants to or not. This is surely the case with the Irkutsk Skydrill. While checks and balances of the laws of physics must be adhered to, it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to work around them. Overpowered repulsor generators keep the vessel in the sky but have little spare energy to move it, this is what the aft pulsejets are for. The one example of engineering elegance to make it through is the massive amount of heat produced by the repulsors is then syphoned into the propulsion system. Even the weaponry is a case of maximum power for a minimum problem. The Semyenov Assault Bore is a perfect transmission of momentum into force. The destruction caused is often enough to bring down the largest sky fortress. While the design of the Irkutsk appears to ba a fever dream of the Dystopian Age, no one can dispute its effectiveness as it powers through the skies. While these Skycruisers soar above the waves, the Commonwealth Hovercraft skim across their surface. Again the simplicity of these machines is testament to their efficiency. They are as effective over water as they are on land and are incredibly effective at landing troops on land-bound targets.
Tempered by revolution, civil war and failed conquests; forged in the fires of invasion and the minds of brilliant men and women, the Commonwealth stands as a beacon of hope to oppressed humanity. A democracy that stretches from the industrial centres of Poland-Lithuania to the snowy wastes of Siberia and the steppes of Mongolia, the Commonwealth's people come from a hundred or more cultures and groups but are united by the loyalty to their state and the Tsar who safeguards it. Required to serve their country and fellow-citizens in whatever capacity they can, the Commonwealth can call upon huge reserves of strength to ensure its survival and prosperity. Enriched by the technological bounties rested from the jealous hands of those who sought to manipulate the world, the Commonwealth stands as a testament to the will and perseverance of the common man. Long live Mother Russia, long live the Commonwealth, long live her People, long live the Tsar!
Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
Typically accompanying the Flagships of the Commonwealth are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy's path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.
A set of 24 tokens designed to clearly indicate conditions, model states and effects.
During the Ore War the Union was forced to evolve into a nation that heavily industrialised the manufacture of weapons and engines of war to produce them at an unmatched rate. As conflict was largely on land, the Union fleets remained significantly underpowered compared to their rivals. With a belief in manifest destiny, the Union began to look beyond their own borders. It was easy to imagine the greedy faces of the other power blocs and the Union's age old nemesis, The Crown, regarding this upstart American colony with avaricious eyes. To establish their rightful place, the Union focused on developing and constructing a fleet of ships to defend their shores and support their troops as they consolidated their positions around the globe. The Constitution Class Battleship is now the mainstay of the Union Fleet, the first twelve of these impressive vessels built in the closing years of the Ore War. Their main purpose was traversing the many wide rivers of the nation and rain fire on Confederate defences, or to assist in troop movement, their powerful paddlewheels are equally suited to the open seas. Now they, and many more like them, ensure that the Federated States can achieve their manifest destiny. Supporting the Constitution Class Battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for sign of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long range observers for the gun crews on board the ships. Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Welcome true believer to Marvel: Crisis Protocol, a tabletop hobby miniatures game of climactic combat! Assemble your team from across the Marvel Universe and lead your superpowered forces against your friends in battles of cataclysmic proportions.
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Devoted members of Thanos? Black Order, the husband and wife team of Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight have terrorized the galaxy in service to their dark master. Proxima Midnight takes great pleasure in testing herself in battle, relying on her inhuman speed, strength, and agility and her spear, which houses a star trapped in a quantum singularity. Cunning and utterly ruthless, Corvus Glaive serves as the general of the Black Order and Thanos? right hand. Armed with his signature glaive, which grants him the power of immortality and can slice through any known substance with ease, Corvus is rightly feared by all.
Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Crossbow Prime
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
The most common vessel and backbone of the Crown fleet is the Albion Cruiser. This dependable ship is armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Scott Summers is Cyclops, the first member of the mutant team the X-Men. Summers? mutant power causes him to produce beams of optic force from his eyes. Unable to control these beams, Cyclops must wear protective ruby lenses to shield others from his mutant ability. As the field leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is a master tactician and skilled combatant who never stops fighting for equality between mutants and humankind. Ororo Munroe descends from a long line of witch-priestesses. Once worshiped as a goddess of the storm, she is a mutant with the ability to control the weather, able to produce hurricane winds, and summon lightning at a whim. After a chance encounter with Professor Xavier, Munroe joined his task force, the X-Men. As a member of the X-Men, she is Storm, a capable leader and one of the most powerful mutants in existence.
Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Record Sheets 3145 Nex Tech, New Upgrades<br />
Welcome to the Deadpool character pack, brought to you by me: the amazing Deadpool! Once terminal cancer patient Wade Wilson, I, the aforementioned Wade Wilson, was transformed into the incredible superpowered hero Deadpool! Thanks to the nerds at the Weapon X pro2, I was granted an off-the-charts healing factor which allows me to recover from even the most gruesome "for the love of all that's holy, look away Timmy!" injuries. I'm also basically a ninja-expert marksman, a master in multiple martial arts (including the deadliest of all, Karate), and I speak, like, nine languages. But my greatest superpower of all is my dazzling wit and immeasurable charm. Though teams like the X-Men and Avengers would literally kill to have someone like me on their roster, I, the aforementioned Wade Wilson, a.k.a. Deadpool, remain los lobos - a lone wolf who hunts the moonlight desert in search of the only meal that will satisfy my endless hunger - justice! Also, they haven't been returning any of my calls or emails... A cowardly young man, Bob was persuaded to join the criminal organization Hydra by his wife, who accused him of not being able to hold down a steady job. The thought of a stable career with a dental plan also appealed to Bob, though he was ultimately disappointed to find out that Hydra does not, in fact, offer full dental like A.I.M. Bob's life was forever changed when he met Deadpool during the Merc with a Mouth's assault on his outpost. Deadpool convinced Bob to assist him with his mission and the two became lifelong partners. These days the H on Bob's chest no longer stands for Hydra but Hero!
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 9</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
It was an engineering marvel, rivalling even the greatest creations of the other Great Powers. It was named for the most powerful aspiration of the Union of Federated States, an ultimate goal which it could not help but achieve. Destiny. When it was but the New World, settlers had spread across the continent proving to themselves, without a shadow of a doubt, that Manifest Destiny was an assignment from the Almighty. Since then they had mastered any land they arrived at and seemed intent on working their way across the globe. The Destiny Sky Fortress is the ultimate mechanical extension of this outlook. It can soar across the world launching fighters wherever they are needed, resources are now being collected to create more and more of these extensions of the Union's ideology, in an attempt to create a network of air power that will finally bring Manifest Destiny to all.
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
The Dilophosors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models using the Ulaya Chronicles rules for A.I. Enemies.
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: Not Available</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - OmniMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Republic of Sphere
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Mixed<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Republic of Sphere
Domeheads are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
As Earth'sSorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange wields arcane spells and mystical artifacts such as the Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation to defend the planet against inter dimensional threats. Descended from a line of ancient warrior-monks, Wong is a potent sorcerer in his own right.
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Draconis Combine
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Created by the Titan god Kronos to kill Thanos, Drax the Destroyer has spent most of his existence trying to do exactly that. As the Supreme Public Accuser of the Kree Empire, Ronan serves to deliver Kree judgment and justice across the galaxy.
Salvaged by the crew of HMS Nautilus from an Enlightened vessel adrift in the Mediterranean, Drum was discovered in a shipping container marked as 'Aberrant Technology' - likely to be examined and disassembled. This large Automata was apparently built for mechanised labour but Erasmus Darwin made the contraption his own personal project, tinkering for hours on end. He envisaged the machine being used by the Nautilus to operate in the deepest parts of the oceans where no human can travel safely, let alone explore or recover wreckage. After several weeks, Darwin managed to coax the temperamental machine back to full operational capacity albeit with more than a handful of glitches. His barrel-like carapace earned him the nickname of 'Drum' and it was clear that he exhibited a sense of self-awareness that Erasmus and the other engineers had never seen in any Automata before. Fascinated as to the nature of this 'personality', Captain Nimue offered the Automata the opportunity to join her crew. Surprised at being treated like a human, Drum paused momentarily before enthusiastically choosing to stay and make the Nautilus his home.
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
<p>The Great Powers vie for control of the world's trade routes, unleashing mercenary forces to disrupt shipping and sow chaos and confusion to destabilise their rivals. Two of the most notable of these privateers are The Crimson League and The Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The Crimson League is led by Princess Scheherazade. Escaping the traditions of her royal family, she joined the Covenant of the Enlightened only to leave when the Egalitarian and Custodians schism came to the fore. Now, she operates following her own unknowable plan. Angry at the power of the Order within the Sultanate, she lashes out, taking contracts that appear to have nothing to do with the religious zealots, only for some to realise later that there was design all along.</p><p>The Honorable Eclipse Company have secured lucrative escort contracts with significant clients around the globe. The HEC offer security and defence solutions to those who cannot apply direct political or military action in safeguarding their investments. The HEC have had major investment from the Union of Federated States and often that Great Power has used the Company when the deployment or involvement of a Union battlefleet may be politically unwise. Though some might call the involvement of the HEC an unwelcome influence by the Union in global affairs, in truth, many commanders have found that their need for support in a theatre of engagement can only be solved by hiring the Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age. The Dystopian Wars Rules and Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Battlefleet (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents on the high seas.
Out of Stock
This box set not only provides everything you need for two players to start playing Dystopian Wars, but it also contains a campaign that details the theft of the prototype Hypatia Class Generator ship by the Russian double agent Helsinki Markov. The Commonwealth Intelligence Service (known as the Okhrana) have seen a chance to acquire Enlightened secrets and add new technology to their arsenal in order to better defend the Commonwealth. They risk reprisals from the Enlightened but as long as the technology is theirs it would be worth the consequence. The Covenant guard their secrets jealously and losing the Generator ship will cost them years of research and development. The game is afoot and the stakes are high for both sides. Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
<p>The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown's Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser's blessing to begin the special operation.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
Out of Stock
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
The Imperium warmachine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory and having access to all manner of different ship configurations allows an Admiral access to what she needs, when she needs it. With widespread rail networks extending from Prussia to the other Germanic nations of the Imperium, the navy (known as the Kaiserliche Marine) decided to equip a new generation of warships and support vessels with compatible gauge rails to allow weaponry and goods to be easily changed in short order. This allows the Imperium to be responsive to the needs of the operation at hand without having to go to the cost or lengthy construction times of creating specific ships to fill those requirements. Should a vessel be needed to bombard an enemy shore battery, then a Blucher cruiser can be modified to create an Augustus Bombardment Cruiser in less than a day. At the Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard, the record stands for the refitting of the warship Stralsund. The cruiser had arrived fresh from hunting corsairs off the coast of Heligoland three hours earlier. In those few hours the yard crew removed her (still steaming) Volt Gun Batteries and installed a Gustav Heavy Bombard in their place. Over a hundred and fifty Elector-type hulls have been constructed from the fleet yards at Kiel and Wilhelmshaven. Many of these operate today as Elector class Battleships, the mainstay of the Imperium navy. One in ten Elector hulls are of a suitable quality for further reinforcement and outfitting to become a Kaiser class Heavy Battleship. Often the last thing seen by a target abeam of these vessels, the Kaiser?s Salute is a full volley from her Heavy Volt Gun Batteries to Port or Starboard. Some vessels, such as the Heidelberg Class Battlecruiser carry their own locomotives with them in order to ensure fast and efficient loading, unloading and refitting at whatever port they visit. In addition to this pair of Bavarian Adler class engines, Heidelberg Battlecruisers have expansive logistics staff and control centres to help conduct successful military operations.
The Clan Elemental Star includes five hex-based Elemental miniatures. Perfect for Battle Tech and Alpha Strike action!
Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
The warships of China are the most numerous in the Empire's navy. Their prow mounted chemical flame cannons, known as Huoqiang, make them formidable in any conflict and Chinese ships form the core of most of the Empire's Battlefleets. The cruisers of the Chinese mount the deadly Huoqiang along with a mix of heavy guns and rockets. The crews of the Shanghai frigates are extensively drilled in working in large squadrons and can coordinate attacks with devastating effect. With the glut of manpower at its command, China's shipyards are capable of churning out large numbers of cruisers and frigates giving it dominance in naval affairs countered only by the elite vessels of Japan.
Out of Stock
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Republic vol 1
<p>The Newton class are built by the Yemoja shipyard around a massive spatial displacement drive known as a Void Engine. Able to tear a passage through two otherwise unconnected locations, the Void Engines use technology developed at Wells Chasm.</p><p>Dedicated energy transfer conduits allow these floating power stations to augment nearby vessels. Though the Zumeena class is particularly vulnerable to enemy aggression, the benefit to Enlightened scientific advancement far outweighs any loss of life amongst their crews. Not every Covenant Commodore has access to a Descartes Control Ship and so the Yemoja shipyard created the Vesalius to ensure that the welfare and effectiveness of their cetacean allies is maintained. Of course, in a faction that rarely does things by half measures, there are certain fleets that contain multiple Descartes and Vesalius to support hundreds of Physeters.</p><p>A battlefleet represents a huge investment of resources and talent for the Covenant of the Enlightened. Deploying several Origen class Lathe Ships in support, ensures that the risks to such an investment are greatly reduced. Technically an oceanid assault automata rather than a true colossus as it lacks a human crew, the Ketos utilise Sturginium Agitators to wreak carnage against enemy capital ships. The insectile Ketos relies on surprise and cold machine logic to maximise the impact of their attacks.</p><p>Designed by Paulette Aronnax, Lotan are amongst the most common of her oceanid assault automata. Shadowing Enlightened convoys, these segmented machines strike unexpectedly when needed, bringing their terrifying Coeus Shockmaw down to rip apart vessels like a sea monster of myth.</p>
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The architects of the Dystopian Age, the Covenant of the Enlightened wield their formidable intellects to sweep aside those ignorant or deluded who stand in the way of Scientific Progress. These masters of technology covet knowledge above all things and believe that it is only they who can steer humanity on a path to enlightenment. With their wondrous war-engines, the Covenant of the Enlightened take every opportunity to demonstrate their technological supremacy. The discoveries that were intended to herald a new era for humanity are instead used to punish those who would misuse them. Only when the Covenant are lauded as the rightful leaders of the Earth in this new Dystopian Age can the world be brought into a new dawn of achievement and prosperity.
<p>The support ships that escort the Flagship vessels of the Enlightened Fleets fill some very specialist roles. The Plinius Support Carrier carries dozens of Scythe Drones and can launch them from hydraulic ramps. This allows the Plinius to partially submerge when the ramps are closed making it very difficult to see and target. Built around the same hull as the Plinius are a number of other Cruisers. The Quintilian bombardment cruiser mounts heavy rockets that it can launch at distant targets before returning below the waves. The Tacitus Assault Cruiser favours two hardpoints for turrets, most often Particle Beamers. The Claudius Merchantman is designed with extra hull space and is the backbone of Enlightened logistics, the ingenious engineers still managing to squeeze in a number of torpedo launchers to protect them from pirates and other hostiles.</p><p>While these Cruisers are able to lurk just below the surface the Diogenese and Praxilla Class Submarines are able to operate at significant depths. These large Automata operate under a number of pre-programmed subroutines and are effective at hunting down and destroying enemy vessels.</p>
Out of Stock
<p>As the Union pushed out into the Pacific and Atlantic, it required significant air power to support fleet operations. The Enterprise class is a formidable warship and the largest vessel in the Union naval register. Once dubbed the Great Experiment, the success of these vessels is beyond doubt. Powered by three massive Paddlewheels, this mighty vessel retains some of the manoeuvrability of the smaller Union ships while still being able to keep the ship moving at an impressive speed for its size. The recent addition of launch cables allow for more rapid deployment of Corsairs, of which it carries ten squadrons. The Enterprise class Heavy Carriers also serve as mobile headquarters for Admirals and other high ranking military and civil individuals of note when the fleet operates far from home waters.</p><p>Alongside the frontline ships of the Union Navy, the Enterprise is rarely seen without a small flotilla of support vessels. The Washington Missile Cruiser serves to increase the long-range firepower of the battlefleet as well as providing additional cover against enemy aircraft. Armed with Kettering pattern cruise missiles, the crew of Washington class vessels often make use of observation rotors and spotters in fighter squadrons to ensure the deadly payload strikes true.</p><p>The Roanoke Strike Carriers provide increased air support to the already prodigious number of Squadrons carried by the Enterprise. These Cruisers employ powerful electromagnetic catapults to rapidly launch their Corsair strike fighters into the fray, the Roanoke carrier is a valuable vessel in the Union fleet. The class was named after the Union naval base on Roanoke Island, destroyed in 1862 during the Ore War.</p><p>A rarer sight are the new Discovery Class Arc Cruisers. Given sufficient development from The Pipeworks to be given general deployment in the Union Fleet, the Discovery class are replete with Edwina Houston and Nikolai Tesla's Arc technologies. These deadly state of the art weapons can flash burn through the hulls of the mightiest enemy battleships in a burst of incandescence.</p><p>Finally, with a reputation for working miracles, the crews of Montgomery support ships are always a welcome addition to any battlefleet. Scores of repair teams use a combination of flight gear and escort craft to effect repairs and rescue to friendly vessels in need. These ships are also able to provide field repairs to the RC-52 Patriot Automata. These towering simulacra are designed by the brilliant theoretical engineers at The Pipeworks, and is the largest automata in the Union's military. Just like smaller automata, over time their adaptive computations develop quirks that give veteran Automata distinctive personalities.</p>
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad ((3068 - 3085) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: The Clans
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
The Imperium's focus on modular naval vessels is apparent in the Falkenstein Battlecarrier. By making use of the same integrated components and mechanisms of the Elector, Blucher and Konrad classes, the Falkenstein features many of the best traits of these vessels. With forward firepower surpassing a heavy cruiser, a complement of fighters in excess of a support carrier and the comparable resilience to a flagship, the design is aun unqualified success. The Imperium’s Admiralty in the Königlich Preußische Marine are appreciative of the toolbox nature of such a vessel. They are especially liked by Commodores with more tactical battlefleets at hand, allowing them to cover more eventualities than could be done with either a battleship or carrier alone.
<h2>FLIGHT INTO THE UNKNOWN</h2>100 million dead.<br data-mce-fragment="1" />500 million wounded.<br data-mce-fragment="1" />One billion homeless.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />The worst war in human history is over and has left the Star League shattered. Jealousy and infighting from the five Great House Lords over who will be the next First Lord has the entire Inner Sphere already teetering on the brink of all-out conflict again.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Against this grim backdrop, Aleksandr Kerensky, commanding general of the Star League Defense Force, faces a terrible choice. Stay, and see the mightiest military ever known subsumed into the Great Houses, lighting a conflagration that may burn even brighter than the terrible Amaris Coup. Or do the unthinkable?<br /><h2></h2>
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Lyran Commonwealth
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Wherever you find a person willing to do a days work for a days living you can usually find someone else, plotting ways to take it from them. Some people call this survival of the fittest, but most of us have a different word for it: crime. The Firm are the gangsters and organised criminals of Ulaya. Protection racketeering, theft, robbery, banditry, the sale and supply of illicit substances and services: all of these things are their stock and trade. Violent brutality and ruthlessness permeate all that they do. The true extent of their power is not known, and few are brave or foolhardy enough to find out.
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
<div style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;">PREDATORS AND PREY<br /><br />A Clan Jade Falcon invasion force is en route to eradicate the Steel Wolves, but it's true mission is the subjugation of the Republic of the Sphere. Constrained by an imposed peace for decades, the Falcons embark on their most spectacular war in generations, and their lust for blood runs hot... Siblings Malvina and Aleks Hazen are Jade Falcon's best and brightest MechWarriors. Each achieved high command at a young age, and their bond is strong, but so is their rivalry. While Aleks believes warriors should protect the weak, Malvina is obsessed with dark visions of power and glory. If the leader of the Clan is destined to rule the Inner Sphere, then Malvina's first step toward seizing that role for herself is to conquer the Republic...or utterly destroy it.</div><div style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;"></div><div style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;">On Skye, Tara Campbell faces a major invasion with too few Northwind Highlanders to beat it back. Some in the Planetary Council want to negotiate with the invaders to spare Skye the frightful carnage already wreaked on other worlds by the Falcons' inexorable advance. Now Tara, the Republic's greatest defender, finds herself fighting dissension at home when unity is needed in the face of Skye's greatest crisis...</div>
Forek just isn't the kind of guy to run around on someone else's legs, or to trust his safety to a belligerent animal. He likes to trust his own reflexes and skill, and needs a suitable conveyance which will fulfil these foibles. It took Kraytssk three months of solid work to cobble together Forek's load-lifter from an ancient chassis he found in a cave at the fork of the Red River. It took another four months to hone the vehicle to Forek's exact specifications.
<h2>PAWNS ARE MEANT TO BE SACRIFICED</h2>After his victory on New Aragon, Duke Aaron Sandoval has the embattled Republic in his debt. But Sandoval's hidden agenda has more to do with his own power than any loyalty to the Republic of the Sphere, and he'll spare no expense to achieve his ultimate goal.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />When the Duke becomes the target of an assassination attempt, he realizes his efforts to build a coalition against the invading House Liao are failing. Many planetary governors prefer capitulation to war. What he needs is a new ship and a new approach.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />To launch his campaign, Sandoval sends his nephew Erik, fresh from the front lines of the campaign against the encroaching Capellan Confederation, to Shensi. His job is to convince the governor to join his uncle's alliance instead of making peace with Liao. Although Erik is honored to be the Duke's strong right hand, he's convinced that Aaron's arrogance is getting the better of him. But what Erik doesn't yet realize is that his own uncle will sacrifice anyone to achieve his dreams of glory...even a member of his own family.
Fight the battles of Wild West Exodus with these superb dice and Fortune chips. This set includes four special ten-sided dice for use with Wild West Exodus. Each die features their Critical Success and Critical Failure values with easily recognisable symbols. The stack of ten Fortune chips will let you easily keep track during your games as you tempt fate and push your luck by bending your Fortune to your will.
<h2>HONOR. DESPERATION. VALOR. JIHAD.</h2>Inhuman cybernetic soldiers invade a peaceful world, bringing terror and misery in the name of a new flag. A young soldier, part of the most maligned military machine in history, struggles to find meaning in his service. And the prince of a star-spanning empire discovers that not even he can protect the people he loves. Ten stories of combat, honor, betrayal, and death fill the pages of Front Lines: BattleCorps Anthology Volume 6. Readers will recognize familiar names in BattleTech lore among the authors: Steven Mohan, Jr., and Blaine Lee Pardoe, who welcome newer writers such as Jason Hansa, Christopher Purnell, and Craig A. Reed, Jr. These writers have shaped the direction of the BattleTech universe. In 2009, with these stories, they told the stories that demonstrated the indomitable will that has carried BattleTech readers across more than 25 years of publication.<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Jihad: Final Reckoning
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
<h2>CADETS UNDER FIRE?</h2>Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy, the only thing stopping a megalomaniacal Draconis Combine general with aspirations of claiming a piece of space as his own, starting with their home planet. Emporia is at war, and cadets are now frontline soldiers as Tai-sa Takeji Yoshizawa shifts tactics in a brutal effort to subjugate their entire world. It's up to the siblings and their friends to stop the madman bent on conquest, but while Jasper believes Nadine is too reckless, Nadine believes Jasper is still living in the past. As both struggle to do what they think is right, the Ritza Academy comes under assault once more. It takes a shocking sacrifice to make them both see the true face of the enemy. Reunited by the same purpose, Jasper agrees to Nadine's audacious plan to make Emporia too much trouble for the leader of the Seventh Ghost Regiment to conquer. Unfortunately for them, Tai-sa Yoshizawa has his own secrets, and nothing left to lose. And even if Nadine's plan works to perfection, the cunning general has one last trick up his sleeve that could bring about the end of everything Nadine and Jasper hold dear?<h2></h2>
Johnny Blaze was a renowned motorcycle stuntman until he made a deal with a demon to save the life of his mentor from a mysterious illness. Forced to share his body with the demon Zarathos, Johnny found himself able to transform into the embodiment of the Spirit of Vengeance. As Ghost Rider, Johnny can do everything from manipulating hellfire to devouring sinful souls, to forcing evil-doers to feel all the pain they?ve ever caused by unleashing his ?Penance Stare.? Tearing through the night on his flaming motorcycle, Ghost Rider never stops in delivering punishment to those who dare do harm to the innocent.
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Wheeled<br />Era: Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 8</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050-3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
When industrialist Norman Osborn injected himself with his experimental Goblin Formula, it granted him incredible strength, speed, and resilience but fractured his mind, turning him into the cackling, psychotic terror known as the Green Goblin.
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3051) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: Not Available<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerodyne Dropship<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League
Grim, determined, Hawk is the epitome of the lone wolf soldier. Trusting nobody but himself, Hawk can be difficult to work with and follows the command structure of the Militia with grit-toothed reluctance. However, he is extremely useful, especially at close quarters against his favourite enemy- the hated dinosaurs who carried off his infant brother...
With only a bow, a quiver of arrows, and enough self-confidence to rival anyone, Clint Barton has proven himself to truly be one of Earths Mightiest Heroes.Trusted by some and feared by most, Natasha Romanoff strives to make up for the bad she has done in the past by helping the world, even if that means getting her hands dirty in the process.
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Era DIgest: Age of War
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Extra head, weapon and arm options for the Hero Pack models. Extra useful if you plan on using your models as rank and file troops in The Drowned Earth!
Monstrous and volatile, the Hex Beasts are not only common amongst the forces of the Hex but may also appear in other forces should tainted units fall to their corruption and transform.
The Hochmeister is a mechanical marvel crewed by Teutonic Knight-Luminaries. These Vitruvian colossi stride the seabed waiting for the perfect time to strike, launching upwards on powerful hydro jets. The Hochmeister erupts from the sea, water cascading off its hull as its huge Zweihander sword cleaves through enemy vessels in an awesome display of Imperial might. As all machines of war in the Imperium arsenal, their Colossi can be refitted to suit a different purpose. The Metzger Vitruvian Colossus exchanges the sword and shoulder-mounted turrets for more devastating weaponry such as the Uber Flak Vierling and the Claw Arc Projector. Both of these come directly from the vaults of the Teutonic Knight-Luminaries and are therefore rarely seen. When one of these Colossi appears in the midst of combat a cheer will erupt from the crews aboard the nearby Imperium ships as they are seen as an omen of victory, usually for good reason.
<h2>A TEST OF LOYALTY?</h2>Clan Jade Falcon's war efforts draw closer to Terra, but to conquer this ultimate prize, the Falcons' vicious Khan, Malvina Hazen, must be able to trust all of her warriors to carry out her commands without hesitation, no matter how much death or collateral damage they will cause. For Malvina, victory is the only thing that matters, and those who stand in her way suffer swift and brutal elimination. Star Captain Archer Pryde is an unconventional Falcon MechWarrior who chafes at carrying out his Khan's terror tactics, but he delivers results in combat, so Malvina has turned a blind eye to his beliefs so far. But when civilians on a conquered world revolt against their Clan masters, innocents are caught in the Falcons' crosshairs. Archer and his fellow MechWarriors must prove their mettle to Star Colonel Nikita Malthus, the Khan's vindictive advisor, by carrying out their scorched-earth orders to the letter. But are these orders a betrayal of what it means to be a true and honorable Jade Falcon? With both his loyalty and honor in question, Archer must run the gauntlet between duty and principles, or risk his own destruction.
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Mercenaries
<h2>KNIVES IN THE DARK</h2>Captain-General Jessica Marik is holding the reborn Free Worlds League together by the might of her indomitable will, and has managed to keep all of the interstellar nation's foes at bay. But even the strongest and most inspiring leaders have chinks in their armor. After a personal tragedy, Jessica vanishes from the public eye, leaving no hand on the tiller of the fractious nation as multiple hostile neighbors drag them into open warfare. Beset on all sides, the League must navigate the flames of war with no direction from the top, leaving Warden-General Nikol Marik, Jessica's youngest child, in control of the League's military forces at a time when the nation needs her mother's leadership the most. Nikol steps up to the challenge, however, as this is the moment she has been preparing for her entire life. But forces in the shadows seek to capitalize on the chaos and bring the Free Worlds League to its knees from within. The threat of coups and assassins sets the League on edge as Nikol strives to maintain the unity her mother had fought so hard to achieve, even if it means putting herself in danger. But she is not alone. At her right hand stands General Wilburn Kirkland, commander of the Ducal Guard, Jessica's personal bodyguard regiment. Together they must discover who the League's true enemies are, and hunt them to the ends of the Inner Sphere if necessary...<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 95 Technology: Clan Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter Era: Early Succession War (2781 - 2900) TRO: Technical Readout 3067
The first Hypatia Class vessel produced was the prototype named The Prometheus. This ship was stolen by the Commonwealth Agent Helsinki Markov. Despite a desperate hunt, The Prometheus was never recovered. Despite this setback, Hypatia Class Generator ships were already in production by that point and the first production ship of the class, The Hypatia, was fitted out ready for service. Now several years on from the Markov scandal, the Hypatia class has established itself as one of the most versatile ships available to the Enlightened. Not only does it carry significant firepower but the ultra-efficient engines and superconductors allow it to also operate three specially overcharged generators. This gives the Generator Ship and its fleet a huge amount of options. The support ships that escort Hypatia Class vessels and other large ships fill some often more specialist roles. The Plinius Support Carrier carries dozens of Scythe Drones and can launch them from hydraulic ramps. This allows the Plinius to partially submerge when the ramps are closed making it very difficult to see and target. Built around the same hull as the Plinius are a number of other Cruisers. The Quintilian bombardment cruiser mounts heavy rockets that it can launch at distant targets before returning below the waves. The Tacitus Assault Cruiser favours two hardpoints for turrets, most often Particle Beamers. The Claudius Merchantman is designed with extra hull space and is the backbone of Enlightened logistics, the ingenious engineers still managing to squeeze in a number of torpedo launchers to protect them from pirates and other hostiles. While these Cruisers are able to lurk just below the surface the Diogenese and Praxilla Class Submarines are able to operate at significant depths. These large Automata operate under a number of pre-pro2med subroutines and are effective at hunting down and destroying enemy vessels.
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<p>One of the largest vessels built by the Yemoja shipyards in Mombasa, the Icarus features multiple vertical magnetic catapults that can simultaneously launch squadrons of fighters. The class has fabrication and repair facilities comparable to a small naval base and makes use of these to maintain the Icarus' squadrons and lend support to other vessels in the battlefleet.</p><p>Detailed drafts for the Daedalus class Fortified Teathership were found in the personal effects of the renegade Covenant Peer Gjenge Matee. Faithfully following her design, her Promethean Complex produced a marvel of Enlightened naval power. These versatile vessels are especially suited as the flagship of a combined flotilla of aerial and surface ships.</p>
Out of Stock
It was the invention of Pycrete, acquired by the Knight-Luminary Herman Mark, that enabled the first Ice Maiden ever built. The concept of a ship constructed out of a hollowed-out iceberg was initially greeted with some scepticism but after the initial tests, it was deemed worth further exploration. The initial prototype vessel was named the Eiskalte Schoenheit, and, being the very first ever constructed, lacked some of the later technologies of her sisters. Her unique size and strength at sea ensured she dominated any naval engagement. With a displacement in excess of 100,000 tonnes and a crew of over 6,000, the Ice Maiden Dreadnought Super-Carriers are the largest vessels in the Imperium's navy. They each boast a complement of sixty Messer strike fighters, a dozen Blitzen Bombers and enough supplies to ensure its squadrons can carry out a range of sorties wherever needed. The SMS Prinzessin Wilhelmina was the Flagship of the First Atlantic Fleet and pride of the K?niglich Preu?ische Marine. Named after the Kaiser's eldest daughter and heir to the Imperial Throne, this immense vessel gives an especially deadly version of the infamous 'Kaiser Salute' with her six Heavy Volt Gun Batteries. Whenever one of these mighty constructions are committed to a naval action they are invariably accompanied by a multitude of smaller support vessels and frontline cruisers to defend the behemoth from smaller, faster enemy craft. The weapons mounted in the bow of the Ice Maiden can easily and quickly be swapped out to fit the mission at hand much like almost all other ships in the Imperium Navy.
<p>Since the creation of the first primitive maps, there have been parts of the world where monsters lay and sailors fear to wonder. The Empire have been inspired by this to create their own monstrosities of the deep. Marvels of engineering created not only to sow fear and doubt in the minds of their enemies but also to demonstrate the mechanical mastery of the Empire. Using the most advanced engineering techniques, overseen by Empress Shinzua herself, huge automata in the form of giant squid have been developed and successfully engineered. The instruction cylinders for these submerged creations are among the most complex outside of the Enlightened fleets.</p><p>They have become horror stories told about only when crews are safe on shore leave. Any survivors refuse to discuss them while at sea should they incur the wrath of the Ika. In this way the Ika have become exactly what they were designed to be, the monsters that sailors fear.</p>
<p>Colloquially referred to as war rockets by the Prussian navy due to their distinctive missile-like shape, the Kriegsturm patrol the skies around the Imperium and beyond. Commonly armed with deadly high-speed Luft Speerschleuders, these weapons are ideal for hunting down submerged targets while its Flak Batteries rip apart aircraft.</p><p>Utilising pressurised Blaugas jet engines to achieve exceptional speeds, the Jaeger is a lethal aerial hunter operating in packs to clear the skies of enemy airships or plunge out of the clouds to strike their unsuspecting foes below.</p>
The Imperium war machine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory and having access to all manner of different ship configurations allows an Admiral access to what she needs, when she needs it. With widespread rail networks extending from Prussia to the other Germanic nations of the Imperium, the navy (known as the Kaiserliche Marine) decided to equip a new generation of warships and support vessels with compatible gauge rails to allow weaponry and goods to be easily changed in short order. This allows the Imperium to be responsive to the needs of the operation at hand without having to go to the cost or lengthy construction times of creating specific ships to fill those requirements. Should a vessel be needed to bombard an enemy shore battery, then a Blucher cruiser can be modified to create an Augustus Bombardment Cruiser in less than a day. At the Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard, the record stands for the refitting of the warship Stralsund. The cruiser had arrived fresh from hunting corsairs off the coast of Heligoland three hours earlier. In those few hours the yard crew removed her (still steaming) Volt Gun Batteries and installed a Gustav Heavy Bombard in their place.
Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is. In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour. Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.
Commonly found in support of larger vessels of the Imperium's Navy are a number of specialised cruiser variants. Built on the ubiquitous Blucher Class hull, these ships can be refitted as fast as any other frontline ship. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of Messer class fighters, providing air power where needed. Reiter Class Flak Cruisers are equipped with an impressive array of Vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air. These two vessels ensure that Blitzen Bomber squadrons can safely reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class deploys the formidable Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour with terrible voltaic energy. The Imperium operates a large number of destroyer squadrons. Superior to the smaller frigates and escorts, Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower. Toten Class, are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons to cast bolts of lightning into the enemy.
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
With the constantly growing threat from unknown quarters in the West the small unit known as Infernal Affairs have found themselves in high demand of late. Led by the indomitable Marshall Helena Miller this Posse are used to fighting, and defeating, the most unusual and terrifying opponents to Law and Order. Backed up by Furio Montoya, Jedrick Powell, Mercury Jones, Ida Saxon and Blackhoof 20-20, Marshall Miller tackles those missions that nobody else wants or is likely to come back from alive.
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
The Inner Sphere Fire Lance includes the Longbow, Zeus, Trebuchet, and Stalker along with MechWarrior pilot cards and Alpha Strike cards.
When negotiations between the Factions of the Dystopian Age break down or when only conflict will settle a dispute fleets clash. This can happen anywhere across the globe and in the heat of battle many a Captain has been caught out by a sandbank or tidal Island. Some larger islands even have modest fortresses and gun emplacements built on them to add protection to the secrets and supplies that lie within.
Pride of the Castellammare di Stabia shipyards, the Gladius is a superb vessel. Optimised for long sea voyages with comfortable crew berths and excellent fresh-water reclamation systems, the Gladius is a popular assignment in the Regia Marina. Crews of Pilum monitors are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities of Italy. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory. Cestus Zebeks are often tasked to defend the flanks of Alliance fleets as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.
"While our discoveries of Sturginium and its uses has ushered in a time of scientific marvels, unrecognisable to those of previous generations, there has also been a recent resurgence of older designs but with vastly more powerful results. The Rostratum Naval Ballista is a perfect example of this. The simple idea of a bolt being launched to impact and pierce a target has been with us since ancient times. The Italian Engineers of the Latin Alliance have advanced this in a way that could only be achieved with hitherto unknown comprehension of engineering. They have designed bolts using current alloys that are a fraction of the weight of a comparable steel structure while losing none of its material hardness. In place of twisted rope they use electro-magnetic rails that fire the bolt at incredible speed. Reports of a projectile impacting on the hull of an enemy vessel and then being hauled in to spin the target to a less desirable facing are troubling and interesting in equal measure. I propose we explore ideas like this further. Imagine the untapped potential we already have in our history. Imagine a trebuchet with a thousand times its previously registered force, Da Vinci’s designs made real or Greek Fire made on an industrial scale." <br /><br />- Peer of the Enlightened, Robert Abernethy, at a symposium shortly before his disappearance.
The supporting cruisers that are assigned to Battlefleets through the forces of the Empire vary greatly. From the imposing Hokkaido Heavy Cruiser down to the nimble Kanagawa Monitor there is a cruiser variant for every mission. Japanese Cruiser groups are typically accompanied by Chita Submersible Automata. These engineering wonders are equal to the mechanical creations of the Covenant of the Enlightened and are used to protect the fleet from threats beneath the waves as well as assisting in assaults. While the Chita are designed to operate independently for lengthy periods, they lack the endurance of the much larger Kaiju class automata. Ishikawa strike cruisers and Yamaguchi Attack Cruisers are essential in maintaining these escorts far from a drydock, their moon pools enabling repairs and refuelling of the Chita to take place.<p>The Okinawa and Miyagi Class Cruisers are equipped with limited numbers of reconnaissance aircraft that act as spotters and limited aerial defence. When needs must they can also perform bombing runs on enemy shipping but usually only when supported by other aerial units.</p><p>The Japanese favour Kyoto frigates when running their patrols between the far-flung islands of their homeland. The vessels are ideally suited for this task and for new sailors a year on a Kyoto is their first experience of the proud naval traditions of the Blazing Sun.</p>
Renowned as traders and travelling mechanics, Ponya are not often found in fighting bands such as the Militia. However, Ulaya is a dangerous place, and those unwilling to protect themselves against its dangers soon find themselves victims of it. Kalen was born into a trading caravan which roamed much of the Five Lakes District and The Wash. But the life of a merchant was never truly in her soul. Every time her family passed through Skyton she was awed by the casual cool of the town Militia, far more professional and better equipped than the town militias of most other places of similar size. Mischievous, adventurous and fearless, Kalen is something of a daredevil, favouring a rocket pack to aid her in leaping great distances, grabbing treasures or setting devious traps where necessary. However, the life of a soldier is a life of violence, and as a gentle soul, Kalen only kills as a last resort. Because of this, her favourite weapon is a large Glop Cannon, which fires a quick expanding, sticky substance which glues her enemies to the ground, slowing their movement until they fight their way out of the gluey mess. A valued member of the Militia Crew, Kalen is usually first to volunteer for any dangerous retrieval or scouting mission, and has been integral in the success of a number of Militia operations.
Proud, resentful, arrogant; all of these words could be used to describe Kaneda Griss, the leader of The Firm's notorious "River Crew". But Kaneda is merely an underling, in the grand scheme of things. Disappointing son of a powerful Underboss, Kaneda was sent to Skyton to keep him out of the way. If there was one aspect of Kaneda's personality his father was truly proud of it was that his son was tough, but in every other respect he was a disappointment. His father wanted to train him as a successor, but it was clear from early on that the best kind of intelligence Kaneda could master was a kind of low cunning. His father was the master of control by selectively applied violence. Kaneda was an angry thug.  So to the River Crew with him - a gang of misfits and psychopaths who, while useful, have to be kept at arm's length.
Kassel: the Underboss of the 'Five Lakes Syndicate', the organisation which runs all the organised crime operations in the five Lakes District, and much of the Great Lagoon Network. Operating out of the Gilded Viper, a drinking establishment in the Undertown of Skyton, all those under his command quake at the thought of his attentions. He is feared, and with good reason. Ruthlessness goes with the territory, but Kassel tolerates no failure, with one exception: Kaneda, the son of Kassel's own boss. This is a situation Kassel deeply resents, feeling that his position is undermined by having to tolerate the ineptitude and insubordination of Kaneda Griss. Perhaps this frustration explains his occasionally nuclear violent outbursts and exactitude with the rest of his employees. Kassel is cold, ambitious, and terrifyingly proficient in close quarters, training in his private Dojo each day, despite rarely going out in to the field. Kassel can injure his own crew in order to guarantee command orders! Meanwhile he is devastating on the charge, and can dart in and out of combat at a whim.
The fearsome Keratosor is faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
The Khodynka Heavy Skycruiser “Nebesnaya Gora” hung in the sky, defiant against the laws of nature. Ablative armour plates had been blown off and small fires were being extinguished by weary skymen. The engine at the heart of the beast rumbled on, with nothing but the occasional splutter to suggest there was anything wrong at all. The Commonwealth fleet had been ambushed while making routine patrols around the Barents Sea, The Scions of Jutland had appeared like wolves in the night and unleashed a stream of rockets that would have obliterated a lesser vessel. Only the crew of Nebesnaya Gora understood that this night would be a loss to the Scions. Steel, molten from the intense heat of the barrage fell from the sky and yet the Khodynka remained in the air, only having lost redundant systems and armour designed to fail without letting worse damage through. As the battle went on, more damage was sustained by both sides. Scions and Commonwealth crew alike sharing a freezing tomb. Only the Nebesnaya Gora remained, damaged but stoic and impressively, still airborne.
<h2>REDEMPTION. RESISTANCE. RESOLVE.</h2>Kill Zone: BattleCorps Anthology, Volume 7 collects the very best of the short stories published on the BattleCorps website from 2010. Charge into the war-torn future to experience nine stories filled with BattleMech combat, heroism, betrayal, honor, and duty. Veteran BattleTech authors Kevin Killiany, Blaine Lee Pardoe, and Jason Schmetzer, alongside fan favorites Craig A. Reed, Jr. and Jason Hansa are showcased in this anthology, which includes an all-new tale from Scribe Award-nominated author Travis Heermann.
Wilson Fisk is a criminal mastermind and the single most feared, dangerous, and powerful crime lord in New York City. From humble beginnings as a poor street thug, Fisk used his genius intellect, physical strength, and sheer ruthlessness to remove all rivals and become the unseen ruler of all organized crime in the city. As the Kingpin, Fisk is a master manipulator, controlling events to increase his power, influence, and the reach of his criminal empire. When an example has to be made, the Kingpin uses his enormous strength and martial arts skills to utterly crush his foes. Counting the likes of Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Punisher among his long list of enemies, the Kingpin has no qualms in exploiting his adversary?s principles to usher in their destruction.
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 10</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
An older Sorrian hunter, Kohua is a big game hunter, in the waning years of her career. Affiliated with the Artefacters, although not quite a permanent member, Kohua comes and goes as she pleases, and in some ways is an Elder Statesman of the organisation. In that regard, she is not unlike the famed scientist Alphangus Playdge, with whom she has undertaken many adventures. She has a healthy rivalry with the other hunter of the group: Ando, of who's methods she thoroughly disapproves!
<p>Of all the Battleships upon the seas in the last 50 years the Britannia Class of the Crown has been considered the heaviest. That is until the Empire launched the Kongo Class Heavy Battleship. One of the deadliest warships to ply the seas of the Dystopian Age, the Kongo is crewed by some of the finest sailors in all of Japan. The design of this behemoth was always aimed at making it as armoured as possible while still retaining speed and manoeuvrability as much as the best Japanese naval engineers could manage. Named after a legendary mountain in the Osaka Prefecture, this vessel truly lives up to the name. With thick armour plates and formidable weapons the Kongo class are the pride of the Japanese fleet.</p><p>The supporting cruisers that are assigned to Battlefleets alongside the Kongo vary greatly. From the imposing Hokkaido Heavy Cruiser down to the nimble Kanagawa Monitor there is a cruiser variant for every mission. Japanese Cruiser groups are typically accompanied by Chita Submersible Automata. These engineering wonders are equal to the mechanical creations of the Covenant of the Enlightened and are used to protect the fleet from threats beneath the waves as well as assisting in assaults. While the Chita are designed to operate independently for lengthy periods, they lack the endurance of the much larger Kaiju class automata. Ishikawa strike cruisers and Yamaguchi Attack Cruisers are essential in maintaining these escorts far from a drydock, their moon pools enabling repairs and refuelling of the Chita to take place.</p><p>The Okinawa and Miyagi Class Cruisers are equipped with limited numbers of reconnaissance aircraft that act as spotters and limited aerial defence. When needs must they can also perform bombing runs on enemy shipping but usually only when supported by other aerial units.</p><p>The Japanese favour Kyoto frigates when running their patrols between the far-flung<br />islands of their homeland. The vessels are ideally suited for this task and for new sailors a year on a Kyoto is their first experience of the proud naval traditions of the Blazing Sun.</p>
Out of Stock
The Teutonic Knight-Luminaries developed an advanced generator ship utilising much of the Elector class design. Featuring the latest in metallurgical and technological advancements, the Konig class is used to lead Teutonic battlefleets in operations around the globe. By decree of the Kaiser, these vessels are accountable only to the Grandmaster herself. Not only does this vessel boast an impressive array of generators it is also equipped with a devastating range of weaponry including a fore mounted Sturmbringer. This combination makes the Konig a very valuable asset to any Imperium battlefleet. Like all capital ships the Konig is always supported by a combination of frontline, support and other smaller vessels.
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  Combat Vehicle - Tank<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: N/A<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Advanced Aerospace - Warship<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050-3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
How Lakassk ended up with the "misfit crew" is a question he constantly asks himself. By the standards of the rest of them, he's actually quite sane. It's probable that, considering their reckless nature, Lakassk was seen as a tactical necessity: His Nova Cannon is certainly not the most subtle of weapons, but it's definitely a useful one. Firing flash-bang grenades, Lakassk is capable of shoring up even the most reckless of charges with a covering fire: and considering the Firm's general eschewing of heavy armour, that's a boon indeed.
Welcome to an alternate 1870s where the heroism and hubris of humanity in this era of steam and steel have unlocked secrets that the world was unprepared for, as super-science and alien technologies bring about an exciting and unpredictable age. The Dystopian Age.
<h2>IN THE 31ST CENTURY, LIFE IS CHEAP...</h2>A Draconis Combine warrior struggles with immoral orders in the First Succession War. A House Davion MechWarrior participates in a risky heist as part of Operation Guerrero. A history buff battles the Word of Blake during the Liberation of Terra. What do these MechWarriors have in common? Each one pilots the same BattleMech, a survivor that has been repaired and rebuilt countless times throughout its long and bloody 300-year lifespan.<h2>BATTLEMECHS ARE NOT.</h2>The 70-ton GHR-5H Grasshopper can outmaneuver and outlast some of the most fearsome enemy 'Mechs, making it an invaluable asset to battlefield commanders. Even an incapacitated Grasshopper will be rebuilt to fight another day, with a new pilot at its controls, because MechWarriors can be replaced, but 'Mechs cannot. In BattleTech: Legacy, thirteen all-new stories chronicle the fortunes and tragedies of a single 'Mech across several tumultuous points in its wide-ranging combat history. Veteran BattleTech authors Kevin Killiany and Craig A. Reed, Jr. bookend this exciting collection, while other familiar names and new blood explore important moments in this 'Mech's history of constant, unmitigated warfare that leaves no corner of the Inner Sphere untouched.<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: The Clans
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 2
<h2>THE FINAL ASSAULT...</h2>The Clans. Warriors bred for battle and piloting fantastic war machines, Clansmen live for victory and pray for death before defeat. Invaders from beyond the Periphery, the Clans have beaten the forces of the Inner Sphere repeatedly. Now the Clans are driving toward their ultimate objective,Terra, cradle of humankind and hub of the ComStar communications network. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. The heir to the throne of the Draconis Combine is missing. Whole regiments of BattleMechs lie smashed like abandoned toys. Rasalhague is overrun. The Clans are sweeping toward the center of the known universe in a relentless tide. Humanity's only hope lies in the Inner Sphere's most powerful traitor. ComStar betrayed the Inner Sphere by aiding the Clans in their conquests. Now the mystic sect that controls all interstellar communication must face the Clan hordes alone. And only a mysterious, elderly warrior, and the untested warriors of ComStar, are the Inner Sphere's last defense against total defeat.n<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO:  Era Digest: Golden Century
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Named after the Alliance victory against the Imperium in 1859, the Magenta class is the pride of Napoleon’s levant fleet. These powerful battlecruisers are capable of hovering a hundred meters or more above the sea bringing their powerful heat lances or other weapons to bear.<p>The Saint-Michel Levant Assault Carrier is often the centrepiece of a Levant focused battlefleet. Flight crews of the fighter craft that launch from Saint-Michel are often known as ‘Anges de la Mort’ as a matter of pride. The agility of the skimming Levant Carrier allows it to surge to great heights then descend upon the enemy as scores of ‘angels’ unleash the wrath of President Louis-Napoleon.</p><p>The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.</p><p>No captain wants to see an enemy craft soaring above them but the Furieux Levant Grand Corvette make ones blood freeze in terror. That could be the last time the crew feels cold as the Furieux releases deadly thermal cluster bombs. Even the bravest crews know to be rightfully scared if they spot a Furieux rising into the air ahead of them.</p><p>As fighter pilots rise in the ranks they may be promoted to become flight crew on a Voliere Levant Support Carrier. The launch catapults put greater strain on pilots and landing on a Levant that could be at almost any height takes incredible skill. Despite this, pilots elevated to this level are often competing with each other to gain more confirmed kills so they can be promoted once again to become the Angels of Death aboard a Saint-Michel Assault Carrier.</p><p>Part of Napoleon’s modernisation of the French navy, the Sirene is a powerful attack vessel able to close undetected until it surfaces with its deadly heat Lancette in range to do maximum damage to the enemy.</p><p>The tactical counterpart to the Sirene class, the Epaulard uses its secretive deployment to surface at a distance and employ its magnetic bombard to deadly effect.</p>
Max Eisenhardt, the man who would become Magneto, faced unimaginable discrimination and evil during the Third Reich?s rise to power in World War II. He survived, thanks in part to the manifestation of his mutant power to control magnetic fields. Following the war, he resolved that such a fate would never befall mutant kind. An uncompromising freedom fighter for his fellow mutants, his extreme beliefs for mutant superiority drove a wedge between Magneto and his close friend, Professor Xavier. Magneto?s vision for mutant kind caused him to form the Brotherhood of Mutants, who fight for mutant supremacy. Mortimer Toynbee, known as Toad, is a genetically flawed mutant. Visibly mutated since birth, he was abandoned by his parents to an orphanage where he was ostracized for his appearance. When Magneto discovered and recruited him, Toad embraced the mission to conquer the human race who had rejected and degraded him. Toad serves Magneto as an unquestioning lackey using his mutant abilities of enhanced jumping and prehensile tongue.
This box contains two Magnosors and one Magnosor Alpha. Magnosors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC "AI Controlled" models using the rules and cards in the Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island boxed set. Additionally they can be used in Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island to replace the standees provided.
Chasmids are reasonably uncommon in The Drowned Earth, but where they are found, usually they are employed as thugs, guards and enforcers. Makko grew up in The Firm, son of a famous Prize Fighter and Bodyguard, and his profession as Firm Enforcer was never in doubt. Capable of whatever kinds of violence are asked of him by his superiors, Makko is dispassionate, even cold. He does not rise to anger, instead, viewing violence and combat with a cold, analytical eye which makes him even more frightening than if he bellowed and shouted in rage. Instead, an air of laser focus comes over him, and he demolishes his opponents with an intense aggression which is terrifying to behold. Some who have looked deep into those eyes have said they see a gentle spirit wishing to escape a life of chaos and destruction, but nobody has ever been brave enough to reach out to him.
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Mara: Everyone knows it: Forek is the leader of the Skyton Militia. However, he can't be everywhere at once, and when he needs someone he can trust, Mara is his first port of call. An expert soldier, trained in the Bridge Military Academy, Mara arrived in Skyton purely at Forek's request, having spent six years serving in the Triumvirate cooperative defence force. Her expertise is questioned by nobody, many observing that in the field at least, Mara is every bit Forek's equal as a commander. However, not all trust her. She isn't helped by her abrasive, no-nonsense attitude. But there are rumours that her loyalty is to the The Bridge and is placed in Skyton as a spy for that increasingly imperialistic state. Those who meet Mara are struck by her relentless determination, dedication to the job at hand, and the flicker of ghosts in her pained eyes.
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
The Marena Vitruvian Colossus is a wonder of engineering that inspires ice-cold fear in the hearts of the enemies of the Commonwealth. A towering sight on land and no less impressive at sea, it is as versatile as it is imposing. Its Mag-Rail Axe can be used to make crushing attacks that rain down upon enemy vessels or be launched at range causing a magnetic field that can stick a vessel on its current course. This can be particularly troublesome when combined with the Cryo-Generator that stands as the head of the machine, creating icebergs ahead of the opposing craft that it now may find itself impossible to avoid.<p>The Boyar Heavy Frigate packs a surprising punch for its size. Woe betide any captain who mistakes these vessels for a standard frigate. Their combined firepower can be surprisingly devastating if one makes a mistake identifying them. The squadron captains have used this to their advantage by meeting their opponents head on, appearing to be less threatening Rurik Frigates to the unaware, only to turn and show their second gun batteries at the last second where they unleash twice the firepower that was expected. This is often the last mistake that their enemies make.</p>
"The decadent and corrupt so-called ‘Enlightened’ of the world will have you believe that Helsinki Markov is a traitor. This could not be further from the truth. He is a great man who risked everything to give us the wonders of this engineering age. The short-sightedness of those calling themselves ‘custodians’ was anathema to him. He knew the common man would be uplifted by the machines that the Covenant of the Enlightened wanted to keep for themselves. Not a world of equality for them but singular authority engineered by their cold, unfeeling minds. Without the heroism of Markov, a steel cage might have been built around the world, fashioned by those greedy intellectuals. Now, everyone can access the marvels that supply power to the homes of the workers; tireless machines can take the strain in the fields and the factories to keep the Commonwealth the beacon of greatness it is known to be across the globe. We humbly give thanks to Helsinki Markov and the Ministry of Technology for their efforts in empowering the people of the Commonwealth".<br /><br />- An intercepted transcript from the Commonwealth Ministry of Propaganda.
The Mars class heavy battleships are the pride of the League of Italian States. The Tetrarchy know the worth of these powerful vessels and not a single one weighs anchor unless they are convinced that it is Italy's needs and not the vainglories of Napoleon that are best served by doing so. Pride of the Castellammare di Stabia shipyards, the Gladius is a superb vessel. Optimised for long sea voyages with comfortable crew berths and excellent fresh-water reclamation systems, the Gladius is a popular assignment in the Regia Marina. Variants on this hull design also fulfil other fleet roles as and when required, the most successful of these being the mighty Spatha. Used where other nations might deploy a heavy cruiser, the Spatha is a naval brawler. Capable of exchanging fire with powerful enemy vessels and holding their own, the Spatha crews prefer to do so while closing to ramming range.
In the distance, what appeared to be an Imperium zeppelin floated towards the Khan Heavy Platform "Khüchirkheg Tsaiz". Tiny imperfections, like dust motes on the horizon, showed it wasn’t alone. The crew had been warned that an attack was incoming but were prepared; they knew that the Imperium fleet was stretched across the multiple platforms that held this part of the Barents Sea. These men had defended their post before and would do so again. To either side, they saw some of the other platforms, and through binoculars, they noted fists pumping the air in defiance. Only then did they recognise the silhouette was not just any zeppelin but a Maximilian Aerial Linebreaker. Cheers of resistance were silenced, and crewmen steeled themselves against the coming terror. They’d been briefed on the Maxamilian’s shield generators and bombards while some of the crew looked about the deck and wondered which of them would not make it through the day.
Marvel Crisis Protocol Tabletop Game
This pack contains three joined movement tools and four range tools to supplement your games of Marvel: Crisis Protocol with an additional set of the movement and range tools found in the Marvel: Crisis Protocol Core Set.
This is an expansion of two more bays for the Mech Hanger (XMH6). The pieces are in the centre of the Mech Hanger pictured, you get two of these. Multiple expansions can be added allowing you to have as many bays as you want. Cast in resin. 6mm scale.
The year is 3025. War rages across the vast interstellar empires of the Inner Sphere as the militaries of the Successor States vie for dominance across more than a thousand light years of inhabited worlds. And the king among these battlefields: towering BattleMechs and the MechWarriors who pilot them. But behind each battle lie a thousand unseen strings: Machiavellian court intrigues, shadowy wars of intelligence and counterintelligence, secret organizations, corporate greed, and more. Will you align yourself with the honor-bound samurai culture of House Kurita, become a crusader for freedom in the service of House Davion, or test your mettle as a House Steiner champion in the arena duels of Solaris VII? Or perhaps you will rain down fire from the skies in a House Marik aerospace fighter, or operate in the shadows as a House Liao intelligence agent. Will you pursue a life of service behind the veil of the secretive ComStar, join an elite mercenary outfit like Wolf's Dragoons, or even choose to lead your own lawless band of pirates? The path you lead through the 31st century, and the legacy you leave behind, is all up to you.
Out of Stock
Orderly store and safely transport up to 37 miniatures of your Commonwealth fleet.
<p>The Testbed ship for Nikolai Tesla's revolutionary Arc technologies, the USS Mexico is often sent into the heart of engagements against the enemies of the Union. The results of these engagements make for precious study material at The Pipeworks.</p><p>The Union fleet has seen a number of technological improvements since the defection of Nikolai Tesla from the Imperium, and a significant overall increase since the end of the Ore War. Support Cruisers and Automata have all been upgraded by the creative team in the Pipeworks. The Washington Missile Cruiser serves to increase the long-range firepower of the battlefleet as well as providing additional cover against enemy aircraft. Armed with Kettering pattern cruise missiles, the crew of Washington class vessels often make use of observation rotors and spotters in fighter squadrons to ensure the deadly payload strikes true.</p><p>The Roanoke Strike Carriers provide air support to any fleets they are attached to. These Cruisers employ powerful electromagnetic catapults to rapidly launch their Corsair strike fighters into the fray; the Roanoke carrier is a valuable vessel in the Union fleet. The class was named after the Union naval base on Roanoke Island, destroyed in 1862 during the Ore War.</p><p>Finally, with a reputation for working miracles, the crews of Montgomery support ships are always a welcome addition to any battlefleet. Scores of repair teams use a combination of flight gear and escort craft to effect repairs and rescue to friendly vessels in need. These ships are also able to provide field repairs to the RC-52 Patriot Automata. These towering simulacra are designed by the brilliant theoretical engineers at The Pipeworks, and are the largest automata in the Union's military. Just like smaller automata, over time their adaptive computations develop quirks that give veteran Automata distinctive personalities.</p>
In a world full of terrifying dangers, independent settlements are particularly vulnerable to attack. Without any sort of formal defence force it often falls on communities to organise protection amongst themselves. The bravest and most proficient citizens form a volunteer force of enthusiastic amateurs, who serve as much time as they can, protecting others against the many dangers which their community face. These are the Militias: patrolling the nearby countryside, maintaining fortifications and defending their way of life against all those who threaten them.
<span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 9</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
A.I.M. scientist George Tarleton had the dubious distinction of being chosen as the subject for a procedure which would transform him into a unique, bio-engineered living computer. Unable to use his limbs, Tarleton was confined to a hoverchair, which gives him both mobility and a deadly assortment of conventional weaponry. Since then, M.O.D.O.K. has used his vast intellect and exceptional psychic powers to terrorize the world as the leader of A.I.M. and one of the world?s most dangerous and unpredictable foes.
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Augmentation to overcome injury or disability was the goal of the Covenant of the Enlightened when they first began to experiment with grafting mechanisms to flesh. The power source known as RJ-1027 enabled the Covenant to take this intention to an extreme with more audacious and extensive modifications being possible. In the hands of a master of this art, it truly allows individuals to be elevated to super-human levels of physical conditioning. For everyone not so fortunate, this has led to the development of people termed as 'constructs'. Gradual RJ-1027 leakage into their bloodstream, along with the trauma of their surgical augmentation has left the vulnerable transformed into something less than human. But everything has a purpose in the Covenant's technocratic future and constructs have a wide variety of menial or military applications throughout the Enlightened's activities.
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Though the Commonwealth places less emphasis on air support than the other Great Powers, they still appreciate its uses in achieving victory. The Mozhayski Fleet Carriers are integral to this combined arms doctrine and the expansive internal spaces for officers make them preferred command ships for Commodores. Typically accompanying these large carriers are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy?s path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.
Associate members of the Covenant of the Enlightened do not enjoy the respect or prestige that Covenant Peers do, but they are often the ones who do most of the leg work. In order to be officially recognised as an associate of a Peer, an individual will have to put in hours of thankless research and errand running for their sponsoring Peer. Of course like all who are drawn to the Enlightened, being in possession of a keen mind and a drive to push the boundaries of human understanding is a prerequisite. But associates often lack the opportunity or financial means to secure an actual Peerage in the Covenant.<p>Girauld Eres was one such associate, a Parisian naturalist who had developed into a minor celebrity as he toured Paris society with his collection of primates. Girauld's real passion lay in animal physiology and his personal menagerie was home to some impressive specimens. Showing a talent for specimen capture, he was approached by Warwick Hudson and earned a sponsorship into the Covenant as an associate following his collaboration on the spectral containment technology with Hudson and Katherine Holst.</p>
Part firebase and part repair yard, a Murmansk allows the Commonwealth to expand its theatres of operation around the globe. Utilising integrated void engine technology acquired by Helsinki Markov, the Murmansk can appear unexpectedly, rising from beneath the waves in a matter of minutes. The engineering teams aboard a Murmansk are so well drilled that they can even make emergency repairs during an engagement. Often an opponent of the Commonwealth thought a key target critically damaged only for the brave teams aboard a nearby Murmansk to keep it in fighting condition.<p>A development on the Murmansk, the Tobolsk Mobile Stronghold is often deployed in the far northern waters where it provides a tactical advantage to the Commonwealth in those isolated freezing seas. Though the void-engines still require many hours to recharge, the element of surprise makes this a uniquely viable technology for these mobile strongholds. Scores of pilots replace the engineers of the Murmansk while launch bays of Cometa fighters are installed instead of repair yards. Despite the discombobulation brought on by the void-engine, all fighters are ready to enter the fray at a moments notice, prepared to launch a lightning offensive catching a target off guard and ill prepared.</p><p>Volodymyr Nikonov was gifted a modified mobile stronghold by the Tsar and in gratitude he named it after his love, the Tsar's eldest daughter, Anastasia. Based near Novo-Arkhangelsk in Alaska, this vessel is the home base for Nikonov and his Black Wolf Mercenaries. A pinnacle of the stronghold design, the Anastasia is armed with multiple Tri-Railguns, decked in generators and fitted with both repair facilities and bays of Cometa fighters. Fortunately, if you think they can help, the Black Wolf Mercenaries are available to any commodore for a price. However, you'd better hope that someone else hasn't thought of hiring them first.</p><p>Each Mobile Stronghold is treated as a support vessel so are never seen unaccompanied. Any manner of frontline ships will be sailing alongside but most often will be the Kutsov, the iconic ship of the White Navy seen on recruitment posters throughout the Commonwealth.</p>
Mystique is a peerless shapeshifter, able to alter her physical appearance and voice to match another person?s as a perfect mimic. Little is known about her early life, though she has claimed to be over 100 years old. During her life, she has assassinated several significant figures involved in mutant affairs, imitated high-ranking generals and politicians, and clashed with the X-Men on numerous occasions. Dr. Hank McCoy is a founding member of the X-Men who possesses enhanced agility and genius-level intellect. McCoy has undergone progressive mutations that have increasingly given him a feral, bestial appearance, including fangs, claws, and superhuman senses. Though his visage is animalistic, Beast retains his intelligence and is a global authority on matters of mutant-kind, a top-tier geneticist, and a fierce advocate for mutant rights.
Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
The Navy of the Celestian Empire is the brainchild of Empress Shinzua, who as Speaker of the fleets quickly moved to control all aspects of nautical warfare in addition to her originally more prosaic areas of responsibility. The Empire is considered a global naval power, especially after their victories at Tsushima and Myeongnyang during the Anglo-Russian Korean Expedition. All of the coastal nations of the Empire design, build and crew their own sea-going vessels, but all ultimately serve the Blazing Sun. Warships are a source of great pride within the Empire, and the expansion of their borders necessitates deploying them more visibly, something that has been welcomed by the Empire's Admiralty. The warships of China are the most numerous in the Empire's navy. Their prow mounted chemical flame cannons, known as Huoqiang, make them formidable in any conflict and Chinese ships form the core of most of the Empire's Battlefleets. The Ning Jing class Battleship is a versatile vessel and, like a lot of Chinese vessels, tends to favour rocket battery salvos to the more traditional heavy gun batteries. The crews are all well trained in the use of these weapons and once a target has been marked by an initial salvo the rest seldom miss their targets. Developed in the same shipyards, Yangtze Command Ships are a rarer sister-class. The Yangtze eschews two of the heavy turrets and instead mounts a trio of high calibre, long-barrelled ordnance known as Erlang Shen which can cripple enemy vessels and shore defences alike. The cruisers of the Chinese also mount the deadly Huoqiang along with a mix of heavy guns and rockets. The crews of the Shanghai frigates are extensively drilled in working in large squadrons and can coordinate attacks with devastating effect. With the glut of manpower at its command, China's shipyards are capable of churning out large numbers of cruisers and frigates giving it dominance in naval affairs countered only by the elite vessels of Japan.
Out of Stock
Nix, the leader of the Artefacters, is a popular figure. She spends generously and has a gregarious charm. In Artefacter circles, however, she has a rather controversial reputation. While nobody can deny that she 'gets the goods' there have been a number of deaths under her leadership. This is of little concern to the Artefacter high command, but amongst her peers, she is seen as reckless and dangerous. Undoubtedly Nix is a risk taker, however, she is just as willing to risk her own life as the lives of others.
Tonnage: Not Available<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerodyne Dropship<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
Add some size to your Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the NYC Commercial Truck Terrain Pack. This pack includes parts to build either a Garbage Truck, perfect for cleaning up after a super powered rumble, or a Chemical Truck, sure to be filled to the brim with some kind of dangerous industrial agents.
Rebuild the Neighborhood...or Destroy it! Expands the Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the Hell?s Kitchen Terrain Pack. This terrain pack features a host of highly detailed miniatures of construction site equipment and machinery? the very kind used to repair the neighborhood that has been home to some of the most devastating battles in the Marvel Universe.
Expand your Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the NYC Terrain Pack.
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Official custom D10 dice used in The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game.
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 4</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
<p>The Chevalier cruisers and Charlemagne heavy cruiser are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.</p><p>Loire light cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.</p><p>Captains of Picardy monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and the ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.</p><p>Multiple squadrons of Ecuyere frigates often accompany Alliance Battlefleets, defending their flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.</p>
<p>At the heart of the Alliance battleline can be found the Oriflamme Battlecrusier. Thoroughly modernised from the hulls of ageing Prince de Joinville class Battleships, the Oriflamme are the pride of the Republique. As much a work of art as a Battlecruiser, even enemy crews can't help but be impressed by the lines and craftsmanship of an Oriflamme cutting through the waves.</p><p>Even the Oriflamme, as elegant as it may be, cannot engage an enemy fleet alone, and so relies on support cruisers to assist. The Chevalier Class Cruisers are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.</p><p>The Charlemagne Heavy Cruiser is bristling with guns, primed and ready to unleash hell on the enemies of the Alliance. Crews are rightly proud of their positions on these ships knowing that often they are being relied upon to deal with an engagement as quickly as possible.</p><p>Loire Light Cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.</p><p>Captains of Picardy Monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.</p><p>Multiple squadrons of these stalwart craft accompany Alliance Battlefleets. Ecuyere can defend the flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.</p>
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - Omnimech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: The War of Reaving<br />
Oviraptors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
<h2>A DESPERATE FIGHT</h2>Under assault and ill-equipped, Alkalurops has come apart since the loss of its communications grid and the inability of the Republic of the Sphere to re-establish it. But in a universe of powerful players, a leader has to grab power fast if she's going to survive...<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Grace O'Malley's people are valiantly making a stand against Hansen's Roughriders, a band of mercenaries destroying everything in their path. Badly outnumbered, her forces need real BattleMechs operated by trained MechWarriors. And they're not going to be easy to afford, especially since the big mine owners refuse to offer any funds for planetary defense. But Grace will not surrender her homeland, no matter what the price.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Even though the ragtag locals are putting up a surprisingly good fight, Loren Hansen remains confident he can defeat them. What he doesn't count on is an opponent determined to write her planet's history in the scorched wreckage of the battlefield...<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Liao
Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
In his day, Alophangus Playdge was a famed explorer and Artefacter. Few in Ulaya are as well travelled, have seen as much, and know as much about the world as Playdge. Some say he could have risen right to the top of the Artefacters, but instead, with age, he retired from his adventuring and settled down at the Obelisk Research Facility, where he works on reviving old computer databases, and learning as much as he can about the world of the Builders. While he clearly loves both research and field-work, rumours are abound that Playdge is a senior member of the Order of the New Enlightenment, but he, naturally, denies it. A dedicated, and inexpensive, support piece. Highly mobile and evasive with his unique 'blink' exo-frame, Playdge helps obfuscate and protect other Artefacters while grabbing objectives.
Tonnage: 15<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 6</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 5</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
<p>Huge submersible strike carriers, the Protecteur class was the brainchild of Canadian Frank Andrew Fleming and his assistants at the Davie Shipyard. The Protecteur uniquely combines the capacity of a large support carrier with the stealth and strike capabilities of an attack submersible.</p><p>The Newfoundland Class Cruisers the mainstay of the Canadian offering to The Crown's naval forces. These impressive warships are therefore the stalwart frontline in the Crown's defence against Union expansionist ambitions, as well as any other factions who dare to encroach upon the Crown's dominion.</p><p>Built on the Newfoundland hull design and outfitted to support fleet operations, the Toronto class Control Cruisers have a vital role in coordinating Canada's defences. The installation of a McGill radar array above the bridge provides an impressive fire control suite. While similar in design and Providing a powerful combination of heavy firepower and an ablative armoured prow, the Bonaventure class serves in the Dominion of Canada's fiercest fighting in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.</p><p>Arthur McCurdy's augmented shield generator technology was arguably the most groundbreaking use of the tried and tested Guardian Generator. This huge device is mounted on the Halifax Shield Cruiser, and projects even greater protection to critical elements of Canadian battlefleets.</p><p>Designed for supporting and reinforcing Canada's fleet actions, the Yukon class are especially good at establishing blockades and disrupting threats to shipping lanes.</p><p>Often the threats to Canada can be deterred or even destroyed long before they engage more visible elements of the Crown battlefleets. Orca Hunter Submarines are silent pack hunters.</p>
Out of Stock
Frank Castle was an honest ex-Marine just trying to live a normal life with the family he loved. When his family was tragically gunned down, Frank went on a mission of vengeance, first against those directly responsible, then swearing an oath to punish those who hurt the innocent. An expert in close quarters combat, a trained marksman, and an explosives expert, Frank now stalks the mean streets delivering his own brand of personal justice as the Punisher. When Anthony Masters injected himself with an experimental serum designed to unlock the brain?s procedural memory potential, he gained the ability to instantly replicate the physical movements of anyone he saw. Using these photographic reflexes, Masters took on the name Taskmaster and became a mercenary?selling his skills to the highest bidder. Thanks to his mnemonic memory, Taskmaster is able to memorize, utilize, and predict the attacks of any opponent, turning their own physical abilities against them.
The Quickie Mart measures almost 1 1/2" wide by 1 1/4" deep and 5/8" tall. This piece was designed to work on a 6mm scale. Cast in resin.
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Many Scandinavian vessels are fabricated by the Norwegian master shipbuilders at Akers Mekaniske Verksted, made possible thanks to significant Prussian investment. This modern shipyard produces especially large numbers Hoth Heavy Corvettes for use throughout the Imperium.<p>The Scandinavian attitude to naval warfare is epitomised by the Ragnarok. With a prow mounted Heavy Sturmbringer, and in inbuilt Fury Generator the Ragnarok’s crew closes the distance fast to sow destruction amongst their adversaries, unleashing arcs of lightning that rip apart the target’s superstructure, rendering the stunned crew easy prey for boarding teams.</p><p>Accompanying the Ragnarok as they prowl the bitter northern seas, Odin class Reavers are often painted in dark colours by their crews, preferring to strike at dusk or at night. These are the frontline warships in the Scandinavian fleet and every sjöman will have served on one at some point in their career.</p><p>Long sharp lines distinguish the silhouette of the Jotunn Heavy Raider. This lethal warship is a prized command by Scandinavian captains, with advanced targeting systems to enable it to maximise its firepower against its target.</p><p>Gungnir Class Raiders are built around an exceptional propulsion system, the engineering behind the Gungnir is a closely guarded secret amongst the Scandinavians. Captains have standing orders to scuttle their ship rather than let it fall into enemy hands. The explosive charges throughout the engine room ensure that the advantage will remain with the northern nations.</p>
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Civilisation just doesn't suit everyone. Ravanna grew up in Tartouf, running with the gangs there, before leaving for a solitary life in the wilderness. Most city dwellers consider that tantamount to suicide, and for most city dwellers, that'd be correct. However, Ravanna had an almost animalistic talent for silent, stealthy movement. In the jungle she truly came alive, connected to every sound and subtlety, feeling connected to the jungle at a primal level, as comfortable as if she were born into it. She killed a group of slaves, who were running from the Plantation Council, with Limossk and his crew hot on their heels. They arrived to find Ravanna standing amidst a literal pile of corpses, and by way of thanks, Lakassk made her an offer she couldn't refuse: an offer of employment.
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062-3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
The Recovery Truck comes in four pieces and will require assembly. The 6 mm version?s dimensions are approximately 1 1/4? long, 3/8? wide and 3/8? tall when fully assembled. Cast in resin.
The Recovery truck comes in four pieces and will require assembly. The 8 mm version?s dimensions are approximately 1 3/4? long, 1/2? wide and 1/2? tall when fully assembled. Cast in resin.
<h2 data-mce-fragment="1" trebuchet="" ms="" verdana="" arial="" helvetica="" vertical-align:="" baseline="" margin:="" 0px="">ON THE HUNT AGAIN?</h2><p data-mce-fragment="1" trebuchet="" ms="" verdana="" arial="" helvetica="" vertical-align:="" baseline="" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;">It is the Dark Age, 3139, and the famed mercenary regiments of Wolf's Dragoons have returned to the employ of House Kurita after a century of bitter enmity. Somehow, mercenaries and Kuritan's must find a way to work together in a combined invasion of the Dragon's oldest enemy, House Davion. Thrust into the middle of this new conflict, Colonel Henry Kincaid is surprised by the commonalities of duty, honor, and expediency, the Wolves and Combine forces share. But as the Wolves' lightning tactics and unstoppable drive brings world after Davion world under the Dragon's banner, old hatreds arise anew, and with them come insidious plots engineered to cause the mercenaries' downfall. Throughout the campaign, Colonel Kincaid struggles to rectify what he thought he had always known about the Kuritan's with the truth he discovers while actually working with them. But when his forces are trapped on a Davion world with no way to escape and the regiments of House Davion closing in, can he pull another bit of genius from his hat, or will the battalions of Wolf's Dragoons be destroyed?</p>
<p>Sinister vessels crewed entirely from the cult of the Order, the Retaj Portalship is beyond the limit of the scientific and engineering expertise of the Sultanate. Indeed it is beyond even the esoteric designs of the Enlightened. Able to create stable rifts in the aether and allow entire ships to pass through, these fantastic energies can be harnessed and repurposed most lethally.</p><p>Carolus Destroyers are formidable indeed. Crewed entirely by the devout members of the martial religious group known as the Order, they answer only to Sircan Osman on behalf of the Sultan.</p>
Out of Stock
Mounting the largest naval cannon in the world, the Rikhter class relies on kinetic dampers to absorb the massive recoil from the weapon. A void engine is used to translocate the colossal atomic munitions from a fortified stronghold deep in Siberia. The shockwave alone will utterly pulverise any crewmember foolish enough to be on deck when fired. Pride of the White navy, the Moskva class Heavy Battleships are a potent combination of heavy firepower and crews that exalt the finest traditions of the Commonwealth. With enviable state rooms and extensive supply facilities, the Prezidium is a vital command ship. With these well-armed vessels as flagships, the Admiralty of the White Navy can conduct operations anywhere in the globe with the surety that they are well resourced. Utilising the repulsion field generator obtained by Helsinki Markov in 1856, the Irkutsk Skydrill is often heard approaching, long before it is seen. The buzz of the overcharged field generators and the roar of the Semyenov assault bore spinning up to full speed making a terrifying cacophony. The Selivanenko pattern Aural Dissonance Array (known more commonly as a Shockwave Generator), is a standard weapon on the Giyena. This armoured hovercraft moves rapidly across uneven landscapes, marshland and the open sea to bring this potent device to bear.
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 7</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Tonnage: Not Available Technology: Clan Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor Era: Jihad (3068 - 3085) TRO: Technical Readout 3075
The Ruined Sky Scraper measures approximately 4 1/4" by 4" at the base and 3 3/4" tall. It comes unpainted, in 5 pieces and will require assembly. It was modeled in 6 mm scale for Battletech and other war games. Cast in resin.
Tonnage: Not Available Technology: Clan Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061) TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Commonwealth propaganda states that the Barents Sea is perfectly safe, thanks to its proximity to the sheltered docks of the White Sea from which defensive patrols regularly launch. In truth, however, it is far from tranquil. Raiders from the Scandinavian portion of the Imperium, not to mention the Scions of Jutland, frequently ambush the numerous fishing vessels and exploratory platforms. Loki Shadow Raiders make excellent use of their Ivaldi Shroud Generators to make surprise attacks and then fade away once they have crippled their target. Heimdall Recon Raiders use advanced detection systems to locate enemy patrols with the goal of avoiding contact until their battlefleet has the upper hand while Fenrir Hunter Submarines and Valkyrie Hunt Rotors allow multi-level attacks to be made. Fishermen and other civilian vessels are now being issued military escorts to prevent the damage that the Scandinavian battlefleets have been causing. Time will tell if that will be enough.
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 90</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050
<h2>TARGET: TERRA</h2>The world of Northwind has been ravaged in the fierce battle between the Highlanders and the Steel Wolves, and now the Clan warriors have set their sights on Terra. The fate of the birthplace of humankind now rests in the hands of three very different MechWarriors:<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Ezekiel Crow: Betrayer of the Highlanders?and on the run from both political and military enemies.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Anastasia Kerensky: Ruthless leader of the Steel Wolves?and if she has her way, the next Conqueror of Terra.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Tara Campbell: embattled Countess of the Northwind Highlanders, and Terra's only hope in its most desperate hour.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />A desperate three-way race ensues to see who will be the first to reach Terra, and who will ultimately claim it?<h2></h2>
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prroject Phoenix
Earning his freedom from the Slave pits of Thuule, Shanatt was, in his time, a famed gladiator. His speciality was the chain and hook, and to this day it is the weapon he favours, eschewing ranged weapons. Nobody knows from where Shanatt originated exactly, but his accent suggests his homeland was somewhere in the Khermian League - one of the great empires vying for supremacy in the Thousand Isles. Before his fame as a pit fighter he was probably an ordinary slave, traded to the Thuule masters when he showed physical promise or prowess. Considering his bulk, he is surprisingly quiet and light on his feet, and his fighting style is one of avoidance and cobra strikes. On leaving the slave pits, he was not afforded the privilege of keeping his favoured weapons. Instead, he fashioned a new chain and hook from a stolen anchor chain, and the claws of a great Yuttaraptor like beast he claims to have bested with his bare hands, in the Eastern Highlands.
Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk. After an attempt on her life left her in critical condition, a blood transfusion from Banner infus?d her with gamma irradiation and transformed her into the savage and sensational She-Hulk. While she gained much of the superhuman strength of the Hulk, Walters retains her sharp wit and honed sense of justice when she transforms, becoming a less inhibited version of herself. She rarely sees the need to return to her original self, preferring instead to fight crime with her immense strength and durability.
<h2>STRENGTH VS. HONOR</h2>For more than a decade, the Republic of the Sphere's army hid in silence behind the mysterious, impregnable Wall of Fortress Republic. But now the Wall has come down, and Paladin Max Ergen, commander of Operation Eruptio, has his sights set on an invaluable prize. His target: Dieron, a Draconis Combine military district capital, a former Republic world harboring secrets from past wars. His troops have spent years training in isolation behind the Wall, and they are hungry for battle, ready to remind the Inner Sphere that the wounded Republic is still a force to be reckoned with. But Dieron is also the fortress of Warlord Kambei Okamoto, one of the Combine's top military officials, and he and his Dieron Regulars are committed to holding the line and defending their home against Republic aggression, no matter the cost. And when these two forces clash, the battle for Dieron will be a titanic one indeed?
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Shuri , sister to TChalla, the Black Panther has proven herself a hero through her innate genius and fierce dedication to her people. With her spirited personality and intellectual prowess, Shuri has become the top innovator and inventor within the technologically advanced nation of Wakanda, and she puts her innovations to good use to defend her home and its people by whatever means necessary. One of Wakanda?s greatest warriors, Okoye proudly protects her country?s king and his family alongside the Dora Milaje, Wakanda?s elite royal guard. As wise as she is deadly, Okoye stands as one of T?Challa?s most trusted allies and companions.
These fluorescent yellow silhouette markers are used both to establish Line of Sight, but also as movement widgets, to indicate a destination point before reactions are declared. They also look pretty darn cool! In order to establish Line of Sight, replace the target model with the template, and point the arrow towards the shooter. If the shooter can see the template, they have a shot!
When the Red Skull sought an heir for his criminal empire, he fathered Sinthea Schmidt. The girl was raised with constant indoctrination of her father's twisted views. Forced to undergo physical transformation in one of the Red Skull's machines, she was gifted with superhuman powers. With her partner Crossbones and an incarnation of the Serpent Squad by her side, Sin has rampaged across the world, coming into conflict with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Winter Soldier. As a child, Ophelia Sarkissian was taken by Hydra and raised by Daniel Whitehall, the mysterious agent known as Kraken. For over two decades, she trained to become one of the organization's most proficient soldiers. Later in life, she abandoned Hydra to become the leader of the Serpent Squad mercenaries, where she used her peak physical conditioning, cunning, and ruthlessness to secure her place as a deadly viper in the global underworld.
These beautiful feathered beasts replace the standees in Ulaya Chronicles, and can also be used with any faction in The Drowned Earth!
<h2>PEACE MAY SELL, BUT WHAT IF NO ONE'S BUYING?</h2>On 21 May 3052, the seemingly unstoppable military juggernaut of the invading Clans was defeated in a pitched campaign on the quiet world of Tukayyid. This astonishing victory bought the weary armies of the Inner Sphere a fifteen-year stay before the invasion can resume. But despite the truce, the fire driving the Clans' centuries-long quest to conquer Terra, the birthplace of humankind, and rebuild Inner Sphere civilization in their warmongering image has not been extinguished. Conflict still rages above the truce line, and the Clans are biding their time until the tide of war can surge up and flood the Inner Sphere once more. Slack Tide collects nine stories that chronicle the life-and-death struggles still being waged in the wake of Tukayyid's so-called peace. Fan-favorite authors such as Jason Hansa, Philip A. Lee, and Craig A. Reed, Jr. spin tales of undercover operatives seeking to gain the secrets of Clan BattleMech technology, Inner Sphere MechWarriors attempting dangerous escapes from Clan-controlled planets, and mercenaries fighting to protect the only things that truly matter to them, themselves and their loved ones. The Clans' invasion may have been temporarily halted, but the true battles for the future of the Inner Sphere have only just begun.<h2></h2>
Tonnage: Not Available Technology: Inner Sphere Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061) TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades Base not included.
Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
The Solar Panel Array was designed to work in multiple scales. It easily transfers between 6 mm and 25 mm and everything in between. This piece measures approximately 3" wide by 2" tall and 1 1/2" deep. It comes in 8 separate pieces and requires assembly. Cast in resin.
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 15<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: ProtoMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: The War of Reaving
Peter Quill was originally born on Earth, but dreamed of exploring the vast reaches of space. After a chance meeting with a celestial being on one of his first trips off world, Quill chose to venture out on his own to find adventure among the stars as the intergalactic hero Star-Lord. An expert marksman and a clever tactician, Star-Lord leads the motley group of heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy against any and all threats across the cosmos.
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Aerospace - OmniFighter<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
<p>The twin decks of the Suleiman Fleet Carrier are replete with squadrons of Sabiha strike aircraft. An impressive vessel, the Sultanate values supremacy of the skies that the Suleiman class brings. While her twin hulls make her slower to turn than other vessels of her size, her ability as the flagship in a carrier assault group shows the huge advances the Ottomans are making thanks to heavy investment by the Sublime Porte.</p><p>When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers have become the mainstay in a highly mobile armada, making excellent use of the engineering to bring glory to the Sultanate.</p><p>The enemies of the Ottoman people are right to fear the Sadrazam Heavy Cruiser, should they see one come over the horizon. With firepower comparable to the heavy cruisers of other nations, but the ability to outmanoeuvre almost anything in its class, a seasoned captain will capitalise on this and devastate the enemy.</p><p>Pasha Light Cruisers are routinely found at the head of Sultanate battlefleets. A strange tradition has developed among crews, specifically those onboard Pasha’s that have been retrofitted with Particle Beamers. It is seen as a great honour to be the first to scorch an enemy ship, doubly so if it’s a flagship. These races to engagement are seen as reckless by older and more traditional commodores but even they have to admit the bravery of Pasha captains and their crews.</p><p>The relatively shallow draft of the Izmir Monitor makes it the perfect defence for estuaries. When not so close to land, it is often paired with a carrier to use any squadrons as spotters. Many enemy submarines have fallen foul of an Izmir working alongside a Suleiman or a Constantinople.</p><p>The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots. These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know that they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and don’t let outsiders forget it.</p><p>The Mihrimah Flechette Cruiser is armed with a weapon unique to the Sultanate. It can unleash a torrent of Orichalcite Flechettes from its bombards at a target. These light and razor-thin fragments are so sharp they can puncture steel hulls at close quarters, though air resistance prevents them from being effective at longer ranges. While they can certainly cause damage to cruisers, they are deadly against squadrons of smaller ships. A cloud of flechettes can easily envelop multiple vessels and shred through steel and flesh alike.</p><p>While the Ferik escort skiffs of the Sultanate are ubiquitous in their battlefleets, they need frequent maintenance to keep their repulsion engines in working order, that’s where the Konya comes in. A bay at the fore of the ship allows a skiff to be loaded in and repairs to be made. Though a commodore knows that a Konya lacks firepower, they never regret having one close by.</p><p>An Aydin Supply Cruiser is a welcome sight to other crews. Knowing they won’t run out of vital necessities at a moment's notice is a huge boost for morale and for this reason alone they are constantly on the move, heading from fleet to fleet, only heading ashore to resupply themselves.</p><p>Morea Minelayers have become more common as tensions escalate. Sultanate commanders understand that they must keep their holdings around the world at any cost while Order advisors push the fact that anything to advance the greater good is necessary. While the merchant navy of the Sultanate might dislike the sea being mined, they are slowly being fed stories that prove how vital they can be.</p>
<p>The Izmir Monitor can often be seen supporting a Mehmed class, making sure that the great rivers and coastlines under the Sultans' protection are well defended. Assignment to an Izmir is often seen as a sideways promotion as the constant presence of a Grand Monitor can make a captain and his officers feel they have little chance to show initiative and that any orders they give their crew may be changed at a moment's notice.</p><p>When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers have become the mainstay in the highly mobile Sultanate armada, particularly when partnered with Pasha class vessels. These Light Cruisers are often the first to attend a conflict, they are outfitted with extensive observation systems allowing any reconnaissance to be as detailed as possible. This helps the Iskanders and flagships be in the best position to bring their formidable weapons to bear.</p><p>Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers are the envy of the world's navies. Advanced Sultanate engineering, the match of even the Covenant of the Enlightened, combines speed and maneuverability with enhanced firepower to deadly effect. Regularly fitted with particle beamers, the sight of a squadron of Sadrazams on the horizon is often enough to shake the resolve of the bravest enemy Commodore.</p><p>Often seen as part of large battlefleets, the Temir Frigates are employed as flanking squadrons supporting Pasha or Izmir class warships. These frigates are sometimes tasked with engaging a secondary objective while the larger ships proceed with the main thrust of an attack.</p>
Out of Stock
The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots. These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know that they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and don’t let outsiders forget it.<br /><br />The Mihrimah Flechette Cruiser is armed with a weapon unique to the Sultanate. It can unleash a torrent of Orichalcite Flechettes from its bombards at a target. These light and razor-thin fragments are so sharp they can puncture steel hulls at close quarters, though air resistance prevents them from being effective at longer ranges. While they can certainly cause damage to cruisers, they are deadly against squadrons of smaller ships. A cloud of flechettes can easily envelop multiple vessels and shred through steel and flesh alike.<br /><br />While the Ferik escort skiffs of the Sultanate are ubiquitous in their battlefleets, they need frequent maintenance to keep their repulsion engines in working order; that's where the Konya comes in. A bay at the fore of the ship allows a skiff to be loaded in and repairs to be made. Though a commodore knows that a Konya lacks firepower, they never regret having one close by.<br />An Aydin Supply Cruiser is a welcome sight to other crews. Knowing they won’t run out of vital necessities at a moment's notice is a huge boost for morale and for this reason alone they are constantly on the move, heading from fleet to fleet, only heading ashore to resupply themselves.<br /><br />Morea Minelayers have become more common as tensions escalate. Sultanate commanders understand that they must keep their holdings around the world at any cost while Order advisors push the fact that anything to advance the greater good is necessary. While the merchant navy of the Sultanate might dislike the sea being mined, they are slowly being fed stories that prove how vital they can be.
Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
The Supply Truck comes in seven pieces and will require assembly. The 8 mm version of this model is approximately 1 3/4? long, 1/2? wide and 1/2? tall when fully assembled. Cast in resin.
Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Hover<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Tonnage: 14<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: ProtoMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
<h2>TAKING THE BATTLE TO THE ENEMY...</h2>An awesome mission has been assigned to Task Force Serpent: to destroy Huntress, homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the Inner Sphere's greatest menace. But the invasion has suffered a serious blow: Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion has been struck down by an unknown assassin.<h2></h2>
The dimensions of the 6 mm Tanker Truck are approximately 1 7/8? long by 3/8? wide and 3/8? tall. It comes in four pieces and will need to be assembled. Cast in resin.
The dimensions of the 8 mm Tanker Truck are approximately 1 3/4? long by 5/8? wide and 5/8? tall. It comes in four pieces and will need to be assembled. Cast in resin.
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is. In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour. Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Set on the continent of Ulaya, The Drowned Earth is a tropical world, thick with jungle, swamp and tropical archipelago. Once, The Drowned Earth was the home of a great, futuristic civilisation. Their cities spanned the globe, and they were beginning to conquer the solar system. A terrible cataclysm ended that civilisation. For hundreds of years nature reclaimed the earth, prehistoric monsters ruled the wilds, while the survivors of the cataclysm known as "The Event" struggled to survive.Now, a new Enlightenment has dawned. The fragile glimmer of civilisation has begun to shine, and the fight is on for who will control the knowledge being discovered in the ruins of the ancient world...
The battlefields of the 31st century are commanded by the BattleMech, twelve-meter-tall, 100-ton bipedal engines of destruction. Fought by MechWarriors, commanded by neo-feudal officers, owned by national governments and band of mercenaries, loyal to one of the interstellar Successor States or the martial Clans, these 'Mechs make every other ground combat vehicle obsolete. This is the warfare of fusion-powered giants. This is BattleTech. Allegra Greene is no stranger to the military; her father is a general, after all. But when she enters the Nellus Military Academy, she find far more than she expected. She finds a group of friends that will keep her going, training that is challenging, and instructors that push her to the edge and beyond. Unfortunately, that's not all she finds, and soon the endemic politics and warfare of the Inner Sphere reach the Nellus Academy. Soon, Allegra and her friends are in a life-or-death struggle to survive!
<h2>THE SWORD OR THE PLOWSHARE...</h2>The destruction of the interplanetary communications net has isolated planets across the Republic of the Sphere. On Mirach, a widening schism in the military between those who would remain loyal to The Republic and those who would break away threatens the peace and prosperity that have lasted for generations. Once a formidable MechWarrior, governor Sergio Ortega now believes that diplomacy will win the day. His sons, Dale and Austin, are also stalwarts of The Republic and aspiring MechWarriors. Facing growing civil unrest, they urge a military show of force before events spiral out of control. But Mirach has no BattleMechs, and their pacifistic father is slashing military spending. But when power-hungry forces within the government begin plotting to overthrow it by any means necessary, including assassination, Austin must rebel against everything he's known to fight for the safety and freedom of Mirach, even if that means facing off against his own father...<h3></h3>
Desperate times call for desperate measures and Abraham Lincoln believes that the times of the Dystopian Age are desperate indeed. Faking his own assassination in order to work unhindered by the demands of office, Director Lincoln now fights against the Union’s enemies alongside those men and women trusted enough to join his Secret Service. Lincoln and his agents wage a war in the shadows, defending their beloved country from threats that the general public must have no knowledge about. Whatever it takes so that the good folk of the Union of Federated States can sleep soundly in their beds.  With the assistance of his right-hand man Robert Pinkerton, his top agents Lucinda Loveless and Camilla Blanche, Henry Courtwright, Leah Kingston and Milo Jefferson, Lincoln has the tools he needs to tackle any situation.
To the common man, the Covenant of the Enlightened are little more than an exclusive club of intellectuals and aristocrats who sit in grand drawing rooms talking much and doing little. While the Covenant are at great pains to show that the reality is far removed from this, it must be acknowledged that there are some groups within the Enlightened who more closely resemble this stereotype than they would like to admit. One such group of these is the Hook and Ladder Club in New York City, so named due to their premises being located in a building that was originally destined for the nascent Fire Department. The club members specialise in the emergent field of parapsychology, a subject that the common man might call supernatural.
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
<p>The Tianlong Draconic Colossus uses a combination of rotor engines and repulsion fields to remain aloft. Originally created to patrol the airspace near the Zhanmadao Sky Fortresses and Ziwei Sky Bastions, the Tianlong swoop down, their skilled crews getting the most out of these marvels of Engineering. The Tianlong can be outfitted with different weapons located in the mouth and tail. The choice of the Heavy Huoqiang or the Heat Lancette is a difficult one for most Captains to make. The Heavy gun battery can also be removed in favour of additional crew space to house a squadron of Bushi Ryu. These highly trained Samurai use rocket-propelled armour to descend to assault enemy vessels in hand to hand combat.</p><p>Despite the fact that King Sun Li of Korea holds responsibility for all air technology the Emperors Ming and Shinuza have utilised a loophole to jointly commission the construction of a Draconic Colossus to provide air support for their own units. This has caused some amount of frustration for The Cloud Dragon and he has tried to have the Colossi decommissioned or brought under his oversight on several occasions. The Forum, however, has resisted such moves to dismantle such magnificent symbols of the Empire.</p><p>There are occasions when squadrons of Tianlong are sent on strike missions, if so they are often supported on the sea by Gong destroyers. These fast, but well-armed vessels are ideal for long-range, fast attacks, complimenting the Draconic Colossi well.</p>
Out of Stock
Mobility and defensive tricks are the order of the day with Tidala. A combination of a short range Stun weapon, re-stealth and Camouflaged mean that this fragile little gal is devilish hard-to-hit!
Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 8</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Deadly little pack predators, the Troodons are one of the smaller, but most feared Raptor species in Ulaya. Their uncanny ability to hug cover and avoid incoming fire, and their vicious bite all add up to an excellent attack-dino, favoured by aggressive Crews like the Bondsmen, but also commonly used as guard-raptors on Artefacter dig sites.
<h3>LYING IN WAIT</h3>The Highlanders defeated Anastasia Kerensky the last time she attacked Northwind, although she retreated with most of her troops intact. Now dispersed among several planets, the Highlanders will need a bigger edge if they are to end Kerensky's threat completely. A rumor places Anastasia Kerensky on Northwind. If that's true, the Steel Wolves must also be close by. Determined to locate them, Paladin Ezekiel Crow and Countess Tara Campbell order a reconnaissance, unaware that their enemy may be closer than they think.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />With her forces on standby, Anastasia believes there is little the embattled Republic can do to stop her from finally conquering Northwind. What she doesn't realize is that she has allies she never imagined, and enemies she never suspected.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />It's a moment of truth for Crow, Campbell, and Kerensky, when lies emerge from the shadows, and the fate of a world hangs in the balance.<h3></h3>
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Wheeled<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
A solo/cooperative skirmish scale miniatures game set in a land of dinosaur infested jungles and ancient technology.
This box contains four unnamed characters with alternate weapon options. These models can be used in The Drowned Earth as troops for ANY faction- in the rules PDF download you will find 10 troop profile cards, two profiles for each faction, for use with these models. Alternately you can use them to replace the hero standees in your games of Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island. This box also contains some alternate weapon choices, and in the future an accessories pack will be released for even more choices on how to build your figures.
<p>The military optimism of the Union is exemplified by their enthusiastic bellows whenever a Union dirigible passes overhead. I’ve had multiple reports from assets placed in vital positions describing their, please excuse the term, “hooting and hollering”. Of course, it shows a lack of engineering skill that they aren’t simply appalled by the reliance on newfangled airship designs over our vastly superior, tried-and-tested rotorcraft. Admittedly they seem to be doing well spreading their influence thanks to the smaller fuel requirements of those designs, but I have no doubt that a minor rerouting of supply lines will remedy the problem. We simply have to make recommendations to any of our forces that they should make an effort to destroy any Bogota Carryalls which accompany the airships so as to cause problems with their logistics. I understand that won’t be easy while taking fire from the airships themselves, but my suggestions certainly make theoretical sense.<br /><br />- Commodore Gerald St.John-Smythe, debriefing to the Crown Military Intelligence Service</p>
Almost always found in support of large carriers and battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever-vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for signs of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long-range observers for the gun crews on board the ships. Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.
<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
<p>The Union fleet has seen a number of technological improvements since the defection of Nikolai Tesla from the Imperium, and a significant overall increase since the end of the Ore War. Support Cruisers and Automata have all been upgraded by the creative team in the Pipeworks. The Washington Missile Cruiser serves to increase the long-range firepower of the battlefleet as well as providing additional cover against enemy aircraft. Armed with Kettering pattern cruise missiles, the crew of Washington class vessels often make use of observation rotors and spotters in fighter squadrons to ensure the deadly payload strikes true.</p><p>The Roanoke Strike Carriers provide air support to any fleets they are attached to. These Cruisers employ powerful electromagnetic catapults to rapidly launch their Corsair strike fighters into the fray, the Roanoke carrier is a valuable vessel in the Union fleet. The class was named after the Union naval base on Roanoke Island, destroyed in 1862 during the Ore War.</p><p>A rarer sight are the new Discovery Class Arc Cruisers. Given sufficient development from The Pipeworks to be given general deployment in the Union Fleet, the Discovery class are replete with Edwina Houston and Nikolai Tesla's Arc technologies. These deadly state of the art weapons can flash burn through the hulls of the mightiest enemy battleships in a burst of incandescence.</p><p>Finally, with a reputation for working miracles, the crews of Montgomery support ships are always a welcome addition to any battlefleet. Scores of repair teams use a combination of flight gear and escort craft to effect repairs and rescue to friendly vessels in need. These ships are also able to provide field repairs to the RC-52 Patriot Automata. These towering simulacra are designed by the brilliant theoretical engineers at The Pipeworks, and are the largest automata in the Union's military. Just like smaller automata, over time their adaptive computations develop quirks that give veteran Automata distinctive personalities.</p>
Only moments ago the Alliance patrol was chugging peacefully along. Now there was only chaos and violence. The patrol was making routine rounds 205 Nautical miles from the Bay of Oiapoque that marked the border with SUSA and the Union of Federated States. Merely two days ag this stretch of sea was devoid of any points of interest. Now there was a Farpoint Sentry Platform. The Union had managed to put this into pace with remarkable speed. While technically far enough out to see to not be a breach of any treaties, the Alliance Commodore, Saulo Rezende saw this as an insult. Without any visible backup, he decided to make a name for himself by taking the platform. Had his crew spotted the shapes getting bigger on the horizon, COMO Rezende may have decided against it. Cheyanne Hunter Submarines rose to the surface and unleashed torpedoes against the now outnumbered patrol. Akron Sentry Rotors flew from the skies, hidden in the glare of the midday sun. More terrifying than all of them, a pair of John Henry Vitruvian Colossi had raced in from distance and crushed frigates and cruisers alike with great hammers that annihilated whole sections of a vessel at a time sending men to their watery grave before they could realise what was happening. The last thing that Commodore Saulo Rezende thought of was the skill of the trap that ended him. That, and the crews he had led to their doom.
Nikolai Tesla is not a man to stand still. He is forever moving forward, tinkering with his designs and dreaming up new and ever more challenging projects. The UR-31E is one such progression from the UR-31 Automata, a design that became ubiquitous to replace lost manpower after the Ore War. These so-called 'Teslabots' are hard-wired with either ranged offensive instructions or more defensive, close order ones depending on their equipment loadout. The offensive units are armed with electrocarbines and can disable or even kill enemies with their highly charged weapons. The guard variants are instead equipped with arc-shields and electro batons.
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Republic of Sphere
Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 30</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - OmniMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
<p>For the last three decades, the Victory class Heavy Carriers has been a dominating force around the globe. They demonstrate the huge significance that naval strength plays in all Crown military campaigns. As an island nation, the British consider the seas and oceans of the world as essential to hold their Dominions together. The Victory and her aircraft ensure that remains so. With an internal hanger that is rivalled only by the experimental Ice Maiden of the Imperium, A Victory can launch dozens of Defiant fighters into the skies to defend the fleet from incoming bombers or to hammer the decks of her enemies with their rapid firing Vickers Automatic Guns.</p><p>Its aircraft are not the Victory's only defence of course. It is armed with three Mark VII Congreve rocket turrets, giving them significant long-range engagement capabilities. While the Victory is no spring chicken, its solid design and advanced Crown engineering make it capable of keeping up with newer classes of ship.</p><p>Alongside the Victory Heavy Carriers are found, not only the common Frontline Squadrons but also Support Squadrons. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.</p><p>The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.</p><p>The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier.</p>
Out of Stock
Tonnage: N/A<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Advanced Aerospace - Warship<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Mysterious guns for hire, the Wayfarers are a secretive guild of mercenaries with no single purpose, but many allied secrets and aims. It is said they are controlled by a shadowy figure, the identity of which even the most important Wayfarers have never seen. This mystery leader is the heart and soul of the Wayfarers, organising which jobs they take, and which they reject. No wayfarer is ever obliged to take a job which has been offered, and it is known that many Wayfarers will turn their nose up at particularly unsavoury or immoral work. That said, their reliability and effectiveness is famed throughout Ulaya, and their services are in high demand. Wayfarer models can be taken as a faction in their own right, or separately as Faction Neutral Mercenaries for other factions.
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
The frontier of the Union of Federated States is a wild and often lawless place. Ideal for outlaws, renegades and zealots to prey on the locals. Now a force led by the morally bankrupt Enlightened scientist Gustave Eiffel has arrived in the town of Retribution. The mayor sends out a call for aid and is overjoyed to find that the hero of the Union, Nikolai Tesla is in the area. But as the Union forces pull into Retribution it becomes clear that this is no coincidence and all has unfolded to Eiffel's plans for vengeance. The stage is set for an epic showdown in Retribution between these two rivals.<br /><br />Get into the new edition of Wild West Exodus with Showdown at Retribution - a two-player starter set designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the savage Wild West in the Dystopian Age. Containing dozens of fantastically detailed Warcradle miniatures, the full third edition rulebook, quick start guide to help you get going straight away and much more - this hefty boxed set is an easy way to explore the game and start your hobby adventure.
<p>Since Armstrong Custer's famous charge leading the Michigan Wolverine's at Gettysburg, the Iron Horse has become a ubiquitous machine across the frontier. Their combination of speed, firepower and durability led to a massive Union contract with the Covenant of the Enlightened during the Ore War, replacing flesh and blood horses in all cavalry regiments. Now more than a decade later, Iron Horses have become easy to obtain, with Union surplus and frontline shipments making their way onto the black market in vast numbers and the machinery itself proving to be simple to maintain with spare-parts in abundance. While older marks and models of Iron Horse prove to be a little on the temperamental side, the Iron Horse's popularity and variety of designs can be found in use across the Union and beyond.</p><p>The Blazer was first used by the Confederate Army during the Battle at Gaine's Mill. The Iron Horse was still in limited service in those early days of the Ore War, but already its endurance and potential were obvious. Twenty-six Iron Horses were heavily modified in the field to mount additional gatling guns and armour plating to shield their riders from the huge attention of enemy fire they would receive once they began their attack. With General John Bell Hood on the lead Blazer, the Confederates tore a bloody hole in the two-mile-long Union flank and the day was carried, despite massive casualties on both sides in the 50,000 soldiers that fought that day. By the time of Gettysburg, both sides had units of Blazers fighting alongside their Iron Horse Cavalry and Blackhooves.</p><p>Uniquely found in the Union arsenal, the Iron Eagle is seen by many as the pinnacle of technological evolution for the Iron Horse. More than the replacement of the RJ engine with a voltaic power plant, the Iron Eagle boasts additional armor and electro-weaponry. As the ultimate statement that the Iron Eagle represented the future of Union military prowess, Nikolai Tesla incorporated specially programmed UR-31E Automata to pilot these new machines, giving them a resilience unmatched in the field by other cavalry.</p>
Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries. Wishbone can be used as the Leader of the Wayfarers or as a non-leader mercenary in any other faction, and is supplied with profile card for both roles.
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Omnimech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Born under the Raj in Delhi, Rani Nimue had a turbulent childhood. Her English-born father worked for the diplomatic service and moved across the country to wherever Her Majesty required him, his wife and only child dutifully following. At the height of the Indian Mutiny, Rani’s mother was killed and her father was faced with the difficult task of raising his daughter alone. Seeing to it that she was educated by a succession of governesses and tutors, her father proudly saw her grow into a beautiful and fiercely intelligent woman. Rani secretly harboured a wanderlust and restlessness that, added to the stifling restrictions of Victorian society brewed within her until she was fit to either explode or run away and leave it all behind. Eventually her love for the swaggering Outlaw Broad Arrow Jack, after a chance encounter in the Port of Bombay, twisted her father’s pride to shame when, at the age of sixteen, she ran away with the pirate and was not heard from again for nearly a decade.
Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
3rd Edition Rules & Gubbins Set (WEX991099002)

Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment. The Wild West Exodus Rules &amp; Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Posse (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents in the West.
4 Way Corridor Junction 6mm (XCorJctn4)

6mm scale 4 way building designed to match up with other pieces from the 43 range. Cast in resin.
6mm Pilot Barracks (XPltBrrk)

Cast in resin. 6mm scale. Great for games of BattleTech/46.
A Bonfire Of Worlds (CAT35833)

<h2>A GALAXY AFLAME?</h2>The universe has gone dark. Interstellar communications has been lost across the Inner Sphere, threatening the corporate giant ComStar, and maybe civilization itself. Risking everything on a last chance for survival, Comstar has kidnapped the engineering genius Tucker Harwell, hoping he can unravel the mystery of the blackout. But Tucker isn't just working on why it happened... he's also trying to figure out who's behind it. Meanwhile, Khan Malvina Hazen solidifies her hold on a purified Clan Jade Falcon while hunting for the next enemy to crush under the talons of her brutal Mongol Doctrine. Hundreds of light-years away, Clan Wolf is carving out territory along the Lyran Commonwealth/Free Worlds League border, and Alaric Wolf is primed to make his moves in the halls of power. Plans years in the making begin to come together across hundreds of star systems, and secrets hidden for decades will finally be revealed while an empire goes up in flames?
A Call to Arms (CAT36201)

<h2>A UNIVERSE GONE DARK</h2>Months have passed since the interplanetary communications net was destroyed, isolating planets across the Republic of the Sphere and beyond. Achernar is one of the few worlds that still possesses a working Hyperpulse Generator Station, a device that enables communications across the galaxy, and a highly sought-after prize for the splintering factions of the Republic... After failing to qualify as an active MechWarrior, Raul Ortega finds solace in the Republic's military reserves on Archenar, and dreams of the day he might know the adventure and glory of real combat. The planet's Republic-loyal forces are supported by a loose alliance with the Swordsworn, a faction pledged to House Davion whose leaders have an agenda all their own. When the planet falls under siege by yet another splinter group, the Steel Wolves, who are intent on capturing the HPG station, Raul is called up to active duty. But when the Swordsworn desert Archenar in its time of need, Raul discovers there's little honor in the subtle schemes of treachery and the brutal realities of war...
A Silence in the Heavens (CAT36203)

<h2>THE INNER SPHERE UNDER ASSAULT</h2>Since the failure of the interplanetary communications system, the decades-long peace brokered by the Republic of the Sphere has begun to splinter. Power-hungry factions such as the Steel Wolves are invading vulnerable worlds to establish their own rule. As a gateway to Terra, the planet of Northwind has strategic value making it a fiercely-contested target for the emerging factions springing up across the Republic, and Duchess Tara Campbell will not allow her home to fall into enemy hands. Offering military assistance, the Republic sends Paladin Ezekiel Crow and his fully armed BattleMech to help defend Northwind. MechWarrior Anastasia Kerensky, of the infamous Clan Bloodline, has set her sights on Northwind, and what Anastasia wants, Anastasia usually gets. But first, she must contend with the deadly politics of the Steel Wolves before embarking on a conquest that could lead to the very heart of The Republic itself...<h2></h2>
Action & Adventure Deck - Wild West Exodus (WEX992299002)

One of the most exciting and dynamic elements of Wild West Exodus and Lost World Exodus is the interplay between the Action and the Adventure card decks. This set contains a complete 60 card Adventure deck and a full 48 card Action deck.
Akara - Bondsman Leader (TDE-B4009)

The defining moment of Akara's life was when the passenger boat carrying her family and about forty other refugees sank in the deep Eastern jungle. She was 7, and the only survivor. In fact, She did not return to civilisation for another nine years, surviving alone in the forest when, against all odds, she was adopted by a family of Yuttaraptors and lived as one of them. Her attitude towards civilisation is mixed. While she values the comfort and convenience of many aspects of living within society she despises most people, and longs to hunt once again in the jungle. Applying negative conditions becomes as deadly as it is useful under Akara's leadership, where granting additional damage dealing opportunities to her allies are as important as her own devastating combat abilities.
Akara - Bondsman Mounted Leader (TDE-B4008)

The defining moment of Akara's life was when the passenger boat carrying her family and about forty other refugees sank in the deep Eastern jungle. She was 7, and the only survivor. In fact, She did not return to civilisation for another nine years, surviving alone in the forest when, against all odds, she was adopted by a family of Yuttaraptors and lived as one of them. Her attitude towards civilisation is mixed. While she values the comfort and convenience of many aspects of living within society she despises most people, and longs to hunt once again in the jungle. Give Akara extra resilience and a blisteringly scary charge, where barrelling other models out of the way and knocking them down combines with her innate abilities to create chaos and disrupt your enemy's plans.
Akula Battlefleet Set (DWA270005)

<p>Flagship of the Black Wolf Mercenary Fleet and commanded by the charismatic Volodymyr Nikonov, the Death Bringer is feared around the globe. Stolen from the Enlightened during a presentation to the Tsar, Nikonov ensured the Death Bringer was an utterly unique masterpiece by destroying the blueprints and setting the shipyards ablaze.</p><p>Extrapolated by Ukrainian engineers from charred blueprints of the stolen Death Bringer, the Akula is still the most powerful in the Ukrainian Submarine Command. One element that was successfully replicated was the Akulas magnetohydrodynamic drive enabling the boat to approach virtually undetected before striking.</p><p>Based in Odesa, Ukrainian Submarine Command (UPK) has the lead in subnautical warfare and exploration for the Commonwealth. With an impressive training academy in nearby Zatoka, the UPK provides a steady supply of skilled submariners and vessels like the lethally fast Khyzhak class.</p><p>Fast and deadly, the Piranya hunter submarines patrol in packs along the Black Sea and the Bering Strait. With a complement of twelve, the Piranya make for a close-knit boat crew, ideal for such vessels with sparse living comforts on month-long duty beneath the waves.</p>
Alexayev Battlefleet Set (DWA270011)

The largest Ekranoplan in the world, the Alexayev is tasked with rapidly deploying small squadrons of hovercraft or even other Ekranoplans to key locations as part of a rapid reaction force. Named after Evgenievich Alexayev, the brilliant engineer who won the Tzar’s wager by proving his proposed design for the Ekranoplan was possible. A brutal addition to the White Navy and favoured by northern Captains, the Khatanga combines a ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow with the dreaded cryo Generator. The Dragunov and Stoletov ground effect vehicles were designed by Helsinki Markov himself following his return to the Commonwealth after years studying with the Covenant of the Enlightened. Skimming the surface of the sea, they excel at high-speed rocket attacks and troop transport. Utilising the repulsion field generator obtained by Helsinki Markov in 1856, the Irkutsk Skydrill is often heard approaching, long before it is seen. The buzz of the overcharged field generators and the roar of the Semyenov assault bore spinning up to full speed makes a terrifying cacophony. Utilising the Selivanenko pattern Aural Dissonance Array (known more commonly as a Shockwave Generator), the Giyena moves rapidly across uneven landscapes, marshland and the open sea to bring this potent device to bear. The Boyar Heavy Frigate packs a surprising punch for its size. Woe betide any captain who mistakes these vessels for a standard frigate. Their combined firepower can be surprisingly devastating if one makes a mistake identifying them. The squadron captains have used this to their advantage by meeting their opponents head on, appearing to be less threatening Rurik Frigates to the unaware, only to turn and show their second gun batteries at the last second where they unleash twice the firepower that was expected. This is often the last mistake that their enemies make.
Alliance Frontline Squadrons (DWA260003)

<p>The Chevalier cruisers and Charlemagne heavy cruiser are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.</p><p>Loire light cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.</p><p>Captains of Picardy monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and the ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.</p><p>Multiple squadrons of Ecuyere frigates often accompany Alliance Battlefleets, defending their flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.</p>
Alliance Levant Squadrons (DWA260004)

The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.<p>No captain wants to see an enemy craft soaring above them but the Furieux Levant Grand Corvette make ones blood freeze in terror. That could be the last time the crew feels cold as the Furieux releases deadly thermal cluster bombs. Even the bravest crews know to be rightfully scared if they spot a Furieux rising into the air ahead of them.</p><p>As fighter pilots rise in the ranks they may be promoted to become flight crew on a Voliere Levant Support Carrier. The launch catapults put greater strain on pilots and landing on a Levant that could be at almost any height takes incredible skill. Despite this, pilots elevated to this level are often competing with each other to gain more confirmed kills so they can be promoted once again to become the Angels of Death aboard a Saint-Michel Assault Carrier.</p><p>Part of Napoleon’s modernisation of the French navy, the Sirene is a powerful attack vessel able to close undetected until it surfaces with its deadly heat Lancette in range to do maximum damage to the enemy. The tactical counterpart to the Sirene class, the Epaulard uses its secretive deployment to surface at a distance and employ its magnetic bombard to deadly effect.</p>
Alliance Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA260000)

<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition (CAT35680)

Commander's Edition collects into one handy volume the revised fast-play rules for BattleTech. Take command of large-scale engagements with tabletop-miniatures gameplay designed for the modern wargamer. Use the force-creation rules to marshal your armies, charge them into battle, and either reap the rewards of conquest or taste the bitter pill of defeat.
Out of Stock
Ammon Micro Fighter (1) (BT-106)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Anatolia Battlefleet Set (DWA240009)

<p>Designed to replace the bulky and antiquated Fettah class battleships, the Anatolia Heavy Battlecruiser has proven to be a much leaner and more advanced vessel. The combination of manoeuvrability, firepower and armour is considered, by the Sultanate Military, to be unmatched by the other Great Powers.</p><p>One of the oldest flagship classes still in service to the Sublime Porte, the Hurrem Grand Cruiser is a beloved command for many seasoned Captains. Refitted and modernised with the latest weapons and magnetic impeller propulsion, her age is still shows with the lack of an Orichalcite core and her cramped confines making it difficult for her crew. Despite this she is still able to bring considerable firepower to bear against her enemies and her striking design has inspired much of the look of the modern Ottoman fleet.</p><p>Nowhere is this more clearly seen than with the Mehmed class Grand Monitor. This modern ship was intentionally designed to harken back to the venerable Hurrem class, a silhouette so distinctive that it confuses enemy analysts as to exact size, strength and composition of Ottoman fleets. The class was named after the great Mehmed himself and Sultanate naval doctrine often sees these vessels deployed to show that the Sultan is always watching over his people. As the captains of these Grand Monitor are drawn from those most loyal to the Sublime Porte, this is not always a comforting notion to the rest of the fleet.</p><p>The Izmir Monitor can often be seen supporting a Mehmed class, making sure that the great rivers and coastlines under the Sultans' protection are well defended. Assignment to an Izmir is often seen as a sideways promotion as the constant presence of a Grand Monitor can make a captain and his officers feel they have little chance to show initiative and that any orders they give their crew may be changed at a moment's notice.</p><p>When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers<br />have become the mainstay in the highly mobile Sultanate armada, particularly when partnered with Pasha class vessels. These Light Cruisers are often the first to attend a conflict, they are outfitted with extensive observation systems allowing any reconnaissance to be as detailed as possible. This helps the Iskanders and flagships be in the best position to bring their formidable weapons to bear.</p><p>Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers are the envy of the world's navies. Advanced Sultanate engineering, the match of even the Covenant of the Enlightened, combines speed and manoeuvrability with enhanced firepower to deadly effect. Regularly fitted with particle beamers, the sight of a squadron of Sadrazams on the horizon is often enough to shake the resolve of the bravest enemy Commodore.</p><p>Often seen as part of large battlefleets, the Temir Frigates are employed as flanking squadrons supporting Pasha or Izmir class warships. These frigates are sometimes tasked with engaging a secondary objective while the larger ships proceed with the main thrust of an attack.</p>
Out of Stock
Ando - Artefacter Scout (TDE-A1007)

Artefacter Scout, Explorer and certified insane, dinosaur killer! Ando has served as dig site security for the Artefacters for many years, clearing out the area of unwanted predators, guarding the Artefacters as they undertake involved excavations in dangerous locations. As a young Dverg Ando was a member of a group of wandering, commercial hunters. His father was killed when he was young. His mother was a respected hunter and trapper, and the other members of the group were all "her boys". In this way, Ando had five fathers, and anywhere he could hang a hammock was home. It was an exciting childhood, and a very dangerous one too. Many might argue it was no place for a child, and they would probably be right. Nonetheless, Ando survived. He grew up to be a good shot, formidable tracker, and the sort of person for whom fear was unnecessary. His actions might look insane to the uninitiated, but as far as he is concerned, he doesn't take risks. Others call him brave, but for him, risking life and limb, swinging from a grappling hook to take out the jugular of a huge predator is all in a day's work.
Angela and Enchantress (CP28)

Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and infamous for her heartless scheming in order to get whatever she desires. Able to enact powerful charms, the Enchantress is able to bend even the strongest resolve to her will. Firstborn of Odin and Freyja, Angela was kidnapped by Heven during the war between Heven and Asgard. Thought dead by her parents, Angela was raised and trained to be one of Heven's deadliest hunters and warriors. Having learned of her true parentage, Angela cast aside her loyalty to Heven and to Odin, choosing to serve no master but her own conscience. She now travels the cosmos fighting against any evil which dares crosses her path, both alongside her brother Thor, and as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Angerona Battle Armor (1) (BT-228)

<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: Not Available</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3085</span>
Ankylo (TDE-N6021)

The relentless Ankylosor! This chunky fellow can be used as an alternate boss in several Ulaya Chronicles scenarios, or by any faction in The Drowned Earth.
Annihilator ANH-2A (AR20-897)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Ant-Man and Wasp (CP26)

A good man with a criminal past, when Scott Lang broke into the home of the original Ant-Man Hank Pym and made off with Pym?s Ant-Man suit, Lang inadvertantly began down a path that would ultimately see him become one of the world?s foremost heroes. Able to shrink to microscopic sizes thanks to Hank Pym?s signature Pym Particles, Lang is also able to communicate with ants and other insects via the specially designed helmet of the Ant-Man suit. Evil-doers everywhere have plenty of reason to fear the tiny, yet mighty Ant-Man! A founding member of the Avengers, Janet Van Dyne has earned her place among the ranks of the world?s most beloved and celebrated heroes as the Wasp. Like Ant-Man, Janet is able to alter her size thanks to command over Pym Particles, and also has the ability to generare bio-electric blasts that debilitate and sting her foes, while the wings of her specially designed suit allow her to deftly evade and attack her enemies with ease.
Anubis ABS-3L (20-250)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Anvil ANV-3M (AR20-669)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Arabelle - Wayfarer Medic (TDE-W5007)

Medic for hire, Arabelle prefers not to talk about her age, but it is clear that she is not yet fully grown. A precocious child, from the mountain city of Kajin Kai, Arabelle was studying modern medicine when most of her peers were still learning their letters. Nonetheless, she made a personal study of traditional methods, always eager to stop by any local healer, and share knowledge. As a lover of nature she spends much time researching new herbal cures and remedies. Her eagerness for medical knowledge is rivalled only by her sense of adventure. She is highly selective about the sorts of Wayfarer jobs she will take, but despite her aversion to cruelty she can sometimes be seen helping the Bondsmen, Firm and other such unsavoury people and organisations. Her reasons for doing so remain mysterious.
Arbalest / Arbalest 2 (20-319)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Arcas (AR20-985)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Archangel C-ANG-O Invictus (20-413)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Archer ARC-1A (BT-411)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War (2005 - 2570)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 5
Archer ARC-8M (20-211)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Archimedes Battlefleet Set (DWA100009)

The architects of the Dystopian Age, the Covenant of the Enlightened wield their formidable intellects to sweep aside those ignorant or deluded who stand in the way of Scientific Progress. These masters of technology covet knowledge above all things and believe that it is only they who can steer humanity on a path to enlightenment. With their wondrous war-engines, the Covenant of the Enlightened take every opportunity to demonstrate their technological supremacy. The discoveries that were intended to herald a new era for humanity are instead used to punish those who would misuse them. Only when the Covenant are lauded as the rightful leaders of the Earth, can the world be brought into a new dawn of achievement and prosperity.<br /><br />A flagship of the Enlightened fleet, Vault ships were conceived as massive floating platforms to deploy their larger engineering and scientific marvels. In this manner, the Archimedes class is usually fitted with either a Callimachus Chrono-Lathe or Diophantus Chaos-Orb, both so intricate and sophisticated in their crafting that like much that is not understood in the Dystopian Age, they are considered magical by the uneducated..<p>Other fleets are centered around the graceful, and superbly equipped Nansen Explorer. Designed for long voyages far from friendly ports, with extensive laboratories, training facilities and cartographic equipment. The Nansen class is in many ways the ultimate expression of Covenant naval ambitions.</p>
Out of Stock
Arctic Fox AF1 (20-251)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Arctic Wolf (AR20-943)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Argus AGS-4D (BT-135)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Arion (Standard) BattleMech or Vehicle Mode (BT-304)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - QuadVee<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: The Clans
Aronax, Wayfarer Scout (TDE-W5005)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Artefacters Faction Starter Box (TDE-A1110)

Treasure hunters, tomb robbers, adventurers, scavengers and rogues: an Artefacter cuts a glamorous, but undoubtedly nefarious, figure. Often dashing, brave to the point of recklessness, and willing to risk their life for personal gain. They can be found wandering the wilds for valuable artefacts from a bygone age, from which, they hope to become fabulously rich... However, there is more to these ambiguous figures than the mercenary opportunist image they project. Underneath the gloss of avarice and roguish indifference lies a secret. Few know the truth, but there are rumours that the Artefacters hold to a higher purpose. There are even whispers that they are agents of the 'New Enlightenment'...
Asset Tokens (TDE-X7003)

Action Point and Wounds tokens in one handy pack.
Asura Battle Armor (1) (BT-199)

<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: Not Available</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Atlas AS7-K (20-942RE)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Avalanche AVL-10 Prime (20-5151)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:   Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Draconis Combine
Avar Fighter (Mech Scale) (FT-020)

<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 35</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Avar Micro Fighter (BT-090)

Tonnage: 35 Technology: Clan Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter Era: Succession Wars TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Avatar AV1-O (20-396)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Awesome AWS-9Q (20-847)

<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 80</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit:  BattleMech </span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Axman AXM-1N (20-770)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Axman AXM-2N (20-935)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Axman AXM-6X (20-5066)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Steiner
Baboon 'Howler' 2 (AR20-370)

Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Baby Ceratops - Adorable Herbivore (TDE-N6020)

BABYTOPS! This little miracle of creation just wants his mum! While not a powerful combatant of its own the Babytops buffs the Ceratops (mum!) in various ways, and increases her combat effectiveness from terrifying to... devastating!
Bandersnatch (BT-171)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Banshee BNC-11X (20-5072)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Steiner
Banshee BNC-1E (20-5079)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 2
Barghest BGS-1T (20-644)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Baryonyx (TDE-N6018)

The Mighty Baryonyx! Use this beautiful metal miniature instead of the standee in the core box.
Bashkir Micro Fighter (1) (BT-076)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Battle Cobra Prime (20-662)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrade
Battleaxe BKX-7K (20-449)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner SPhere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Battlemaster BLR-4S (20-210)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
BattleTech: IlClan (CAT35901)

<h2><span style="font-size: 12pt;">FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD...</span></h2><p>In 2825, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky, the founder of the Clans, gave his exiled, warrior-led people a dream: the first Clan to return to the Inner Sphere and claim Terra, the cradle of humanity, in honorable combat would claim the title of ilClan"”ruler of all the Clans. The ilClan would reestablish the venerable Star League from the ashes of the old, and its Khan would become ilKhan, supreme ruler of all the Clans. Now, 326 years later, the Children of Kerensky have fought their way to Terra with the intent of fulfilling this dream. But will this dream become destiny or nightmare?</p>
Batu Prime Fighter (Mech Scale) (AR20-714)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit: Aerospace - Omnifighter<br />Era: Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Bear Cub (Standard) (20-493)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Behemoth 'Stone Rhino' 2 (20-332)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Bellerophon BEL-1X (BT-440)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War (2005 - 2570)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 3
Beowulf BEO-12 (AR20-937)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060 Upgrades
Beowulf IIC (Standard) (20-5048)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Berserker BRZ-A3 (AR20-642)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Beyond Fortune And Glory (DWA990039)

<p>It was thought that what began as a skirmish between two mercenary companies would end with both parties leaving with a bloody nose and no more said of the matter. This turned out to be far from the truth. With their future hiring power in jeopardy, neither of the forces could surrender the fight without losing face. The Crimson League and Honorable Eclipse Company were now locked in battle, both needing to secure their future contracts and, consequently, the future of their very existence.</p><p>Reinforcements came in, not just from paid battlefleets but also from the Great Powers of the Union and Sultanate, both eager to have the mercenaries they regularly employed owing them favourable rates in the future. Specialist crews with their John Henry Colossi made their way to where the fighting was thickest while Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers guarded the coastal defence platforms that had become a focus of the fighting. No mercy was given, and no quarter asked.</p>
Beyond The Hunt for the Prometheus (DWA990025)

<p>After Helsinki Markov's treachery stole the Prometheus away from its creators there has been a bitter rivalry between the Covenant of the Enlightened and the Commonwealth. Certain Peers of the Enlightened have decided to make an example of the Commonwealth for such an audacious heist and show that they have as much military influence as any of the Great Powers. As for the Okhrana, the Commonwealth Intelligence Service, they hope for more secrets of the age to be unlocked by luring the various automata and advanced enemy vessels into engagements that they can't hope to escape from. With the plan of dissecting any captured inventions for reverse engineering.</p><p>With the help of Mongolian offshore platforms and a web of false leads, the Okhrana have orchestrated for an Enlightened battlefleet to be in place for an ambush. The Commonwealth now has engineering marvels of their own in the shape of Vitruvian Colossi. Will the Enlightened fall for the trap or have the Commonwealth bitten off more than they can chew?</p>
Out of Stock
Beyond The Sturginium Skies (DWA990026)

<p>The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict. The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.</p><p>The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?</p>
Out of Stock
Bez - Firm (TDE-F2012)

Bez and her sister Romi were not born to suit the mundane village life they were born into. At a young age, they stowed away on a river-trader and fell in with a group of adventurers. However, they took very different paths... while Romi a loyal member of the Artefacters Bez joined their arch-nemesis... The Firm. Her darker impulses were a bone of contention between the sisters, and they have never yet met in battle. Nobody knows what will happen when they do... Not even them.
Bishamon BSN-3K (AR20-636)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw (CP19)

A master manipulator, Ebony Maw uses his formidable powers to enforce his master Thanos' rule across the galaxy. Brother to Corvus Glaive, Black Dwarf is a hulking slab of muscle and aggression who obliterates all who dare oppose his master Thanos.
Black Hawk "Nova" H (20-359)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Clan<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Black Hawk-Ku BHKU-O (20-907)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Black Knight BL-6-KNT (20-774)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Black Knight BLK-NT-5H (20-5098)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Mixed<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Black Lanner Prime (AR20-760)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Black Wolf Battlefleet Set (DWA270004)

Black Wolf is the nickname of the former Russian Commonwealth submariner and Commander of the prototype Death Bringer submarine, Volodymyr Nikonov. Though he usually operates under contract to the Commonwealth he now runs a large and powerful mercenary outfit. Funded, in part, by the Tsar himself, the Black Wolf Company have a reputation for daring assaults and sudden ambushes that make them a force to be feared the world over.<p>Nikonov has a lifestyle and status that he believes befits him. He can see a future where he marries the Tsar’s daughter, Anastasia and claims the throne for himself. When not at court or in action Nikonov operates out of a converted gigantic Murmansk class vessel near Novo-Arkhangelsk. From this fortified harbour-ship he not only has safety but has established a planning room to help with the execution of even more daring raids for pleasure and profit. The Tsar’s favourite story features the Black Wolf in a daring exploit to sink the Union battleship Hornet and Crown carrier Wessex. This attack was all the more thrilling (when Nikonov retells it) as the commanders of the two vessels were allegedly discussing a potential alliance and that the Black Wolf had to infiltrate the heavily-guarded Thames Estuary in London in order to sink them.</p><p>In between carrying out missions for his future father-in-law, Nikonov has the latitude given to his growing fleet of submarines and assault craft to allow them to be deployed as mercenaries alongside many rival nations around the globe. Each battle adds not only to the coffers of the Black Wolf but also his prestige at court, even when to some observers such raids do little to further the Commonwealth.</p>
Blackjack BJ2-0 (20-905)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 30058 Upgrades
Blackwatch BKW-7R (AR20-903)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Blade BLD-7R (AR20-339)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Blade BLD-XL (20-5022)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Blast Templates (TDE-X7006)

For use with The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game.
Blitzkrieg BTZ-3F (AR20-946)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Blood Asp Prime (20-492)

Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Blood Kite (Standard) (20-732)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Blood of the Isle (CAT36210)

<h2>IN THE FALCON'S CLAWS?</h2>Skye struggles to rise from the ashes of the last Jade Falcon assault. Tara Campbell's Highlanders are limping back from battles fought all across the Prefecture. And Anastasia Kerensky's Steel Wolves have disappeared again. It's a matter of when, not if, the Falcons will renew their brutal assault, and Skye is unprepared.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />On the world of Nusakan, Landgrave Jasek Kelswa-Steiner appears to be Skye's only chance for salvation. Gathering his Stormhammers, he prepares to throw his force into the teeth of the Falcon advance. But will the cure be worse than the disease? Jasek passionately advocates a return to House Steiner, a political movement his father just as passionately opposes.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Unfortunately for the Republic, desperate times call for desperate alliances, and the Jade Falcon force is still spoiling for battle. Clan Jade Falcon will not rest until Skye is conquered...or reduced to a charred cinder.<h2></h2>
Blood Reaper (Standard) (20-5038)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Blood Will Tell (CAT35838)

<h2>TIES THAT BIND?</h2>Danai Liao-Centrella is many things: Solaris gladiator; proud military commander; successful diplomat. All of those roles pale beneath perhaps the heaviest responsibility of anyone in the Capellan Confederation: to speak the truth to its ruler, Chancellor Daoshen Liao. He is the undeniable dictator of hundreds of worlds. Mighty armies move at his command. Billions of lives hang on his every decision.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Against that, she must speak the truth.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />And the truth is, the war with House Davion must end. Because there is a greater danger looming: the Republic of the Sphere, hiding behind its impenetrable fortress. When that wall comes down, the Confederation must be ready. It cannot be distracted. Danai will pay whatever price necessary to make Daoshen see that.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />And that price will be heavy. It will force her to take on a role unlike any other: servant of the people. In the Confederation, the people are the heart of the state. When, not if, the wall falls, Danai and her regiment will be ready.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />They'll have to be ready, because behind the wall the Republic regiments are finally ready to come out of hiding. On worlds like Elgin, Hall, and Liberty, Republic forces are prepared: well-trained, and armed with weapons the Capellans have never seen.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />When BattleMechs clash, Danai will have to choose between serving the Chancellor or serving the people.
Bloodhound B1-HND (AR20-214)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Blue Flame BLF-21 (AR20-229)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Bluewing - Wayfarer Mech (TDE-W5004)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Bombardier BMB-12D (20-424)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Bondsmen Faction Starter Box (TDE-B4440)

There are many different kinds of mercenary, but perhaps the most feared are the bounty hunters who ask no questions: The United League of Bondsmen. A Bondsman may tell you he is part of a great tradition of hunting down transgressors and dangerous criminals, but the truth is quite different. Their only qualification is brutality, martial skill and a complete lack of moral qualms. Officially they are bounty hunters and thief takers. In reality more often than not they are slave-catchers, assassins and hired muscle. Their motto speaks for itself. For the Bondsman, cash talks, and the question 'why?' is a mere formality.
Borodino Battlefleet Set (DWA270001)

The main warhorse of the Commonwealth Naval warmachine is the Borodino Class Battleship. These vessels are of solid construction and the first of them to come out of the shipyards are still going strong after almost three decades of service. Bearing a formidable loadout of cannons and equipped with thick ablative armour, the Borodino is able to weather a return volley from the enemy and keep fighting. As a result the Borodino Class are often found in the thick of battle. Battleships are typically accompanied by frontline cruisers, who's durable armour and heavy gun turrets make them solid companions for the fleet. The Norilsk Heavy Cruiser has a distinctive long and sleek silhouette and it's extra turret gives it that little extra firepower needed to hit at larger targets. The mainstay of the frontline cruisers are the Kutsov Class; solid and dependable they can be utilised in any number of operations. The Oleg Class Monitors and Sineus Class Fast Cruisers act as rapid response when speed is more sedated than firepower. In and amongst these larger ships are scattered squadrons of Rurik Frigates, their captains are adroit hunters and enjoy finishing off damaged larger targets.
Brigand LDT-1 (AR20-232)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Britannia Battlefleet Set (DWA210001)

The Britannia class Heavy Battleship is a testament to the might of the Crown and symbol of power in defence of her Dominions. Rumour of her mere presence in local waters has quelled uprisings and deterred piracy. Bristling with armaments and protected by thick steel armour and Guardian Generators these powerful vessels are the pride of the Royal Navy. The Britannia Class Battleship was ahead of her time when the first vessel was launched over three decades ago and has been in service ever since. Many of the latest battleships are now catching up with the engines, armour and weaponry equipped by the Britannia but she can still hold her own against any other Battleship on the water. Over the last century Crown engineering technology has been ahead of the rest of the world and their naval superiority has earned them control of the seas. That control has been slipping for some time now and while her fleets are still numerous the Crown's international dominance is no longer assured. The fleets still continue to have a presence across the globe and alongside the Britannia Class Battleships numerous Cruisers and Frigates can be found. The most common Cruiser in the fleet is the Albion Cruiser. Armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes, this ship is the backbone of the Crown Fleet. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.
Out of Stock
British Crown Support Squadrons (DWA210004)

<p>While the Frontline Squadrons of the Crown Navy are used to going toe-to-toe with enemy fleets, the Support Squadrons serve a range of unique roles to aid and assist the fleet as a whole to complete their missions. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.</p><p>The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.</p><p>The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class or other capital ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier as well as other large command vessels.</p>
Out of Stock
Bruin Mech (20-5099)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit: BattleMech<br />Era:<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Buccaneer BCN-3R (20-698)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Bullseye and Daredevil (CP30)

As a boy, Matt Murdock was blinded in an accident involving radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock?s other senses and imbued him with an incredible 360-degree radar sense. With years of martial arts training under the ninja master Stick and fueled by a relentless pursuit of justice, Matt Murdock protects the innocent of Hell?s Kitchen as Daredevil, the Man Without Fear! A psychopathic assassin, Bullseye is one of the deadliest men in the world. Beyond his superb skills in hand-to-hand combat, Bullseye was born with the innate ability to throw any projectile with lethal force and accuracy. As a costumed criminal, Bullseye has crossed paths with many of the world?s greatest heroes, but he holds a special hatred for his nemesis, Daredevil, stopping at nothing to put him down once and for all.
Bunker - 6mm (XBkr6)

Perfect for protecting your troops or tanks in the heat of battle. Made in resin.
Burrock (Standard) (AR20-228)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
By Temptations and By War (CAT36206)

<h2>A SPARK OF REBELLION</h2>When the Republic of the Sphere was established, it absorbed a quarter of Capellan Confederation space. Now that the crippled Republic is embattled everywhere, the Confederation Chancellor sends an operative into former Capellan territory to nurture the seeds of rebellion. Freedom fighter Evan Kurst has resisted the Republic's 'benevolent occupation' of the world of Liao for as long as he can remember. He has fought side by side with agents from the Confederation, and rallied other fighters to the cause. Until now, his efforts have been in vain. But amid the chaos of the interstellar communications blackout, Kurst sees a new chance to liberate his homeworld and return it to its rightful rulers. The Chancellor's support is assured, and embodied in the person of Mai Wa, the operative sent to ensure Kurst's success. But Mai has betrayed Kurst before, and his biggest problem remains knowing whom to trust in a world where today's ally is tomorrow's enemy.<h2></h2>
Caesar CES-3R (20-772)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Calliope CAL-1MAF (20-5129)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Canis (Standard) (AR20-752)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Carronade CRN-7M (20-5110)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League
Cataphract CTF-0X (20-5120)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Succession Wars 1
Cataphract CTF-1X (20-771)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Cauldron Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime (BT-253)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Cave Lion (Standard) (20-5119)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO:  Era Digest: Dark Age
Cecerops ProtoMech (1) (BT-368)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 3</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Centurion CN9-A (20-849)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039 Upgrades
Centurion CN9-D5 (20-452)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Cephalus Prime (20-5064)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:   Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: The War of Reaving
Ceratops - Belligerent Herbivore (TDE-N6019)

The magnificent Ceratops! This mighty figure can be used in The Drowned Earth miniatures game or as an alternate boss in several Ulaya Chronicles scenarios (not required to play UC).
Cerberus MR-V2 (AR20-625)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Chameleon CLN-7V (AR20-697)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Champion CHP-1N (20-334)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Chimera CMA-1S (AR20-978)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Chrysaor ProtoMech (1) (BT-002)

Tonnage: 6 Technology: Clan Unit Type: ProtoMech Era: Civil War (3062 - 3067) TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Clan Command Star (CAT35720)

The Clan Command Star includes the Dire Wolf, Summoner, Stormcrow, Mist Lynx, and Shadow Cat, along with five MechWarrior pilot cards and five Alpha Strike cards.
Clan Heavy Star (CAT35730)

The Clan Heavy Heavy Star includes the Stone Rhino, Warhammer IIC, Supernova, Hunchback IIC, and Marauder IIC, along with MechWarrior pilot cards and Alpha Strike cards.
Clint CLNY-2-3T (20-879)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Clint IIC (Standard) (20-279)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Cobra CBR-02 (AR20-939)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Columbia Battlefleet Set (DWA120008)

At the close of the Ore War, Confederate President Davis commanded his forces to stand down. Though General Robert Lee carried out this order, Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Buchanan refused and withdrew her battlefleets southwards to find a safe haven in the Socialist Unity of South America. For the vessels of the Union fleet, while they had served well during the civil war, the fleet was in need of modernising and expanding if the nation was to fulfil its Manifest Destiny as the preeminent Great Power of the Dystopian Age. Newer designs became more common and began to take on frontline roles such as the Constitution, Yorktown and Farragut classes. <br /><br />The Columbia class was the most powerful vessel found in both the Union and Confederate navies during the Ore War. 12 of these vessels were maintained by each side in the conflict though their rugged design allowed several of these prized vessels to be returned to service after sustaining catastrophic damage. Occasionally this saw Columbia class ships returned to battle in service to the opposing navy. After the CSS Merrimack was sunk by the USS Monitor in the closing stages of the civil war, she was repaired and recommissioned as the Union vessel USS Virginia. That ship, like all Columbia class vessels, was recategorised as a Heavy Battleship, post-war. <br /><br />The Confederate navy did not fall into despair and disrepair, however, despite the predictions of the Union's analysts. Instead, Admiral Buchanan accepted a seat on the council of the Latin alliance and put her considerable fleet and experienced crews at the disposal of the Socialist Unity of South America (SUSA). The Confederates found surprising common ground with their new compatriots with their refusal to yield to the aggressions of the Union, The fleet was modernised with the best engineering and weaponry available to the Alliance. Within a few years of the Ore War, while the vessels appeared superficially to resemble their Union counterparts, their internal systems and armaments were distinctly a product of their new allegiance to the Alliance. <br /><br />While SUSA lacks most of the engineering marvels that are becoming commonplace in the north, the Union's continuous martial footing that it has maintained since the end of the war has caused a small but constant flow of disenfranchised or disaffected military personnel and their families to flee southwards. In SUSA they find former brothers and sisters proudly defending the seas of the South-Western Atlantic, swelling the crews with new blood and ideas. It is no surprise that within twelve months of the Providence and Sumter class refits in the Union that similarly renovated vessels were in service to SUSA. Even the Mark II Talon autogyros from the Ore War have slowly been replaced by locally manufactured variants that are the equal of the Mark VI in use today by the Union.
Commando COM-2D (20-5185)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Age of War (2005 - 2570)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Succession Wars
Commando IIC (Standard) (20-265)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons (DWA270012)

Commonwealth engineering is often a case of forcing something to work, whether it wants to or not. This is surely the case with the Irkutsk Skydrill. While checks and balances of the laws of physics must be adhered to, it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to work around them. Overpowered repulsor generators keep the vessel in the sky but have little spare energy to move it, this is what the aft pulsejets are for. The one example of engineering elegance to make it through is the massive amount of heat produced by the repulsors is then syphoned into the propulsion system. Even the weaponry is a case of maximum power for a minimum problem. The Semyenov Assault Bore is a perfect transmission of momentum into force. The destruction caused is often enough to bring down the largest sky fortress. While the design of the Irkutsk appears to ba a fever dream of the Dystopian Age, no one can dispute its effectiveness as it powers through the skies. While these Skycruisers soar above the waves, the Commonwealth Hovercraft skim across their surface. Again the simplicity of these machines is testament to their efficiency. They are as effective over water as they are on land and are incredibly effective at landing troops on land-bound targets.
Commonwealth Frontline Squadrons (DWA270007)

Tempered by revolution, civil war and failed conquests; forged in the fires of invasion and the minds of brilliant men and women, the Commonwealth stands as a beacon of hope to oppressed humanity. A democracy that stretches from the industrial centres of Poland-Lithuania to the snowy wastes of Siberia and the steppes of Mongolia, the Commonwealth's people come from a hundred or more cultures and groups but are united by the loyalty to their state and the Tsar who safeguards it. Required to serve their country and fellow-citizens in whatever capacity they can, the Commonwealth can call upon huge reserves of strength to ensure its survival and prosperity. Enriched by the technological bounties rested from the jealous hands of those who sought to manipulate the world, the Commonwealth stands as a testament to the will and perseverance of the common man. Long live Mother Russia, long live the Commonwealth, long live her People, long live the Tsar!
Commonwealth Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA270000)

Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
Commonwealth Support Squadrons (DWA270008)

Typically accompanying the Flagships of the Commonwealth are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy's path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.
Condition Tokens (TDE-X7004)

A set of 24 tokens designed to clearly indicate conditions, model states and effects.
Constitution Battlefleet Set (DWA120001)

During the Ore War the Union was forced to evolve into a nation that heavily industrialised the manufacture of weapons and engines of war to produce them at an unmatched rate. As conflict was largely on land, the Union fleets remained significantly underpowered compared to their rivals. With a belief in manifest destiny, the Union began to look beyond their own borders. It was easy to imagine the greedy faces of the other power blocs and the Union's age old nemesis, The Crown, regarding this upstart American colony with avaricious eyes. To establish their rightful place, the Union focused on developing and constructing a fleet of ships to defend their shores and support their troops as they consolidated their positions around the globe. The Constitution Class Battleship is now the mainstay of the Union Fleet, the first twelve of these impressive vessels built in the closing years of the Ore War. Their main purpose was traversing the many wide rivers of the nation and rain fire on Confederate defences, or to assist in troop movement, their powerful paddlewheels are equally suited to the open seas. Now they, and many more like them, ensure that the Federated States can achieve their manifest destiny. Supporting the Constitution Class Battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for sign of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long range observers for the gun crews on board the ships. Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.
Copperhead CPR-HD-003 (AR20-442)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Core Set (CP01)

Welcome true believer to Marvel: Crisis Protocol, a tabletop hobby miniatures game of climactic combat! Assemble your team from across the Marvel Universe and lead your superpowered forces against your friends in battles of cataclysmic proportions.
Corvis (Standard) (AR20-928)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (CP15)

Devoted members of Thanos? Black Order, the husband and wife team of Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight have terrorized the galaxy in service to their dark master. Proxima Midnight takes great pleasure in testing herself in battle, relying on her inhuman speed, strength, and agility and her spear, which houses a star trapped in a quantum singularity. Cunning and utterly ruthless, Corvus Glaive serves as the general of the Black Order and Thanos? right hand. Armed with his signature glaive, which grants him the power of immortality and can slice through any known substance with ease, Corvus is rightly feared by all.
Cossack C-SK1 (AR20-269)

Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Coyotl Prime (BT-261)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Crimson Hawk 4 (20-346)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Crimson Langur (20-218)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Crockett / Katana CRK-5003-1 (20-778)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Cronus CNS-5M (AR20-249)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Crossbow CRS-6B (20-5006)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Crossbow Prime
Crossbow Prime (AR20-911)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Crown Frontline Squadrons (DWA210003)

The most common vessel and backbone of the Crown fleet is the Albion Cruiser. This dependable ship is armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.
Crusader CDR-5K (20-217)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Crusader CRD-8L (20-5171)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Cudgel CDG-2A (AR20-343)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Cuirass CDR-1X (20-5152)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Cyclops and Storm (CP41)

Scott Summers is Cyclops, the first member of the mutant team the X-Men. Summers? mutant power causes him to produce beams of optic force from his eyes. Unable to control these beams, Cyclops must wear protective ruby lenses to shield others from his mutant ability. As the field leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is a master tactician and skilled combatant who never stops fighting for equality between mutants and humankind. Ororo Munroe descends from a long line of witch-priestesses. Once worshiped as a goddess of the storm, she is a mutant with the ability to control the weather, able to produce hurricane winds, and summon lightning at a whim. After a chance encounter with Professor Xavier, Munroe joined his task force, the X-Men. As a member of the X-Men, she is Storm, a capable leader and one of the most powerful mutants in existence.
Cyclops CP-10-Z (20-863)

Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Cygnus (Standard) (20-415)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Daikyu DAI-01 (AR20-657)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Daishi "Dire Wolf" Prime (20-607RE)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Dark Crow (Standard) (20-5014)

Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime (20-373)

Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Dasher II 3 (20-5164)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Record Sheets 3145 Nex Tech, New Upgrades<br />
Deadpool And Bob - Agent Of Hydra (CP45)

Welcome to the Deadpool character pack, brought to you by me: the amazing Deadpool! Once terminal cancer patient Wade Wilson, I, the aforementioned Wade Wilson, was transformed into the incredible superpowered hero Deadpool! Thanks to the nerds at the Weapon X pro2, I was granted an off-the-charts healing factor which allows me to recover from even the most gruesome "for the love of all that's holy, look away Timmy!" injuries. I'm also basically a ninja-expert marksman, a master in multiple martial arts (including the deadliest of all, Karate), and I speak, like, nine languages. But my greatest superpower of all is my dazzling wit and immeasurable charm. Though teams like the X-Men and Avengers would literally kill to have someone like me on their roster, I, the aforementioned Wade Wilson, a.k.a. Deadpool, remain los lobos - a lone wolf who hunts the moonlight desert in search of the only meal that will satisfy my endless hunger - justice! Also, they haven't been returning any of my calls or emails... A cowardly young man, Bob was persuaded to join the criminal organization Hydra by his wife, who accused him of not being able to hold down a steady job. The thought of a stable career with a dental plan also appealed to Bob, though he was ultimately disappointed to find out that Hydra does not, in fact, offer full dental like A.I.M. Bob's life was forever changed when he met Deadpool during the Merc with a Mouth's assault on his outpost. Deadpool convinced Bob to assist him with his mission and the two became lifelong partners. These days the H on Bob's chest no longer stands for Hydra but Hero!
Defiance DFN-3S (20-480)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Deimos Prime (20-5021)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Delphyne ProtoMech (1) (BT-207)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 9</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Dervish DV-6M (20-876)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Destiny Battlefleet Set (DWA120013)

It was an engineering marvel, rivalling even the greatest creations of the other Great Powers. It was named for the most powerful aspiration of the Union of Federated States, an ultimate goal which it could not help but achieve. Destiny. When it was but the New World, settlers had spread across the continent proving to themselves, without a shadow of a doubt, that Manifest Destiny was an assignment from the Almighty. Since then they had mastered any land they arrived at and seemed intent on working their way across the globe. The Destiny Sky Fortress is the ultimate mechanical extension of this outlook. It can soar across the world launching fighters wherever they are needed, resources are now being collected to create more and more of these extensions of the Union's ideology, in an attempt to create a network of air power that will finally bring Manifest Destiny to all.
Deva C-DVA-O Invictus (AR20-411)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Devastator DVS-2 (20-761)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Dilophosors Boxed Set (TDE-N6022)

The Dilophosors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models using the Ulaya Chronicles rules for A.I. Enemies.
Djinn Battle Armor (1) (BT-187)

<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: Not Available</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Inner Sphere</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Dola DOL-1A1 (20-5074)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Doloire DLR-O Prime (20-5092)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - OmniMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Republic of Sphere
Doloire DLR-OB (BT-352)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Mixed<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Republic of Sphere
Domeheads (2) (TDE-N6003)

Domeheads are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
Dr Strange and Wong (CP23)

As Earth'sSorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange wields arcane spells and mystical artifacts such as the Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation to defend the planet against inter dimensional threats. Descended from a line of ancient warrior-monks, Wong is a potent sorcerer in his own right.
Dragon DRG-1N (20-868)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Dragon II DRG-11K (20-5096)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Draconis Combine
Dragonfly 'Viper' Prime (20-364)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Drax and Ronan The Accuser (CP20)

Created by the Titan god Kronos to kill Thanos, Drax the Destroyer has spent most of his existence trying to do exactly that. As the Supreme Public Accuser of the Kree Empire, Ronan serves to deliver Kree judgment and justice across the galaxy.
Drum of the Nautilus (WEX211120001)

Salvaged by the crew of HMS Nautilus from an Enlightened vessel adrift in the Mediterranean, Drum was discovered in a shipping container marked as 'Aberrant Technology' - likely to be examined and disassembled. This large Automata was apparently built for mechanised labour but Erasmus Darwin made the contraption his own personal project, tinkering for hours on end. He envisaged the machine being used by the Nautilus to operate in the deepest parts of the oceans where no human can travel safely, let alone explore or recover wreckage. After several weeks, Darwin managed to coax the temperamental machine back to full operational capacity albeit with more than a handful of glitches. His barrel-like carapace earned him the nickname of 'Drum' and it was clear that he exhibited a sense of self-awareness that Erasmus and the other engineers had never seen in any Automata before. Fascinated as to the nature of this 'personality', Captain Nimue offered the Automata the opportunity to join her crew. Surprised at being treated like a human, Drum paused momentarily before enthusiastically choosing to stay and make the Nautilus his home.
Duan Gung D9-G9 (AR20-245)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Dystopian Wars - Fortune and Glory Two Player Starter Set (DWA990024)

<p>The Great Powers vie for control of the world's trade routes, unleashing mercenary forces to disrupt shipping and sow chaos and confusion to destabilise their rivals. Two of the most notable of these privateers are The Crimson League and The Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The Crimson League is led by Princess Scheherazade. Escaping the traditions of her royal family, she joined the Covenant of the Enlightened only to leave when the Egalitarian and Custodians schism came to the fore. Now, she operates following her own unknowable plan. Angry at the power of the Order within the Sultanate, she lashes out, taking contracts that appear to have nothing to do with the religious zealots, only for some to realise later that there was design all along.</p><p>The Honorable Eclipse Company have secured lucrative escort contracts with significant clients around the globe. The HEC offer security and defence solutions to those who cannot apply direct political or military action in safeguarding their investments. The HEC have had major investment from the Union of Federated States and often that Great Power has used the Company when the deployment or involvement of a Union battlefleet may be politically unwise. Though some might call the involvement of the HEC an unwelcome influence by the Union in global affairs, in truth, many commanders have found that their need for support in a theatre of engagement can only be solved by hiring the Honorable Eclipse Company.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
Dystopian Wars Rules And Gubbins Set (DWA990001)

Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age. The Dystopian Wars Rules and Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Battlefleet (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents on the high seas.
Out of Stock
Dystopian Wars Two Player Starter Set - Hunt for the Prometheus (DWA990005)

This box set not only provides everything you need for two players to start playing Dystopian Wars, but it also contains a campaign that details the theft of the prototype Hypatia Class Generator ship by the Russian double agent Helsinki Markov. The Commonwealth Intelligence Service (known as the Okhrana) have seen a chance to acquire Enlightened secrets and add new technology to their arsenal in order to better defend the Commonwealth. They risk reprisals from the Enlightened but as long as the technology is theirs it would be worth the consequence. The Covenant guard their secrets jealously and losing the Generator ship will cost them years of research and development. The game is afoot and the stakes are high for both sides. Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.
Dystopian Wars Two Player Starter Set - Sturginium Skies (DWA990024)

<p>The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown's Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser's blessing to begin the special operation.</p><p>The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.</p><p>Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.</p><p>The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.</p>
Out of Stock
Eagle EGL-2M (AR20-246)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Ebony MEB-9/MEB-10 (20-5042)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Eisenfaust EFT-7X (20-5013)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Elector Battlefleet Set (DWA250001)

The Imperium warmachine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory and having access to all manner of different ship configurations allows an Admiral access to what she needs, when she needs it. With widespread rail networks extending from Prussia to the other Germanic nations of the Imperium, the navy (known as the Kaiserliche Marine) decided to equip a new generation of warships and support vessels with compatible gauge rails to allow weaponry and goods to be easily changed in short order. This allows the Imperium to be responsive to the needs of the operation at hand without having to go to the cost or lengthy construction times of creating specific ships to fill those requirements. Should a vessel be needed to bombard an enemy shore battery, then a Blucher cruiser can be modified to create an Augustus Bombardment Cruiser in less than a day. At the Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard, the record stands for the refitting of the warship Stralsund. The cruiser had arrived fresh from hunting corsairs off the coast of Heligoland three hours earlier. In those few hours the yard crew removed her (still steaming) Volt Gun Batteries and installed a Gustav Heavy Bombard in their place. Over a hundred and fifty Elector-type hulls have been constructed from the fleet yards at Kiel and Wilhelmshaven. Many of these operate today as Elector class Battleships, the mainstay of the Imperium navy. One in ten Elector hulls are of a suitable quality for further reinforcement and outfitting to become a Kaiser class Heavy Battleship. Often the last thing seen by a target abeam of these vessels, the Kaiser?s Salute is a full volley from her Heavy Volt Gun Batteries to Port or Starboard. Some vessels, such as the Heidelberg Class Battlecruiser carry their own locomotives with them in order to ensure fast and efficient loading, unloading and refitting at whatever port they visit. In addition to this pair of Bavarian Adler class engines, Heidelberg Battlecruisers have expansive logistics staff and control centres to help conduct successful military operations.
Elemental Star (CAT35739)

The Clan Elemental Star includes five hex-based Elemental miniatures. Perfect for Battle Tech and Alpha Strike action!
Emperor EMP-6A (AR20-699)

Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Empire Frontline Squadrons (DWA220003)

The warships of China are the most numerous in the Empire's navy. Their prow mounted chemical flame cannons, known as Huoqiang, make them formidable in any conflict and Chinese ships form the core of most of the Empire's Battlefleets. The cruisers of the Chinese mount the deadly Huoqiang along with a mix of heavy guns and rockets. The crews of the Shanghai frigates are extensively drilled in working in large squadrons and can coordinate attacks with devastating effect. With the glut of manpower at its command, China's shipyards are capable of churning out large numbers of cruisers and frigates giving it dominance in naval affairs countered only by the elite vessels of Japan.
Out of Stock
Enfield END-6Q (AR20-765)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Enforcer ENF-4R / ENF-5D (20-448)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Enforcer III ENF-6M (20-867)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Enforcer III ENF-7D (20-5157)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Republic vol 1
Enlightened Advanced Squadrons (DWA100010)

<p>The Newton class are built by the Yemoja shipyard around a massive spatial displacement drive known as a Void Engine. Able to tear a passage through two otherwise unconnected locations, the Void Engines use technology developed at Wells Chasm.</p><p>Dedicated energy transfer conduits allow these floating power stations to augment nearby vessels. Though the Zumeena class is particularly vulnerable to enemy aggression, the benefit to Enlightened scientific advancement far outweighs any loss of life amongst their crews. Not every Covenant Commodore has access to a Descartes Control Ship and so the Yemoja shipyard created the Vesalius to ensure that the welfare and effectiveness of their cetacean allies is maintained. Of course, in a faction that rarely does things by half measures, there are certain fleets that contain multiple Descartes and Vesalius to support hundreds of Physeters.</p><p>A battlefleet represents a huge investment of resources and talent for the Covenant of the Enlightened. Deploying several Origen class Lathe Ships in support, ensures that the risks to such an investment are greatly reduced. Technically an oceanid assault automata rather than a true colossus as it lacks a human crew, the Ketos utilise Sturginium Agitators to wreak carnage against enemy capital ships. The insectile Ketos relies on surprise and cold machine logic to maximise the impact of their attacks.</p><p>Designed by Paulette Aronnax, Lotan are amongst the most common of her oceanid assault automata. Shadowing Enlightened convoys, these segmented machines strike unexpectedly when needed, bringing their terrifying Coeus Shockmaw down to rip apart vessels like a sea monster of myth.</p>
Out of Stock
Enlightened Frontline Squadrons (DWA100003)

The architects of the Dystopian Age, the Covenant of the Enlightened wield their formidable intellects to sweep aside those ignorant or deluded who stand in the way of Scientific Progress. These masters of technology covet knowledge above all things and believe that it is only they who can steer humanity on a path to enlightenment. With their wondrous war-engines, the Covenant of the Enlightened take every opportunity to demonstrate their technological supremacy. The discoveries that were intended to herald a new era for humanity are instead used to punish those who would misuse them. Only when the Covenant are lauded as the rightful leaders of the Earth in this new Dystopian Age can the world be brought into a new dawn of achievement and prosperity.
Enlightened Support Squadrons (DWA100004)

<p>The support ships that escort the Flagship vessels of the Enlightened Fleets fill some very specialist roles. The Plinius Support Carrier carries dozens of Scythe Drones and can launch them from hydraulic ramps. This allows the Plinius to partially submerge when the ramps are closed making it very difficult to see and target. Built around the same hull as the Plinius are a number of other Cruisers. The Quintilian bombardment cruiser mounts heavy rockets that it can launch at distant targets before returning below the waves. The Tacitus Assault Cruiser favours two hardpoints for turrets, most often Particle Beamers. The Claudius Merchantman is designed with extra hull space and is the backbone of Enlightened logistics, the ingenious engineers still managing to squeeze in a number of torpedo launchers to protect them from pirates and other hostiles.</p><p>While these Cruisers are able to lurk just below the surface the Diogenese and Praxilla Class Submarines are able to operate at significant depths. These large Automata operate under a number of pre-programmed subroutines and are effective at hunting down and destroying enemy vessels.</p>
Out of Stock
Enterprise Battlefleet Set (DWA120005)

<p>As the Union pushed out into the Pacific and Atlantic, it required significant air power to support fleet operations. The Enterprise class is a formidable warship and the largest vessel in the Union naval register. Once dubbed the Great Experiment, the success of these vessels is beyond doubt. Powered by three massive Paddlewheels, this mighty vessel retains some of the manoeuvrability of the smaller Union ships while still being able to keep the ship moving at an impressive speed for its size. The recent addition of launch cables allow for more rapid deployment of Corsairs, of which it carries ten squadrons. The Enterprise class Heavy Carriers also serve as mobile headquarters for Admirals and other high ranking military and civil individuals of note when the fleet operates far from home waters.</p><p>Alongside the frontline ships of the Union Navy, the Enterprise is rarely seen without a small flotilla of support vessels. The Washington Missile Cruiser serves to increase the long-range firepower of the battlefleet as well as providing additional cover against enemy aircraft. Armed with Kettering pattern cruise missiles, the crew of Washington class vessels often make use of observation rotors and spotters in fighter squadrons to ensure the deadly payload strikes true.</p><p>The Roanoke Strike Carriers provide increased air support to the already prodigious number of Squadrons carried by the Enterprise. These Cruisers employ powerful electromagnetic catapults to rapidly launch their Corsair strike fighters into the fray, the Roanoke carrier is a valuable vessel in the Union fleet. The class was named after the Union naval base on Roanoke Island, destroyed in 1862 during the Ore War.</p><p>A rarer sight are the new Discovery Class Arc Cruisers. Given sufficient development from The Pipeworks to be given general deployment in the Union Fleet, the Discovery class are replete with Edwina Houston and Nikolai Tesla's Arc technologies. These deadly state of the art weapons can flash burn through the hulls of the mightiest enemy battleships in a burst of incandescence.</p><p>Finally, with a reputation for working miracles, the crews of Montgomery support ships are always a welcome addition to any battlefleet. Scores of repair teams use a combination of flight gear and escort craft to effect repairs and rescue to friendly vessels in need. These ships are also able to provide field repairs to the RC-52 Patriot Automata. These towering simulacra are designed by the brilliant theoretical engineers at The Pipeworks, and is the largest automata in the Union's military. Just like smaller automata, over time their adaptive computations develop quirks that give veteran Automata distinctive personalities.</p>
Exterminator EXT-4D (20-895)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Eyleuka EYL-45A (20-461)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad ((3068 - 3085) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Eyrie (Standard) (20-5102)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: The Clans
Falcon FLC-4N (20-777)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K (AR20-966)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Falconer FLC-8R (20-674)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Falkenstein Battlefleet Set (DWA250017)

The Imperium's focus on modular naval vessels is apparent in the Falkenstein Battlecarrier. By making use of the same integrated components and mechanisms of the Elector, Blucher and Konrad classes, the Falkenstein features many of the best traits of these vessels. With forward firepower surpassing a heavy cruiser, a complement of fighters in excess of a support carrier and the comparable resilience to a flagship, the design is aun unqualified success. The Imperium’s Admiralty in the Königlich Preußische Marine are appreciative of the toolbox nature of such a vessel. They are especially liked by Commodores with more tactical battlefleets at hand, allowing them to cover more eventualities than could be done with either a battleship or carrier alone.
Fall from Glory (CAT36066)

<h2>FLIGHT INTO THE UNKNOWN</h2>100 million dead.<br data-mce-fragment="1" />500 million wounded.<br data-mce-fragment="1" />One billion homeless.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />The worst war in human history is over and has left the Star League shattered. Jealousy and infighting from the five Great House Lords over who will be the next First Lord has the entire Inner Sphere already teetering on the brink of all-out conflict again.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Against this grim backdrop, Aleksandr Kerensky, commanding general of the Star League Defense Force, faces a terrible choice. Stay, and see the mightiest military ever known subsumed into the Great Houses, lighting a conflagration that may burn even brighter than the terrible Amaris Coup. Or do the unthinkable?<br /><h2></h2>
Fennec FEC-1CM (20-5052)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Fire Falcon Prime (20-695)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Firebee FRB-2E (20-479)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Firestarter FS9-H (AR20-850)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Firestarter FS9-M2 (AR20-369)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Lyran Commonwealth
Firestarter FS9-O Prime (AR20-257)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Firm Faction Starter Box (TDE-F2220)

Wherever you find a person willing to do a days work for a days living you can usually find someone else, plotting ways to take it from them. Some people call this survival of the fittest, but most of us have a different word for it: crime. The Firm are the gangsters and organised criminals of Ulaya. Protection racketeering, theft, robbery, banditry, the sale and supply of illicit substances and services: all of these things are their stock and trade. Violent brutality and ruthlessness permeate all that they do. The true extent of their power is not known, and few are brave or foolhardy enough to find out.
Flashman FLS-8K (AR20-377)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Flashman FLS-8K (20-5127)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Flight of the Falcon (CAT36209)

<div style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;">PREDATORS AND PREY<br /><br />A Clan Jade Falcon invasion force is en route to eradicate the Steel Wolves, but it's true mission is the subjugation of the Republic of the Sphere. Constrained by an imposed peace for decades, the Falcons embark on their most spectacular war in generations, and their lust for blood runs hot... Siblings Malvina and Aleks Hazen are Jade Falcon's best and brightest MechWarriors. Each achieved high command at a young age, and their bond is strong, but so is their rivalry. While Aleks believes warriors should protect the weak, Malvina is obsessed with dark visions of power and glory. If the leader of the Clan is destined to rule the Inner Sphere, then Malvina's first step toward seizing that role for herself is to conquer the Republic...or utterly destroy it.</div><div style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;"></div><div style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;">On Skye, Tara Campbell faces a major invasion with too few Northwind Highlanders to beat it back. Some in the Planetary Council want to negotiate with the invaders to spare Skye the frightful carnage already wreaked on other worlds by the Falcons' inexorable advance. Now Tara, the Republic's greatest defender, finds herself fighting dissension at home when unity is needed in the face of Skye's greatest crisis...</div>
Forek Mounted - Militia Leader (TDE-M3006)

Forek just isn't the kind of guy to run around on someone else's legs, or to trust his safety to a belligerent animal. He likes to trust his own reflexes and skill, and needs a suitable conveyance which will fulfil these foibles. It took Kraytssk three months of solid work to cobble together Forek's load-lifter from an ancient chassis he found in a cave at the fork of the Red River. It took another four months to hone the vehicle to Forek's exact specifications.
Fortress of Lies (CAT36207)

<h2>PAWNS ARE MEANT TO BE SACRIFICED</h2>After his victory on New Aragon, Duke Aaron Sandoval has the embattled Republic in his debt. But Sandoval's hidden agenda has more to do with his own power than any loyalty to the Republic of the Sphere, and he'll spare no expense to achieve his ultimate goal.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />When the Duke becomes the target of an assassination attempt, he realizes his efforts to build a coalition against the invading House Liao are failing. Many planetary governors prefer capitulation to war. What he needs is a new ship and a new approach.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />To launch his campaign, Sandoval sends his nephew Erik, fresh from the front lines of the campaign against the encroaching Capellan Confederation, to Shensi. His job is to convince the governor to join his uncle's alliance instead of making peace with Liao. Although Erik is honored to be the Duke's strong right hand, he's convinced that Aaron's arrogance is getting the better of him. But what Erik doesn't yet realize is that his own uncle will sacrifice anyone to achieve his dreams of glory...even a member of his own family.
Fortune Chips & Dice Set - Wild West Exodus (WEX991599007)

Fight the battles of Wild West Exodus with these superb dice and Fortune chips. This set includes four special ten-sided dice for use with Wild West Exodus. Each die features their Critical Success and Critical Failure values with easily recognisable symbols. The stack of ten Fortune chips will let you easily keep track during your games as you tempt fate and push your luck by bending your Fortune to your will.
Front Lines: BattleCorps Anthology, Vol. 6 (CAT35806)

<h2>HONOR. DESPERATION. VALOR. JIHAD.</h2>Inhuman cybernetic soldiers invade a peaceful world, bringing terror and misery in the name of a new flag. A young soldier, part of the most maligned military machine in history, struggles to find meaning in his service. And the prince of a star-spanning empire discovers that not even he can protect the people he loves. Ten stories of combat, honor, betrayal, and death fill the pages of Front Lines: BattleCorps Anthology Volume 6. Readers will recognize familiar names in BattleTech lore among the authors: Steven Mohan, Jr., and Blaine Lee Pardoe, who welcome newer writers such as Jason Hansa, Christopher Purnell, and Craig A. Reed, Jr. These writers have shaped the direction of the BattleTech universe. In 2009, with these stories, they told the stories that demonstrated the indomitable will that has carried BattleTech readers across more than 25 years of publication.<h2></h2>
Galahad "Glass Spider" 3 (20-347)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Galahad GLH-2D (20-495)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Gallant GLT-7-0 (20-5058)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Gallowglas GAL-1GLS (20-680)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Gambit GBT-1G (20-5146)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League
Garm GRM-01A (AR20-244)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Gestalt D2X-G (BT-289)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Jihad: Final Reckoning
Ghost GST-10 (AR20-350)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Ghost Hour (Rogue Academy #2) (CAT35828)

<h2>CADETS UNDER FIRE?</h2>Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy, the only thing stopping a megalomaniacal Draconis Combine general with aspirations of claiming a piece of space as his own, starting with their home planet. Emporia is at war, and cadets are now frontline soldiers as Tai-sa Takeji Yoshizawa shifts tactics in a brutal effort to subjugate their entire world. It's up to the siblings and their friends to stop the madman bent on conquest, but while Jasper believes Nadine is too reckless, Nadine believes Jasper is still living in the past. As both struggle to do what they think is right, the Ritza Academy comes under assault once more. It takes a shocking sacrifice to make them both see the true face of the enemy. Reunited by the same purpose, Jasper agrees to Nadine's audacious plan to make Emporia too much trouble for the leader of the Seventh Ghost Regiment to conquer. Unfortunately for them, Tai-sa Yoshizawa has his own secrets, and nothing left to lose. And even if Nadine's plan works to perfection, the cunning general has one last trick up his sleeve that could bring about the end of everything Nadine and Jasper hold dear?<h2></h2>
Ghost Rider (CP27)

Johnny Blaze was a renowned motorcycle stuntman until he made a deal with a demon to save the life of his mentor from a mysterious illness. Forced to share his body with the demon Zarathos, Johnny found himself able to transform into the embodiment of the Spirit of Vengeance. As Ghost Rider, Johnny can do everything from manipulating hellfire to devouring sinful souls, to forcing evil-doers to feel all the pain they?ve ever caused by unleashing his ?Penance Stare.? Tearing through the night on his flaming motorcycle, Ghost Rider never stops in delivering punishment to those who dare do harm to the innocent.
Gladiator "Executioner" Prime (20-393)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Gladiator GLD-4R (20-446)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Glaive Medium Tank (2) (AR20-437)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Wheeled<br />Era: Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Glory Fire Support Vehicle (AR20-254)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Goliath GOL-2H (20-316)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Goliath GOL-4S (20-202)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Gorgon ProtoMech (1) (BT-375)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 8</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Goshawk II (Standard) (20-5144)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Grand Crusader II GRN-D-04 (AR20-388)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Grand Titan TIT-N10M (AR20-616)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050-3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Grasshopper GHR-5H (20-888)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Grasshopper GHR-7P (20-5036)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Grayze - Wayfarer Medic (TDE-W5002)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Great Wyrm (AR20-940)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Green Goblin (CP21)

When industrialist Norman Osborn injected himself with his experimental Goblin Formula, it granted him incredible strength, speed, and resilience but fractured his mind, turning him into the cackling, psychotic terror known as the Green Goblin.
Grendel Prime (AR20-677)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3051) <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Griffin GRF-6S (20-200)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Griffin IIC 4 (20-237)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Grigori C-GRG-O Invictus (AR20-412)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR29 (20-658)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Guillotine GLT-3N (20-813)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Guillotine IIC (20-268)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Gurkha GUR-2G (20-997)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Hammer HMR-3M (20-798)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Hannibal Dropship (1) (BT-069)

Tonnage: Not Available<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerodyne Dropship<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
Hatchetman HCT-7S (20-357)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Hauptmann HA1-O Prime (AR20-391)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Havoc HVC-P6 (20-5113)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League
Hawk - Militia (TDE-M3010)

Grim, determined, Hawk is the epitome of the lone wolf soldier. Trusting nobody but himself, Hawk can be difficult to work with and follows the command structure of the Militia with grit-toothed reluctance. However, he is extremely useful, especially at close quarters against his favourite enemy- the hated dinosaurs who carried off his infant brother...
Hawkeye and Black Widow (CP24)

With only a bow, a quiver of arrows, and enough self-confidence to rival anyone, Clint Barton has proven himself to truly be one of Earths Mightiest Heroes.Trusted by some and feared by most, Natasha Romanoff strives to make up for the bad she has done in the past by helping the world, even if that means getting her hands dirty in the process.
Hector HOR-1B (20-5063)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Era DIgest: Age of War
Helepolis HEP-2H (20-489)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Hellion Prime (20-976)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Hellspawn HSN-7D (BT-424)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Hellspawn HSN-7D (AR20-989)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Hellstar (Standard) (20-435)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Hercules HRC-LS-9000 (AR20-692)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Hermes HER-1A (20-292)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3039
Heroes Extras (TDE-U9001)

Extra head, weapon and arm options for the Hero Pack models. Extra useful if you plan on using your models as rank and file troops in The Drowned Earth!
Hex Beasts Pack (Hex Beasts Pack)

Monstrous and volatile, the Hex Beasts are not only common amongst the forces of the Hex but may also appear in other forces should tainted units fall to their corruption and transform.
Hochmeister Battlefleet Set (DWA250006)

The Hochmeister is a mechanical marvel crewed by Teutonic Knight-Luminaries. These Vitruvian colossi stride the seabed waiting for the perfect time to strike, launching upwards on powerful hydro jets. The Hochmeister erupts from the sea, water cascading off its hull as its huge Zweihander sword cleaves through enemy vessels in an awesome display of Imperial might. As all machines of war in the Imperium arsenal, their Colossi can be refitted to suit a different purpose. The Metzger Vitruvian Colossus exchanges the sword and shoulder-mounted turrets for more devastating weaponry such as the Uber Flak Vierling and the Claw Arc Projector. Both of these come directly from the vaults of the Teutonic Knight-Luminaries and are therefore rarely seen. When one of these Colossi appears in the midst of combat a cheer will erupt from the crews aboard the nearby Imperium ships as they are seen as an omen of victory, usually for good reason.
Honor's Gauntlet (CAT35878)

<h2>A TEST OF LOYALTY?</h2>Clan Jade Falcon's war efforts draw closer to Terra, but to conquer this ultimate prize, the Falcons' vicious Khan, Malvina Hazen, must be able to trust all of her warriors to carry out her commands without hesitation, no matter how much death or collateral damage they will cause. For Malvina, victory is the only thing that matters, and those who stand in her way suffer swift and brutal elimination. Star Captain Archer Pryde is an unconventional Falcon MechWarrior who chafes at carrying out his Khan's terror tactics, but he delivers results in combat, so Malvina has turned a blind eye to his beliefs so far. But when civilians on a conquered world revolt against their Clan masters, innocents are caught in the Falcons' crosshairs. Archer and his fellow MechWarriors must prove their mettle to Star Colonel Nikita Malthus, the Khan's vindictive advisor, by carrying out their scorched-earth orders to the letter. But are these orders a betrayal of what it means to be a true and honorable Jade Falcon? With both his loyalty and honor in question, Archer must run the gauntlet between duty and principles, or risk his own destruction.
Hound HD-2F (20-5136)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Mercenaries
Hunting Season (CAT36069)

<h2>KNIVES IN THE DARK</h2>Captain-General Jessica Marik is holding the reborn Free Worlds League together by the might of her indomitable will, and has managed to keep all of the interstellar nation's foes at bay. But even the strongest and most inspiring leaders have chinks in their armor. After a personal tragedy, Jessica vanishes from the public eye, leaving no hand on the tiller of the fractious nation as multiple hostile neighbors drag them into open warfare. Beset on all sides, the League must navigate the flames of war with no direction from the top, leaving Warden-General Nikol Marik, Jessica's youngest child, in control of the League's military forces at a time when the nation needs her mother's leadership the most. Nikol steps up to the challenge, however, as this is the moment she has been preparing for her entire life. But forces in the shadows seek to capitalize on the chaos and bring the Free Worlds League to its knees from within. The threat of coups and assassins sets the League on edge as Nikol strives to maintain the unity her mother had fought so hard to achieve, even if it means putting herself in danger. But she is not alone. At her right hand stands General Wilburn Kirkland, commander of the Ducal Guard, Jessica's personal bodyguard regiment. Together they must discover who the League's true enemies are, and hunt them to the ends of the Inner Sphere if necessary...<h2></h2>
Hydaspes Micro Fighter (1) (BT-141)

Tonnage: 95 Technology: Clan Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter Era: Early Succession War (2781 - 2900) TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Hypatia Battlefleet Set (DWA100006)

The first Hypatia Class vessel produced was the prototype named The Prometheus. This ship was stolen by the Commonwealth Agent Helsinki Markov. Despite a desperate hunt, The Prometheus was never recovered. Despite this setback, Hypatia Class Generator ships were already in production by that point and the first production ship of the class, The Hypatia, was fitted out ready for service. Now several years on from the Markov scandal, the Hypatia class has established itself as one of the most versatile ships available to the Enlightened. Not only does it carry significant firepower but the ultra-efficient engines and superconductors allow it to also operate three specially overcharged generators. This gives the Generator Ship and its fleet a huge amount of options. The support ships that escort Hypatia Class vessels and other large ships fill some often more specialist roles. The Plinius Support Carrier carries dozens of Scythe Drones and can launch them from hydraulic ramps. This allows the Plinius to partially submerge when the ramps are closed making it very difficult to see and target. Built around the same hull as the Plinius are a number of other Cruisers. The Quintilian bombardment cruiser mounts heavy rockets that it can launch at distant targets before returning below the waves. The Tacitus Assault Cruiser favours two hardpoints for turrets, most often Particle Beamers. The Claudius Merchantman is designed with extra hull space and is the backbone of Enlightened logistics, the ingenious engineers still managing to squeeze in a number of torpedo launchers to protect them from pirates and other hostiles. While these Cruisers are able to lurk just below the surface the Diogenese and Praxilla Class Submarines are able to operate at significant depths. These large Automata operate under a number of pre-pro2med subroutines and are effective at hunting down and destroying enemy vessels.
Out of Stock
Icarus Battlefleet Set (DWA100011)

<p>One of the largest vessels built by the Yemoja shipyards in Mombasa, the Icarus features multiple vertical magnetic catapults that can simultaneously launch squadrons of fighters. The class has fabrication and repair facilities comparable to a small naval base and makes use of these to maintain the Icarus' squadrons and lend support to other vessels in the battlefleet.</p><p>Detailed drafts for the Daedalus class Fortified Teathership were found in the personal effects of the renegade Covenant Peer Gjenge Matee. Faithfully following her design, her Promethean Complex produced a marvel of Enlightened naval power. These versatile vessels are especially suited as the flagship of a combined flotilla of aerial and surface ships.</p>
Out of Stock
Ice Maiden Battlefleet Set (DWA250008)

It was the invention of Pycrete, acquired by the Knight-Luminary Herman Mark, that enabled the first Ice Maiden ever built. The concept of a ship constructed out of a hollowed-out iceberg was initially greeted with some scepticism but after the initial tests, it was deemed worth further exploration. The initial prototype vessel was named the Eiskalte Schoenheit, and, being the very first ever constructed, lacked some of the later technologies of her sisters. Her unique size and strength at sea ensured she dominated any naval engagement. With a displacement in excess of 100,000 tonnes and a crew of over 6,000, the Ice Maiden Dreadnought Super-Carriers are the largest vessels in the Imperium's navy. They each boast a complement of sixty Messer strike fighters, a dozen Blitzen Bombers and enough supplies to ensure its squadrons can carry out a range of sorties wherever needed. The SMS Prinzessin Wilhelmina was the Flagship of the First Atlantic Fleet and pride of the K?niglich Preu?ische Marine. Named after the Kaiser's eldest daughter and heir to the Imperial Throne, this immense vessel gives an especially deadly version of the infamous 'Kaiser Salute' with her six Heavy Volt Gun Batteries. Whenever one of these mighty constructions are committed to a naval action they are invariably accompanied by a multitude of smaller support vessels and frontline cruisers to defend the behemoth from smaller, faster enemy craft. The weapons mounted in the bow of the Ice Maiden can easily and quickly be swapped out to fit the mission at hand much like almost all other ships in the Imperium Navy.
Ika Colossus Squadrons (DWA220009)

<p>Since the creation of the first primitive maps, there have been parts of the world where monsters lay and sailors fear to wonder. The Empire have been inspired by this to create their own monstrosities of the deep. Marvels of engineering created not only to sow fear and doubt in the minds of their enemies but also to demonstrate the mechanical mastery of the Empire. Using the most advanced engineering techniques, overseen by Empress Shinzua herself, huge automata in the form of giant squid have been developed and successfully engineered. The instruction cylinders for these submerged creations are among the most complex outside of the Enlightened fleets.</p><p>They have become horror stories told about only when crews are safe on shore leave. Any survivors refuse to discuss them while at sea should they incur the wrath of the Ika. In this way the Ika have become exactly what they were designed to be, the monsters that sailors fear.</p>
Imperium Aerial Squadrons (DWA250014)

<p>Colloquially referred to as war rockets by the Prussian navy due to their distinctive missile-like shape, the Kriegsturm patrol the skies around the Imperium and beyond. Commonly armed with deadly high-speed Luft Speerschleuders, these weapons are ideal for hunting down submerged targets while its Flak Batteries rip apart aircraft.</p><p>Utilising pressurised Blaugas jet engines to achieve exceptional speeds, the Jaeger is a lethal aerial hunter operating in packs to clear the skies of enemy airships or plunge out of the clouds to strike their unsuspecting foes below.</p>
Imperium Frontline Squadrons (DWA250003)

The Imperium war machine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory and having access to all manner of different ship configurations allows an Admiral access to what she needs, when she needs it. With widespread rail networks extending from Prussia to the other Germanic nations of the Imperium, the navy (known as the Kaiserliche Marine) decided to equip a new generation of warships and support vessels with compatible gauge rails to allow weaponry and goods to be easily changed in short order. This allows the Imperium to be responsive to the needs of the operation at hand without having to go to the cost or lengthy construction times of creating specific ships to fill those requirements. Should a vessel be needed to bombard an enemy shore battery, then a Blucher cruiser can be modified to create an Augustus Bombardment Cruiser in less than a day. At the Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard, the record stands for the refitting of the warship Stralsund. The cruiser had arrived fresh from hunting corsairs off the coast of Heligoland three hours earlier. In those few hours the yard crew removed her (still steaming) Volt Gun Batteries and installed a Gustav Heavy Bombard in their place.
Imperium Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA250000)

Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is. In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour. Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.
Imperium Support Squadrons (DWA250004)

Commonly found in support of larger vessels of the Imperium's Navy are a number of specialised cruiser variants. Built on the ubiquitous Blucher Class hull, these ships can be refitted as fast as any other frontline ship. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of Messer class fighters, providing air power where needed. Reiter Class Flak Cruisers are equipped with an impressive array of Vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air. These two vessels ensure that Blitzen Bomber squadrons can safely reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class deploys the formidable Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour with terrible voltaic energy. The Imperium operates a large number of destroyer squadrons. Superior to the smaller frigates and escorts, Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower. Toten Class, are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons to cast bolts of lightning into the enemy.
Incubus II (Standard) (20-5047)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Infernal Investigations Posse (WEX141099003)

With the constantly growing threat from unknown quarters in the West the small unit known as Infernal Affairs have found themselves in high demand of late. Led by the indomitable Marshall Helena Miller this Posse are used to fighting, and defeating, the most unusual and terrifying opponents to Law and Order. Backed up by Furio Montoya, Jedrick Powell, Mercury Jones, Ida Saxon and Blackhoof 20-20, Marshall Miller tackles those missions that nobody else wants or is likely to come back from alive.
Initiate INI-02 (AR20-641)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Inner Sphere Fire Lance (CAT35731)

The Inner Sphere Fire Lance includes the Longbow, Zeus, Trebuchet, and Stalker along with MechWarrior pilot cards and Alpha Strike cards.
Islands and Archipelagos Set (DWA990022)

When negotiations between the Factions of the Dystopian Age break down or when only conflict will settle a dispute fleets clash. This can happen anywhere across the globe and in the heat of battle many a Captain has been caught out by a sandbank or tidal Island. Some larger islands even have modest fortresses and gun emplacements built on them to add protection to the secrets and supplies that lie within.
Italian Frontline Squadrons (DWA260008)

Pride of the Castellammare di Stabia shipyards, the Gladius is a superb vessel. Optimised for long sea voyages with comfortable crew berths and excellent fresh-water reclamation systems, the Gladius is a popular assignment in the Regia Marina. Crews of Pilum monitors are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities of Italy. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory. Cestus Zebeks are often tasked to defend the flanks of Alliance fleets as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.
Italian Support Squadrons (DWA260010)

"While our discoveries of Sturginium and its uses has ushered in a time of scientific marvels, unrecognisable to those of previous generations, there has also been a recent resurgence of older designs but with vastly more powerful results. The Rostratum Naval Ballista is a perfect example of this. The simple idea of a bolt being launched to impact and pierce a target has been with us since ancient times. The Italian Engineers of the Latin Alliance have advanced this in a way that could only be achieved with hitherto unknown comprehension of engineering. They have designed bolts using current alloys that are a fraction of the weight of a comparable steel structure while losing none of its material hardness. In place of twisted rope they use electro-magnetic rails that fire the bolt at incredible speed. Reports of a projectile impacting on the hull of an enemy vessel and then being hauled in to spin the target to a less desirable facing are troubling and interesting in equal measure. I propose we explore ideas like this further. Imagine the untapped potential we already have in our history. Imagine a trebuchet with a thousand times its previously registered force, Da Vinci’s designs made real or Greek Fire made on an industrial scale." <br /><br />- Peer of the Enlightened, Robert Abernethy, at a symposium shortly before his disappearance.
Japanese Frontline Squadrons (DWA220004)

The supporting cruisers that are assigned to Battlefleets through the forces of the Empire vary greatly. From the imposing Hokkaido Heavy Cruiser down to the nimble Kanagawa Monitor there is a cruiser variant for every mission. Japanese Cruiser groups are typically accompanied by Chita Submersible Automata. These engineering wonders are equal to the mechanical creations of the Covenant of the Enlightened and are used to protect the fleet from threats beneath the waves as well as assisting in assaults. While the Chita are designed to operate independently for lengthy periods, they lack the endurance of the much larger Kaiju class automata. Ishikawa strike cruisers and Yamaguchi Attack Cruisers are essential in maintaining these escorts far from a drydock, their moon pools enabling repairs and refuelling of the Chita to take place.<p>The Okinawa and Miyagi Class Cruisers are equipped with limited numbers of reconnaissance aircraft that act as spotters and limited aerial defence. When needs must they can also perform bombing runs on enemy shipping but usually only when supported by other aerial units.</p><p>The Japanese favour Kyoto frigates when running their patrols between the far-flung islands of their homeland. The vessels are ideally suited for this task and for new sailors a year on a Kyoto is their first experience of the proud naval traditions of the Blazing Sun.</p>
Kalen - Militia Trickster (TDE-M3007)

Renowned as traders and travelling mechanics, Ponya are not often found in fighting bands such as the Militia. However, Ulaya is a dangerous place, and those unwilling to protect themselves against its dangers soon find themselves victims of it. Kalen was born into a trading caravan which roamed much of the Five Lakes District and The Wash. But the life of a merchant was never truly in her soul. Every time her family passed through Skyton she was awed by the casual cool of the town Militia, far more professional and better equipped than the town militias of most other places of similar size. Mischievous, adventurous and fearless, Kalen is something of a daredevil, favouring a rocket pack to aid her in leaping great distances, grabbing treasures or setting devious traps where necessary. However, the life of a soldier is a life of violence, and as a gentle soul, Kalen only kills as a last resort. Because of this, her favourite weapon is a large Glop Cannon, which fires a quick expanding, sticky substance which glues her enemies to the ground, slowing their movement until they fight their way out of the gluey mess. A valued member of the Militia Crew, Kalen is usually first to volunteer for any dangerous retrieval or scouting mission, and has been integral in the success of a number of Militia operations.
Kaneda Mounted - Leader of the Firm (TDE-F2006)

Proud, resentful, arrogant; all of these words could be used to describe Kaneda Griss, the leader of The Firm's notorious "River Crew". But Kaneda is merely an underling, in the grand scheme of things. Disappointing son of a powerful Underboss, Kaneda was sent to Skyton to keep him out of the way. If there was one aspect of Kaneda's personality his father was truly proud of it was that his son was tough, but in every other respect he was a disappointment. His father wanted to train him as a successor, but it was clear from early on that the best kind of intelligence Kaneda could master was a kind of low cunning. His father was the master of control by selectively applied violence. Kaneda was an angry thug.  So to the River Crew with him - a gang of misfits and psychopaths who, while useful, have to be kept at arm's length.
Kassel - Firm Leader (TDE-F2009)

Kassel: the Underboss of the 'Five Lakes Syndicate', the organisation which runs all the organised crime operations in the five Lakes District, and much of the Great Lagoon Network. Operating out of the Gilded Viper, a drinking establishment in the Undertown of Skyton, all those under his command quake at the thought of his attentions. He is feared, and with good reason. Ruthlessness goes with the territory, but Kassel tolerates no failure, with one exception: Kaneda, the son of Kassel's own boss. This is a situation Kassel deeply resents, feeling that his position is undermined by having to tolerate the ineptitude and insubordination of Kaneda Griss. Perhaps this frustration explains his occasionally nuclear violent outbursts and exactitude with the rest of his employees. Kassel is cold, ambitious, and terrifyingly proficient in close quarters, training in his private Dojo each day, despite rarely going out in to the field. Kassel can injure his own crew in order to guarantee command orders! Meanwhile he is devastating on the charge, and can dart in and out of combat at a whim.
Keratosor - Epic Dino (TDE-N6012)

The fearsome Keratosor is faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
Khodynka Battlefleet Set (DWA270016)

The Khodynka Heavy Skycruiser “Nebesnaya Gora” hung in the sky, defiant against the laws of nature. Ablative armour plates had been blown off and small fires were being extinguished by weary skymen. The engine at the heart of the beast rumbled on, with nothing but the occasional splutter to suggest there was anything wrong at all. The Commonwealth fleet had been ambushed while making routine patrols around the Barents Sea, The Scions of Jutland had appeared like wolves in the night and unleashed a stream of rockets that would have obliterated a lesser vessel. Only the crew of Nebesnaya Gora understood that this night would be a loss to the Scions. Steel, molten from the intense heat of the barrage fell from the sky and yet the Khodynka remained in the air, only having lost redundant systems and armour designed to fail without letting worse damage through. As the battle went on, more damage was sustained by both sides. Scions and Commonwealth crew alike sharing a freezing tomb. Only the Nebesnaya Gora remained, damaged but stoic and impressively, still airborne.
Kill Zone: BattleCorps Anthology, Vol. 7 (CAT35834)

<h2>REDEMPTION. RESISTANCE. RESOLVE.</h2>Kill Zone: BattleCorps Anthology, Volume 7 collects the very best of the short stories published on the BattleCorps website from 2010. Charge into the war-torn future to experience nine stories filled with BattleMech combat, heroism, betrayal, honor, and duty. Veteran BattleTech authors Kevin Killiany, Blaine Lee Pardoe, and Jason Schmetzer, alongside fan favorites Craig A. Reed, Jr. and Jason Hansa are showcased in this anthology, which includes an all-new tale from Scribe Award-nominated author Travis Heermann.
Kingpin (CP29)

Wilson Fisk is a criminal mastermind and the single most feared, dangerous, and powerful crime lord in New York City. From humble beginnings as a poor street thug, Fisk used his genius intellect, physical strength, and sheer ruthlessness to remove all rivals and become the unseen ruler of all organized crime in the city. As the Kingpin, Fisk is a master manipulator, controlling events to increase his power, influence, and the reach of his criminal empire. When an example has to be made, the Kingpin uses his enormous strength and martial arts skills to utterly crush his foes. Counting the likes of Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Punisher among his long list of enemies, the Kingpin has no qualms in exploiting his adversary?s principles to usher in their destruction.
Kirghiz Fighter (Mech Scale) (FT-019)

<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 10</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Kohua - Artefacter Adventurer (TDE-A1008)

An older Sorrian hunter, Kohua is a big game hunter, in the waning years of her career. Affiliated with the Artefacters, although not quite a permanent member, Kohua comes and goes as she pleases, and in some ways is an Elder Statesman of the organisation. In that regard, she is not unlike the famed scientist Alphangus Playdge, with whom she has undertaken many adventures. She has a healthy rivalry with the other hunter of the group: Ando, of who's methods she thoroughly disapproves!
Kongo Battlefleet Set (DWA220005)

<p>Of all the Battleships upon the seas in the last 50 years the Britannia Class of the Crown has been considered the heaviest. That is until the Empire launched the Kongo Class Heavy Battleship. One of the deadliest warships to ply the seas of the Dystopian Age, the Kongo is crewed by some of the finest sailors in all of Japan. The design of this behemoth was always aimed at making it as armoured as possible while still retaining speed and manoeuvrability as much as the best Japanese naval engineers could manage. Named after a legendary mountain in the Osaka Prefecture, this vessel truly lives up to the name. With thick armour plates and formidable weapons the Kongo class are the pride of the Japanese fleet.</p><p>The supporting cruisers that are assigned to Battlefleets alongside the Kongo vary greatly. From the imposing Hokkaido Heavy Cruiser down to the nimble Kanagawa Monitor there is a cruiser variant for every mission. Japanese Cruiser groups are typically accompanied by Chita Submersible Automata. These engineering wonders are equal to the mechanical creations of the Covenant of the Enlightened and are used to protect the fleet from threats beneath the waves as well as assisting in assaults. While the Chita are designed to operate independently for lengthy periods, they lack the endurance of the much larger Kaiju class automata. Ishikawa strike cruisers and Yamaguchi Attack Cruisers are essential in maintaining these escorts far from a drydock, their moon pools enabling repairs and refuelling of the Chita to take place.</p><p>The Okinawa and Miyagi Class Cruisers are equipped with limited numbers of reconnaissance aircraft that act as spotters and limited aerial defence. When needs must they can also perform bombing runs on enemy shipping but usually only when supported by other aerial units.</p><p>The Japanese favour Kyoto frigates when running their patrols between the far-flung<br />islands of their homeland. The vessels are ideally suited for this task and for new sailors a year on a Kyoto is their first experience of the proud naval traditions of the Blazing Sun.</p>
Out of Stock
Konig Battlefleet Set (DWA250010)

The Teutonic Knight-Luminaries developed an advanced generator ship utilising much of the Elector class design. Featuring the latest in metallurgical and technological advancements, the Konig class is used to lead Teutonic battlefleets in operations around the globe. By decree of the Kaiser, these vessels are accountable only to the Grandmaster herself. Not only does this vessel boast an impressive array of generators it is also equipped with a devastating range of weaponry including a fore mounted Sturmbringer. This combination makes the Konig a very valuable asset to any Imperium battlefleet. Like all capital ships the Konig is always supported by a combination of frontline, support and other smaller vessels.
Ku Wheeled Assault Tank (2) (AR20-281)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  Combat Vehicle - Tank<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Kurhu KHU-R1 (20-5018)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Kyudo KY2-D-02 (AR20-5020)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Kyushu Frigate (AR20-189)

Tonnage: N/A<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Advanced Aerospace - Warship<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050-3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
Lakassk - Firm Mech (TDE-F2007)

How Lakassk ended up with the "misfit crew" is a question he constantly asks himself. By the standards of the rest of them, he's actually quite sane. It's probable that, considering their reckless nature, Lakassk was seen as a tactical necessity: His Nova Cannon is certainly not the most subtle of weapons, but it's definitely a useful one. Firing flash-bang grenades, Lakassk is capable of shoring up even the most reckless of charges with a covering fire: and considering the Firm's general eschewing of heavy armour, that's a boon indeed.
Lazarus (WEX991899017)

Welcome to an alternate 1870s where the heroism and hubris of humanity in this era of steam and steel have unlocked secrets that the world was unprepared for, as super-science and alien technologies bring about an exciting and unpredictable age. The Dystopian Age.
Legacy: A BattleTech Anthology, Vol. 8 (CAT35826)

<h2>IN THE 31ST CENTURY, LIFE IS CHEAP...</h2>A Draconis Combine warrior struggles with immoral orders in the First Succession War. A House Davion MechWarrior participates in a risky heist as part of Operation Guerrero. A history buff battles the Word of Blake during the Liberation of Terra. What do these MechWarriors have in common? Each one pilots the same BattleMech, a survivor that has been repaired and rebuilt countless times throughout its long and bloody 300-year lifespan.<h2>BATTLEMECHS ARE NOT.</h2>The 70-ton GHR-5H Grasshopper can outmaneuver and outlast some of the most fearsome enemy 'Mechs, making it an invaluable asset to battlefield commanders. Even an incapacitated Grasshopper will be rebuilt to fight another day, with a new pilot at its controls, because MechWarriors can be replaced, but 'Mechs cannot. In BattleTech: Legacy, thirteen all-new stories chronicle the fortunes and tragedies of a single 'Mech across several tumultuous points in its wide-ranging combat history. Veteran BattleTech authors Kevin Killiany and Craig A. Reed, Jr. bookend this exciting collection, while other familiar names and new blood explore important moments in this 'Mech's history of constant, unmitigated warfare that leaves no corner of the Inner Sphere untouched.<h2></h2>
Legionnaire LGN-2D/LGN-2K (20-328)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Lineholder KW1-LH2 (AR20-754)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Lliana - Wandering Wayfarer (TDE-W5006)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.
Locust IIC 4 (20-227)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Loki II Prime (20-5142)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Late Republic (3101 - 3130)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: The Clans
Longbow LGB-0C (20-5077)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - Primitive<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 2
Lost Destiny (CAT36047)

<h2>THE FINAL ASSAULT...</h2>The Clans. Warriors bred for battle and piloting fantastic war machines, Clansmen live for victory and pray for death before defeat. Invaders from beyond the Periphery, the Clans have beaten the forces of the Inner Sphere repeatedly. Now the Clans are driving toward their ultimate objective,Terra, cradle of humankind and hub of the ComStar communications network. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. The heir to the throne of the Draconis Combine is missing. Whole regiments of BattleMechs lie smashed like abandoned toys. Rasalhague is overrun. The Clans are sweeping toward the center of the known universe in a relentless tide. Humanity's only hope lies in the Inner Sphere's most powerful traitor. ComStar betrayed the Inner Sphere by aiding the Clans in their conquests. Now the mystic sect that controls all interstellar communication must face the Clan hordes alone. And only a mysterious, elderly warrior, and the untested warriors of ComStar, are the Inner Sphere's last defense against total defeat.n<h2></h2>
Lu Wei Bing LN-4B (20-5121)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Lupus B (BT-266)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO:  Era Digest: Golden Century
Lupus Prime (BT-265)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Clan <br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Lynx LNX-9Q (AR20-766)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Maelstrom MTR-5K (AR20-763)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Magenta Battlefleet Set (DWA220007)

Named after the Alliance victory against the Imperium in 1859, the Magenta class is the pride of Napoleon’s levant fleet. These powerful battlecruisers are capable of hovering a hundred meters or more above the sea bringing their powerful heat lances or other weapons to bear.<p>The Saint-Michel Levant Assault Carrier is often the centrepiece of a Levant focused battlefleet. Flight crews of the fighter craft that launch from Saint-Michel are often known as ‘Anges de la Mort’ as a matter of pride. The agility of the skimming Levant Carrier allows it to surge to great heights then descend upon the enemy as scores of ‘angels’ unleash the wrath of President Louis-Napoleon.</p><p>The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.</p><p>No captain wants to see an enemy craft soaring above them but the Furieux Levant Grand Corvette make ones blood freeze in terror. That could be the last time the crew feels cold as the Furieux releases deadly thermal cluster bombs. Even the bravest crews know to be rightfully scared if they spot a Furieux rising into the air ahead of them.</p><p>As fighter pilots rise in the ranks they may be promoted to become flight crew on a Voliere Levant Support Carrier. The launch catapults put greater strain on pilots and landing on a Levant that could be at almost any height takes incredible skill. Despite this, pilots elevated to this level are often competing with each other to gain more confirmed kills so they can be promoted once again to become the Angels of Death aboard a Saint-Michel Assault Carrier.</p><p>Part of Napoleon’s modernisation of the French navy, the Sirene is a powerful attack vessel able to close undetected until it surfaces with its deadly heat Lancette in range to do maximum damage to the enemy.</p><p>The tactical counterpart to the Sirene class, the Epaulard uses its secretive deployment to surface at a distance and employ its magnetic bombard to deadly effect.</p>
Magneto and Toad (CP42)

Max Eisenhardt, the man who would become Magneto, faced unimaginable discrimination and evil during the Third Reich?s rise to power in World War II. He survived, thanks in part to the manifestation of his mutant power to control magnetic fields. Following the war, he resolved that such a fate would never befall mutant kind. An uncompromising freedom fighter for his fellow mutants, his extreme beliefs for mutant superiority drove a wedge between Magneto and his close friend, Professor Xavier. Magneto?s vision for mutant kind caused him to form the Brotherhood of Mutants, who fight for mutant supremacy. Mortimer Toynbee, known as Toad, is a genetically flawed mutant. Visibly mutated since birth, he was abandoned by his parents to an orphanage where he was ostracized for his appearance. When Magneto discovered and recruited him, Toad embraced the mission to conquer the human race who had rejected and degraded him. Toad serves Magneto as an unquestioning lackey using his mutant abilities of enhanced jumping and prehensile tongue.
Magnosors (TDE-N6007)

This box contains two Magnosors and one Magnosor Alpha. Magnosors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC "AI Controlled" models using the rules and cards in the Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island boxed set. Additionally they can be used in Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island to replace the standees provided.
Makko - Firm Tough (TDE-F2008)

Chasmids are reasonably uncommon in The Drowned Earth, but where they are found, usually they are employed as thugs, guards and enforcers. Makko grew up in The Firm, son of a famous Prize Fighter and Bodyguard, and his profession as Firm Enforcer was never in doubt. Capable of whatever kinds of violence are asked of him by his superiors, Makko is dispassionate, even cold. He does not rise to anger, instead, viewing violence and combat with a cold, analytical eye which makes him even more frightening than if he bellowed and shouted in rage. Instead, an air of laser focus comes over him, and he demolishes his opponents with an intense aggression which is terrifying to behold. Some who have looked deep into those eyes have said they see a gentle spirit wishing to escape a life of chaos and destruction, but nobody has ever been brave enough to reach out to him.
Man O War 'Gargoyle' Prime (20-386)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Manteuffel Attack Tank (20-395)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Mara - Militia Leader (TDE-M3009)

Mara: Everyone knows it: Forek is the leader of the Skyton Militia. However, he can't be everywhere at once, and when he needs someone he can trust, Mara is his first port of call. An expert soldier, trained in the Bridge Military Academy, Mara arrived in Skyton purely at Forek's request, having spent six years serving in the Triumvirate cooperative defence force. Her expertise is questioned by nobody, many observing that in the field at least, Mara is every bit Forek's equal as a commander. However, not all trust her. She isn't helped by her abrasive, no-nonsense attitude. But there are rumours that her loyalty is to the The Bridge and is placed in Skyton as a spy for that increasingly imperialistic state. Those who meet Mara are struck by her relentless determination, dedication to the job at hand, and the flicker of ghosts in her pained eyes.
Marauder II MAD-4H (20-260)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Marauder MAD-5L (20-994)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Marauder MAD-7D / 9D (20-5160)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Marauder MAD-9W2 (BT-422)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Marena Battlefleet Set (DWA270010)

The Marena Vitruvian Colossus is a wonder of engineering that inspires ice-cold fear in the hearts of the enemies of the Commonwealth. A towering sight on land and no less impressive at sea, it is as versatile as it is imposing. Its Mag-Rail Axe can be used to make crushing attacks that rain down upon enemy vessels or be launched at range causing a magnetic field that can stick a vessel on its current course. This can be particularly troublesome when combined with the Cryo-Generator that stands as the head of the machine, creating icebergs ahead of the opposing craft that it now may find itself impossible to avoid.<p>The Boyar Heavy Frigate packs a surprising punch for its size. Woe betide any captain who mistakes these vessels for a standard frigate. Their combined firepower can be surprisingly devastating if one makes a mistake identifying them. The squadron captains have used this to their advantage by meeting their opponents head on, appearing to be less threatening Rurik Frigates to the unaware, only to turn and show their second gun batteries at the last second where they unleash twice the firepower that was expected. This is often the last mistake that their enemies make.</p>
Markov's Prometheus (DWA270017)

"The decadent and corrupt so-called ‘Enlightened’ of the world will have you believe that Helsinki Markov is a traitor. This could not be further from the truth. He is a great man who risked everything to give us the wonders of this engineering age. The short-sightedness of those calling themselves ‘custodians’ was anathema to him. He knew the common man would be uplifted by the machines that the Covenant of the Enlightened wanted to keep for themselves. Not a world of equality for them but singular authority engineered by their cold, unfeeling minds. Without the heroism of Markov, a steel cage might have been built around the world, fashioned by those greedy intellectuals. Now, everyone can access the marvels that supply power to the homes of the workers; tireless machines can take the strain in the fields and the factories to keep the Commonwealth the beacon of greatness it is known to be across the globe. We humbly give thanks to Helsinki Markov and the Ministry of Technology for their efforts in empowering the people of the Commonwealth".<br /><br />- An intercepted transcript from the Commonwealth Ministry of Propaganda.
Mars Battlefleet Set (DWA260005)

The Mars class heavy battleships are the pride of the League of Italian States. The Tetrarchy know the worth of these powerful vessels and not a single one weighs anchor unless they are convinced that it is Italy's needs and not the vainglories of Napoleon that are best served by doing so. Pride of the Castellammare di Stabia shipyards, the Gladius is a superb vessel. Optimised for long sea voyages with comfortable crew berths and excellent fresh-water reclamation systems, the Gladius is a popular assignment in the Regia Marina. Variants on this hull design also fulfil other fleet roles as and when required, the most successful of these being the mighty Spatha. Used where other nations might deploy a heavy cruiser, the Spatha is a naval brawler. Capable of exchanging fire with powerful enemy vessels and holding their own, the Spatha crews prefer to do so while closing to ramming range.
Maximilian Aerial Linebreaker (DWA250018)

In the distance, what appeared to be an Imperium zeppelin floated towards the Khan Heavy Platform "Khüchirkheg Tsaiz". Tiny imperfections, like dust motes on the horizon, showed it wasn’t alone. The crew had been warned that an attack was incoming but were prepared; they knew that the Imperium fleet was stretched across the multiple platforms that held this part of the Barents Sea. These men had defended their post before and would do so again. To either side, they saw some of the other platforms, and through binoculars, they noted fists pumping the air in defiance. Only then did they recognise the silhouette was not just any zeppelin but a Maximilian Aerial Linebreaker. Cheers of resistance were silenced, and crewmen steeled themselves against the coming terror. They’d been briefed on the Maxamilian’s shield generators and bombards while some of the crew looked about the deck and wondered which of them would not make it through the day.
Marvel Crisis Protocol Tabletop Game
Measurement Tools (CP03)

This pack contains three joined movement tools and four range tools to supplement your games of Marvel: Crisis Protocol with an additional set of the movement and range tools found in the Marvel: Crisis Protocol Core Set.
Mech Hanger Extension 6mm (XMHX)

This is an expansion of two more bays for the Mech Hanger (XMH6). The pieces are in the centre of the Mech Hanger pictured, you get two of these. Multiple expansions can be added allowing you to have as many bays as you want. Cast in resin. 6mm scale.
Mechwarrior Destiny RPG (CAT35185)

The year is 3025. War rages across the vast interstellar empires of the Inner Sphere as the militaries of the Successor States vie for dominance across more than a thousand light years of inhabited worlds. And the king among these battlefields: towering BattleMechs and the MechWarriors who pilot them. But behind each battle lie a thousand unseen strings: Machiavellian court intrigues, shadowy wars of intelligence and counterintelligence, secret organizations, corporate greed, and more. Will you align yourself with the honor-bound samurai culture of House Kurita, become a crusader for freedom in the service of House Davion, or test your mettle as a House Steiner champion in the arena duels of Solaris VII? Or perhaps you will rain down fire from the skies in a House Marik aerospace fighter, or operate in the shadows as a House Liao intelligence agent. Will you pursue a life of service behind the veil of the secretive ComStar, join an elite mercenary outfit like Wolf's Dragoons, or even choose to lead your own lawless band of pirates? The path you lead through the 31st century, and the legacy you leave behind, is all up to you.
Out of Stock
Medium Bag for Dystopian Wars - Commonwealth (ME96BO)

Orderly store and safely transport up to 37 miniatures of your Commonwealth fleet.
Mexico Battlefleet Set (DWA120006)

<p>The Testbed ship for Nikolai Tesla's revolutionary Arc technologies, the USS Mexico is often sent into the heart of engagements against the enemies of the Union. The results of these engagements make for precious study material at The Pipeworks.</p><p>The Union fleet has seen a number of technological improvements since the defection of Nikolai Tesla from the Imperium, and a significant overall increase since the end of the Ore War. Support Cruisers and Automata have all been upgraded by the creative team in the Pipeworks. The Washington Missile Cruiser serves to increase the long-range firepower of the battlefleet as well as providing additional cover against enemy aircraft. Armed with Kettering pattern cruise missiles, the crew of Washington class vessels often make use of observation rotors and spotters in fighter squadrons to ensure the deadly payload strikes true.</p><p>The Roanoke Strike Carriers provide air support to any fleets they are attached to. These Cruisers employ powerful electromagnetic catapults to rapidly launch their Corsair strike fighters into the fray; the Roanoke carrier is a valuable vessel in the Union fleet. The class was named after the Union naval base on Roanoke Island, destroyed in 1862 during the Ore War.</p><p>Finally, with a reputation for working miracles, the crews of Montgomery support ships are always a welcome addition to any battlefleet. Scores of repair teams use a combination of flight gear and escort craft to effect repairs and rescue to friendly vessels in need. These ships are also able to provide field repairs to the RC-52 Patriot Automata. These towering simulacra are designed by the brilliant theoretical engineers at The Pipeworks, and are the largest automata in the Union's military. Just like smaller automata, over time their adaptive computations develop quirks that give veteran Automata distinctive personalities.</p>
Militia Faction Starter Box (TDE-M3330)

In a world full of terrifying dangers, independent settlements are particularly vulnerable to attack. Without any sort of formal defence force it often falls on communities to organise protection amongst themselves. The bravest and most proficient citizens form a volunteer force of enthusiastic amateurs, who serve as much time as they can, protecting others against the many dangers which their community face. These are the Militias: patrolling the nearby countryside, maintaining fortifications and defending their way of life against all those who threaten them.
Minotaur ProtoMech (1) (BT-376)

<span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 9</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>

A.I.M. scientist George Tarleton had the dubious distinction of being chosen as the subject for a procedure which would transform him into a unique, bio-engineered living computer. Unable to use his limbs, Tarleton was confined to a hoverchair, which gives him both mobility and a deadly assortment of conventional weaponry. Since then, M.O.D.O.K. has used his vast intellect and exceptional psychic powers to terrorize the world as the leader of A.I.M. and one of the world?s most dangerous and unpredictable foes.
Moltke M1 Main Battle Tank (20-497)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Mono-Cav / Strider-Cav (WEX101115009)

Augmentation to overcome injury or disability was the goal of the Covenant of the Enlightened when they first began to experiment with grafting mechanisms to flesh. The power source known as RJ-1027 enabled the Covenant to take this intention to an extreme with more audacious and extensive modifications being possible. In the hands of a master of this art, it truly allows individuals to be elevated to super-human levels of physical conditioning. For everyone not so fortunate, this has led to the development of people termed as 'constructs'. Gradual RJ-1027 leakage into their bloodstream, along with the trauma of their surgical augmentation has left the vulnerable transformed into something less than human. But everything has a purpose in the Covenant's technocratic future and constructs have a wide variety of menial or military applications throughout the Enlightened's activities.
Morrigan (Standard) (20-5062)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Morrigu Fire Support Vehicle (1) (AR20-302)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Mortis MS-1A (BT-356)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Mozhayski Battlefleet Set (DWA270003)

Though the Commonwealth places less emphasis on air support than the other Great Powers, they still appreciate its uses in achieving victory. The Mozhayski Fleet Carriers are integral to this combined arms doctrine and the expansive internal spaces for officers make them preferred command ships for Commodores. Typically accompanying these large carriers are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity compared to the Mozhayski, but can launch a supporting screen of fighters or bombers to assist in attack runs. The Morosko Heavy Cryo Cruiser builds on the Norilsk hull design with the integration of an advanced cryo generator capable of forming deadly icebergs in their enemy?s path. The Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruiser is favoured by northern commanders as it takes this art of war one stage further with addition of the ferocious Semyenov pattern assault bore in the prow.
Mr Ears (WEX101115008)

Associate members of the Covenant of the Enlightened do not enjoy the respect or prestige that Covenant Peers do, but they are often the ones who do most of the leg work. In order to be officially recognised as an associate of a Peer, an individual will have to put in hours of thankless research and errand running for their sponsoring Peer. Of course like all who are drawn to the Enlightened, being in possession of a keen mind and a drive to push the boundaries of human understanding is a prerequisite. But associates often lack the opportunity or financial means to secure an actual Peerage in the Covenant.<p>Girauld Eres was one such associate, a Parisian naturalist who had developed into a minor celebrity as he toured Paris society with his collection of primates. Girauld's real passion lay in animal physiology and his personal menagerie was home to some impressive specimens. Showing a talent for specimen capture, he was approached by Warwick Hudson and earned a sponsorship into the Covenant as an associate following his collaboration on the spectral containment technology with Hudson and Katherine Holst.</p>
Murmansk Battlefleet Set (DWA270009)

Part firebase and part repair yard, a Murmansk allows the Commonwealth to expand its theatres of operation around the globe. Utilising integrated void engine technology acquired by Helsinki Markov, the Murmansk can appear unexpectedly, rising from beneath the waves in a matter of minutes. The engineering teams aboard a Murmansk are so well drilled that they can even make emergency repairs during an engagement. Often an opponent of the Commonwealth thought a key target critically damaged only for the brave teams aboard a nearby Murmansk to keep it in fighting condition.<p>A development on the Murmansk, the Tobolsk Mobile Stronghold is often deployed in the far northern waters where it provides a tactical advantage to the Commonwealth in those isolated freezing seas. Though the void-engines still require many hours to recharge, the element of surprise makes this a uniquely viable technology for these mobile strongholds. Scores of pilots replace the engineers of the Murmansk while launch bays of Cometa fighters are installed instead of repair yards. Despite the discombobulation brought on by the void-engine, all fighters are ready to enter the fray at a moments notice, prepared to launch a lightning offensive catching a target off guard and ill prepared.</p><p>Volodymyr Nikonov was gifted a modified mobile stronghold by the Tsar and in gratitude he named it after his love, the Tsar's eldest daughter, Anastasia. Based near Novo-Arkhangelsk in Alaska, this vessel is the home base for Nikonov and his Black Wolf Mercenaries. A pinnacle of the stronghold design, the Anastasia is armed with multiple Tri-Railguns, decked in generators and fitted with both repair facilities and bays of Cometa fighters. Fortunately, if you think they can help, the Black Wolf Mercenaries are available to any commodore for a price. However, you'd better hope that someone else hasn't thought of hiring them first.</p><p>Each Mobile Stronghold is treated as a support vessel so are never seen unaccompanied. Any manner of frontline ships will be sailing alongside but most often will be the Kutsov, the iconic ship of the White Navy seen on recruitment posters throughout the Commonwealth.</p>
Mystique and Beast (CP43)

Mystique is a peerless shapeshifter, able to alter her physical appearance and voice to match another person?s as a perfect mimic. Little is known about her early life, though she has claimed to be over 100 years old. During her life, she has assassinated several significant figures involved in mutant affairs, imitated high-ranking generals and politicians, and clashed with the X-Men on numerous occasions. Dr. Hank McCoy is a founding member of the X-Men who possesses enhanced agility and genius-level intellect. McCoy has undergone progressive mutations that have increasingly given him a feral, bestial appearance, including fangs, claws, and superhuman senses. Though his visage is animalistic, Beast retains his intelligence and is a global authority on matters of mutant-kind, a top-tier geneticist, and a fierce advocate for mutant rights.
Nexus II NXS2-A (AR20-362)

Tonnage: 25<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Night Gyr Prime (20-768)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Night Hawk NTK-2Q (AR20-271)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Nightsky NGS-4S (AR20-622)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Ning Jing Battlefleet Set (DWA220001)

The Navy of the Celestian Empire is the brainchild of Empress Shinzua, who as Speaker of the fleets quickly moved to control all aspects of nautical warfare in addition to her originally more prosaic areas of responsibility. The Empire is considered a global naval power, especially after their victories at Tsushima and Myeongnyang during the Anglo-Russian Korean Expedition. All of the coastal nations of the Empire design, build and crew their own sea-going vessels, but all ultimately serve the Blazing Sun. Warships are a source of great pride within the Empire, and the expansion of their borders necessitates deploying them more visibly, something that has been welcomed by the Empire's Admiralty. The warships of China are the most numerous in the Empire's navy. Their prow mounted chemical flame cannons, known as Huoqiang, make them formidable in any conflict and Chinese ships form the core of most of the Empire's Battlefleets. The Ning Jing class Battleship is a versatile vessel and, like a lot of Chinese vessels, tends to favour rocket battery salvos to the more traditional heavy gun batteries. The crews are all well trained in the use of these weapons and once a target has been marked by an initial salvo the rest seldom miss their targets. Developed in the same shipyards, Yangtze Command Ships are a rarer sister-class. The Yangtze eschews two of the heavy turrets and instead mounts a trio of high calibre, long-barrelled ordnance known as Erlang Shen which can cripple enemy vessels and shore defences alike. The cruisers of the Chinese also mount the deadly Huoqiang along with a mix of heavy guns and rockets. The crews of the Shanghai frigates are extensively drilled in working in large squadrons and can coordinate attacks with devastating effect. With the glut of manpower at its command, China's shipyards are capable of churning out large numbers of cruisers and frigates giving it dominance in naval affairs countered only by the elite vessels of Japan.
Out of Stock
Nix Mounted - Artefacter Leader (TDE-A1006)

Nix, the leader of the Artefacters, is a popular figure. She spends generously and has a gregarious charm. In Artefacter circles, however, she has a rather controversial reputation. While nobody can deny that she 'gets the goods' there have been a number of deaths under her leadership. This is of little concern to the Artefacter high command, but amongst her peers, she is seen as reckless and dangerous. Undoubtedly Nix is a risk taker, however, she is just as willing to risk her own life as the lives of others.
Noruff Assault Dropship (1) (BT-361)

Tonnage: Not Available<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerodyne Dropship<br />Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
NYC Commercial Truck Terrain Pack (CP14)

Add some size to your Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the NYC Commercial Truck Terrain Pack. This pack includes parts to build either a Garbage Truck, perfect for cleaning up after a super powered rumble, or a Chemical Truck, sure to be filled to the brim with some kind of dangerous industrial agents.
NYC Construction Site Terrain Pack (CP31)

Rebuild the Neighborhood...or Destroy it! Expands the Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the Hell?s Kitchen Terrain Pack. This terrain pack features a host of highly detailed miniatures of construction site equipment and machinery? the very kind used to repair the neighborhood that has been home to some of the most devastating battles in the Marvel Universe.
NYC Terrain (CP06)

Expand your Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefield with the NYC Terrain Pack.
Nyx NX-80/NX-90 (20-5041)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era: Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
O-Bakemono OBK-M10 (AR20-904)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Official TDE Dice - Set of Six (TDE-X7002)

Official custom D10 dice used in The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game.
Omen (Standard) (20-5043)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Orc ProtoMech (1) (BT-001)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 4</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Ore War Veteran Squadrons (DWA260003)

<p>The Chevalier cruisers and Charlemagne heavy cruiser are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.</p><p>Loire light cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.</p><p>Captains of Picardy monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and the ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.</p><p>Multiple squadrons of Ecuyere frigates often accompany Alliance Battlefleets, defending their flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.</p>
Oriflamme Battlefleet Set (DWA260001)

<p>At the heart of the Alliance battleline can be found the Oriflamme Battlecrusier. Thoroughly modernised from the hulls of ageing Prince de Joinville class Battleships, the Oriflamme are the pride of the Republique. As much a work of art as a Battlecruiser, even enemy crews can't help but be impressed by the lines and craftsmanship of an Oriflamme cutting through the waves.</p><p>Even the Oriflamme, as elegant as it may be, cannot engage an enemy fleet alone, and so relies on support cruisers to assist. The Chevalier Class Cruisers are the mainstay of Alliance cruisers and are able to launch screens of torpedoes in a wide range of fire arcs, as well as lay down heat lances or rocket batteries, when necessary.</p><p>The Charlemagne Heavy Cruiser is bristling with guns, primed and ready to unleash hell on the enemies of the Alliance. Crews are rightly proud of their positions on these ships knowing that often they are being relied upon to deal with an engagement as quickly as possible.</p><p>Loire Light Cruisers are at the forefront of Alliance Battlefleets and as such often the first to engage with the enemy. They provide screening and reconnaissance for the rest of the battlefleet and any commodore worth his salt will know how to make best use of any Loire's under their command.</p><p>Captains of Picardy Monitors understand their role to guard the rivers and waterways of Europe, and further afield, from invaders. While they may not be the most heavily armed of ships, they have the perfect balance of firepower and ability to operate in shallow waters. Crews are reminded that they are often the last line of defence for civilians and as such are assigned from recruits hailing from inland towns and cities. This ensures they understand what is truly at stake should an enemy vessel get past them and into Alliance territory.</p><p>Multiple squadrons of these stalwart craft accompany Alliance Battlefleets. Ecuyere can defend the flanks as well as grouping their attacks against key targets of opportunity.</p>
Osprey OSP-26 (20-5028)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Osteon Prime (20-5061)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech - Omnimech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: The War of Reaving<br />
Oviraptors (2) (TDE-N6005)

Oviraptors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
Paladin PAL-2 (AR20-360)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Patriot's Stand (CAT36208)

<h2>A DESPERATE FIGHT</h2>Under assault and ill-equipped, Alkalurops has come apart since the loss of its communications grid and the inability of the Republic of the Sphere to re-establish it. But in a universe of powerful players, a leader has to grab power fast if she's going to survive...<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Grace O'Malley's people are valiantly making a stand against Hansen's Roughriders, a band of mercenaries destroying everything in their path. Badly outnumbered, her forces need real BattleMechs operated by trained MechWarriors. And they're not going to be easy to afford, especially since the big mine owners refuse to offer any funds for planetary defense. But Grace will not surrender her homeland, no matter what the price.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Even though the ragtag locals are putting up a surprisingly good fight, Loren Hansen remains confident he can defeat them. What he doesn't count on is an opponent determined to write her planet's history in the scorched wreckage of the battlefield...<h2></h2>
Peacekeeper PKP-1A (20-5053)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Jihad (3068 -3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Penetrator PTR-4D (20-219)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Peregrine "Horned Owl" 4 (AR20-378)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Phantom Prime (AR20-327)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Pillager PLG-4X "Anvil" (20-5068)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Experimental Technical Readout Liao
Piranha (Standard) (AR20-676)

Tonnage: 20<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Playdge - Artefacter Leader (TDE-A1009)

In his day, Alophangus Playdge was a famed explorer and Artefacter. Few in Ulaya are as well travelled, have seen as much, and know as much about the world as Playdge. Some say he could have risen right to the top of the Artefacters, but instead, with age, he retired from his adventuring and settled down at the Obelisk Research Facility, where he works on reviving old computer databases, and learning as much as he can about the world of the Builders. While he clearly loves both research and field-work, rumours are abound that Playdge is a senior member of the Order of the New Enlightenment, but he, naturally, denies it. A dedicated, and inexpensive, support piece. Highly mobile and evasive with his unique 'blink' exo-frame, Playdge helps obfuscate and protect other Artefacters while grabbing objectives.
Prey Seeker PY-SR10 (20-5166)

Tonnage: 15<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Procyon ProtoMech (Quad) (1) (BT-286)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 6</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Procyon ProtoMech (Standard) (1) (BT-295)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 5</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Protecteur Battlefleet Set (DWA210007)

<p>Huge submersible strike carriers, the Protecteur class was the brainchild of Canadian Frank Andrew Fleming and his assistants at the Davie Shipyard. The Protecteur uniquely combines the capacity of a large support carrier with the stealth and strike capabilities of an attack submersible.</p><p>The Newfoundland Class Cruisers the mainstay of the Canadian offering to The Crown's naval forces. These impressive warships are therefore the stalwart frontline in the Crown's defence against Union expansionist ambitions, as well as any other factions who dare to encroach upon the Crown's dominion.</p><p>Built on the Newfoundland hull design and outfitted to support fleet operations, the Toronto class Control Cruisers have a vital role in coordinating Canada's defences. The installation of a McGill radar array above the bridge provides an impressive fire control suite. While similar in design and Providing a powerful combination of heavy firepower and an ablative armoured prow, the Bonaventure class serves in the Dominion of Canada's fiercest fighting in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.</p><p>Arthur McCurdy's augmented shield generator technology was arguably the most groundbreaking use of the tried and tested Guardian Generator. This huge device is mounted on the Halifax Shield Cruiser, and projects even greater protection to critical elements of Canadian battlefleets.</p><p>Designed for supporting and reinforcing Canada's fleet actions, the Yukon class are especially good at establishing blockades and disrupting threats to shipping lanes.</p><p>Often the threats to Canada can be deterred or even destroyed long before they engage more visible elements of the Crown battlefleets. Orca Hunter Submarines are silent pack hunters.</p>
Out of Stock
Punisher and Taskmaster (CP32)

Frank Castle was an honest ex-Marine just trying to live a normal life with the family he loved. When his family was tragically gunned down, Frank went on a mission of vengeance, first against those directly responsible, then swearing an oath to punish those who hurt the innocent. An expert in close quarters combat, a trained marksman, and an explosives expert, Frank now stalks the mean streets delivering his own brand of personal justice as the Punisher. When Anthony Masters injected himself with an experimental serum designed to unlock the brain?s procedural memory potential, he gained the ability to instantly replicate the physical movements of anyone he saw. Using these photographic reflexes, Masters took on the name Taskmaster and became a mercenary?selling his skills to the highest bidder. Thanks to his mnemonic memory, Taskmaster is able to memorize, utilize, and predict the attacks of any opponent, turning their own physical abilities against them.
Quickie Mart 6mm (XQM6)

The Quickie Mart measures almost 1 1/2" wide by 1 1/4" deep and 5/8" tall. This piece was designed to work on a 6mm scale. Cast in resin.
Rabid Coyote (AR20-222)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Ragnarok Battlefleet Set (DWA250011)

Many Scandinavian vessels are fabricated by the Norwegian master shipbuilders at Akers Mekaniske Verksted, made possible thanks to significant Prussian investment. This modern shipyard produces especially large numbers Hoth Heavy Corvettes for use throughout the Imperium.<p>The Scandinavian attitude to naval warfare is epitomised by the Ragnarok. With a prow mounted Heavy Sturmbringer, and in inbuilt Fury Generator the Ragnarok’s crew closes the distance fast to sow destruction amongst their adversaries, unleashing arcs of lightning that rip apart the target’s superstructure, rendering the stunned crew easy prey for boarding teams.</p><p>Accompanying the Ragnarok as they prowl the bitter northern seas, Odin class Reavers are often painted in dark colours by their crews, preferring to strike at dusk or at night. These are the frontline warships in the Scandinavian fleet and every sjöman will have served on one at some point in their career.</p><p>Long sharp lines distinguish the silhouette of the Jotunn Heavy Raider. This lethal warship is a prized command by Scandinavian captains, with advanced targeting systems to enable it to maximise its firepower against its target.</p><p>Gungnir Class Raiders are built around an exceptional propulsion system, the engineering behind the Gungnir is a closely guarded secret amongst the Scandinavians. Captains have standing orders to scuttle their ship rather than let it fall into enemy hands. The explosive charges throughout the engine room ensure that the advantage will remain with the northern nations.</p>
Rakshasa MDG-1A (AR20-638)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Ravanna - Bondsman Mech (TDE-B4006)

Civilisation just doesn't suit everyone. Ravanna grew up in Tartouf, running with the gangs there, before leaving for a solitary life in the wilderness. Most city dwellers consider that tantamount to suicide, and for most city dwellers, that'd be correct. However, Ravanna had an almost animalistic talent for silent, stealthy movement. In the jungle she truly came alive, connected to every sound and subtlety, feeling connected to the jungle at a primal level, as comfortable as if she were born into it. She killed a group of slaves, who were running from the Plantation Council, with Limossk and his crew hot on their heels. They arrived to find Ravanna standing amidst a literal pile of corpses, and by way of thanks, Lakassk made her an offer she couldn't refuse: an offer of employment.
Razorback RZK-9S (AR20-241)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062-3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Recovery Truck 6mm (XTrkRec6)

The Recovery Truck comes in four pieces and will require assembly. The 6 mm version?s dimensions are approximately 1 1/4? long, 3/8? wide and 3/8? tall when fully assembled. Cast in resin.
Recovery Truck 8mm (XTrkRec8)

The Recovery truck comes in four pieces and will require assembly. The 8 mm version?s dimensions are approximately 1 3/4? long, 1/2? wide and 1/2? tall when fully assembled. Cast in resin.
Redemption Rift (CAT35825)

<h2 data-mce-fragment="1" trebuchet="" ms="" verdana="" arial="" helvetica="" vertical-align:="" baseline="" margin:="" 0px="">ON THE HUNT AGAIN?</h2><p data-mce-fragment="1" trebuchet="" ms="" verdana="" arial="" helvetica="" vertical-align:="" baseline="" style="font-size: medium; font-weight: 400;">It is the Dark Age, 3139, and the famed mercenary regiments of Wolf's Dragoons have returned to the employ of House Kurita after a century of bitter enmity. Somehow, mercenaries and Kuritan's must find a way to work together in a combined invasion of the Dragon's oldest enemy, House Davion. Thrust into the middle of this new conflict, Colonel Henry Kincaid is surprised by the commonalities of duty, honor, and expediency, the Wolves and Combine forces share. But as the Wolves' lightning tactics and unstoppable drive brings world after Davion world under the Dragon's banner, old hatreds arise anew, and with them come insidious plots engineered to cause the mercenaries' downfall. Throughout the campaign, Colonel Kincaid struggles to rectify what he thought he had always known about the Kuritan's with the truth he discovers while actually working with them. But when his forces are trapped on a Davion world with no way to escape and the regiments of House Davion closing in, can he pull another bit of genius from his hat, or will the battalions of Wolf's Dragoons be destroyed?</p>
Retaj Battlefleet Set (DWA240010)

<p>Sinister vessels crewed entirely from the cult of the Order, the Retaj Portalship is beyond the limit of the scientific and engineering expertise of the Sultanate. Indeed it is beyond even the esoteric designs of the Enlightened. Able to create stable rifts in the aether and allow entire ships to pass through, these fantastic energies can be harnessed and repurposed most lethally.</p><p>Carolus Destroyers are formidable indeed. Crewed entirely by the devout members of the martial religious group known as the Order, they answer only to Sircan Osman on behalf of the Sultan.</p>
Out of Stock
Rikhter Battlefleet Set (DWA270013)

Mounting the largest naval cannon in the world, the Rikhter class relies on kinetic dampers to absorb the massive recoil from the weapon. A void engine is used to translocate the colossal atomic munitions from a fortified stronghold deep in Siberia. The shockwave alone will utterly pulverise any crewmember foolish enough to be on deck when fired. Pride of the White navy, the Moskva class Heavy Battleships are a potent combination of heavy firepower and crews that exalt the finest traditions of the Commonwealth. With enviable state rooms and extensive supply facilities, the Prezidium is a vital command ship. With these well-armed vessels as flagships, the Admiralty of the White Navy can conduct operations anywhere in the globe with the surety that they are well resourced. Utilising the repulsion field generator obtained by Helsinki Markov in 1856, the Irkutsk Skydrill is often heard approaching, long before it is seen. The buzz of the overcharged field generators and the roar of the Semyenov assault bore spinning up to full speed making a terrifying cacophony. The Selivanenko pattern Aural Dissonance Array (known more commonly as a Shockwave Generator), is a standard weapon on the Giyena. This armoured hovercraft moves rapidly across uneven landscapes, marshland and the open sea to bring this potent device to bear.
Roc ProtoMech (1) (BT-374)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 7</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3060</span>
Rogue Bear Battle Armor (1) (BT-202)

Tonnage: Not Available Technology: Clan Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor Era: Jihad (3068 - 3085) TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Ruined Sky Scraper 6mm (XRns6)

The Ruined Sky Scraper measures approximately 4 1/4" by 4" at the base and 3 3/4" tall. It comes unpainted, in 5 pieces and will require assembly. It was modeled in 6 mm scale for Battletech and other war games. Cast in resin.
Salamander Battle Armor (3) (BT-388)

Tonnage: Not Available Technology: Clan Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061) TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Salamander PPR-5S (AR20-790)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Scandinavian Support Squadrons (DWA250016)

Commonwealth propaganda states that the Barents Sea is perfectly safe, thanks to its proximity to the sheltered docks of the White Sea from which defensive patrols regularly launch. In truth, however, it is far from tranquil. Raiders from the Scandinavian portion of the Imperium, not to mention the Scions of Jutland, frequently ambush the numerous fishing vessels and exploratory platforms. Loki Shadow Raiders make excellent use of their Ivaldi Shroud Generators to make surprise attacks and then fade away once they have crippled their target. Heimdall Recon Raiders use advanced detection systems to locate enemy patrols with the goal of avoiding contact until their battlefleet has the upper hand while Fenrir Hunter Submarines and Valkyrie Hunt Rotors allow multi-level attacks to be made. Fishermen and other civilian vessels are now being issued military escorts to prevent the damage that the Scandinavian battlefleets have been causing. Time will tell if that will be enough.
Scarabus SCB-9A (20-385)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Scytha Fighter (Mech Scale) (FT-017)

<span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 90</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Sentinel STN-3L (20-788)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050
Service for the Dead (CAT36205)

<h2>TARGET: TERRA</h2>The world of Northwind has been ravaged in the fierce battle between the Highlanders and the Steel Wolves, and now the Clan warriors have set their sights on Terra. The fate of the birthplace of humankind now rests in the hands of three very different MechWarriors:<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Ezekiel Crow: Betrayer of the Highlanders?and on the run from both political and military enemies.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Anastasia Kerensky: Ruthless leader of the Steel Wolves?and if she has her way, the next Conqueror of Terra.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />Tara Campbell: embattled Countess of the Northwind Highlanders, and Terra's only hope in its most desperate hour.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />A desperate three-way race ensues to see who will be the first to reach Terra, and who will ultimately claim it?<h2></h2>
Shadow Hawk IIC 4 (20-224)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prroject Phoenix
Shanatt - Bondsman Scout (TDE-B4007)

Earning his freedom from the Slave pits of Thuule, Shanatt was, in his time, a famed gladiator. His speciality was the chain and hook, and to this day it is the weapon he favours, eschewing ranged weapons. Nobody knows from where Shanatt originated exactly, but his accent suggests his homeland was somewhere in the Khermian League - one of the great empires vying for supremacy in the Thousand Isles. Before his fame as a pit fighter he was probably an ordinary slave, traded to the Thuule masters when he showed physical promise or prowess. Considering his bulk, he is surprisingly quiet and light on his feet, and his fighting style is one of avoidance and cobra strikes. On leaving the slave pits, he was not afforded the privilege of keeping his favoured weapons. Instead, he fashioned a new chain and hook from a stolen anchor chain, and the claws of a great Yuttaraptor like beast he claims to have bested with his bare hands, in the Eastern Highlands.
She-Hulk (CP39)

Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk. After an attempt on her life left her in critical condition, a blood transfusion from Banner infus?d her with gamma irradiation and transformed her into the savage and sensational She-Hulk. While she gained much of the superhuman strength of the Hulk, Walters retains her sharp wit and honed sense of justice when she transforms, becoming a less inhibited version of herself. She rarely sees the need to return to her original self, preferring instead to fight crime with her immense strength and durability.
Shell Games (CAT35874SN)

<h2>STRENGTH VS. HONOR</h2>For more than a decade, the Republic of the Sphere's army hid in silence behind the mysterious, impregnable Wall of Fortress Republic. But now the Wall has come down, and Paladin Max Ergen, commander of Operation Eruptio, has his sights set on an invaluable prize. His target: Dieron, a Draconis Combine military district capital, a former Republic world harboring secrets from past wars. His troops have spent years training in isolation behind the Wall, and they are hungry for battle, ready to remind the Inner Sphere that the wounded Republic is still a force to be reckoned with. But Dieron is also the fortress of Warlord Kambei Okamoto, one of the Combine's top military officials, and he and his Dieron Regulars are committed to holding the line and defending their home against Republic aggression, no matter the cost. And when these two forces clash, the battle for Dieron will be a titanic one indeed?
Shogun SHG-2F (20-892)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades
Shugenja SJA-7D (AR20-253)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Shuri And Okoye (CP08)

Shuri , sister to TChalla, the Black Panther has proven herself a hero through her innate genius and fierce dedication to her people. With her spirited personality and intellectual prowess, Shuri has become the top innovator and inventor within the technologically advanced nation of Wakanda, and she puts her innovations to good use to defend her home and its people by whatever means necessary. One of Wakanda?s greatest warriors, Okoye proudly protects her country?s king and his family alongside the Dora Milaje, Wakanda?s elite royal guard. As wise as she is deadly, Okoye stands as one of T?Challa?s most trusted allies and companions.
Silhouette Templates (TDE-X7005)

These fluorescent yellow silhouette markers are used both to establish Line of Sight, but also as movement widgets, to indicate a destination point before reactions are declared. They also look pretty darn cool! In order to establish Line of Sight, replace the target model with the template, and point the arrow towards the shooter. If the shooter can see the template, they have a shot!
Sin and Viper (CP61)

When the Red Skull sought an heir for his criminal empire, he fathered Sinthea Schmidt. The girl was raised with constant indoctrination of her father's twisted views. Forced to undergo physical transformation in one of the Red Skull's machines, she was gifted with superhuman powers. With her partner Crossbones and an incarnation of the Serpent Squad by her side, Sin has rampaged across the world, coming into conflict with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Winter Soldier. As a child, Ophelia Sarkissian was taken by Hydra and raised by Daniel Whitehall, the mysterious agent known as Kraken. For over two decades, she trained to become one of the organization's most proficient soldiers. Later in life, she abandoned Hydra to become the leader of the Serpent Squad mercenaries, where she used her peak physical conditioning, cunning, and ruthlessness to secure her place as a deadly viper in the global underworld.
Sinoraptors (TDE-N6013)

These beautiful feathered beasts replace the standees in Ulaya Chronicles, and can also be used with any faction in The Drowned Earth!
Slack Tide (BattleCorps Anthology) (CAT35837)

<h2>PEACE MAY SELL, BUT WHAT IF NO ONE'S BUYING?</h2>On 21 May 3052, the seemingly unstoppable military juggernaut of the invading Clans was defeated in a pitched campaign on the quiet world of Tukayyid. This astonishing victory bought the weary armies of the Inner Sphere a fifteen-year stay before the invasion can resume. But despite the truce, the fire driving the Clans' centuries-long quest to conquer Terra, the birthplace of humankind, and rebuild Inner Sphere civilization in their warmongering image has not been extinguished. Conflict still rages above the truce line, and the Clans are biding their time until the tide of war can surge up and flood the Inner Sphere once more. Slack Tide collects nine stories that chronicle the life-and-death struggles still being waged in the wake of Tukayyid's so-called peace. Fan-favorite authors such as Jason Hansa, Philip A. Lee, and Craig A. Reed, Jr. spin tales of undercover operatives seeking to gain the secrets of Clan BattleMech technology, Inner Sphere MechWarriors attempting dangerous escapes from Clan-controlled planets, and mercenaries fighting to protect the only things that truly matter to them, themselves and their loved ones. The Clans' invasion may have been temporarily halted, but the true battles for the future of the Inner Sphere have only just begun.<h2></h2>
Sloth Battle Armor (1) (BT-029)

Tonnage: Not Available Technology: Inner Sphere Unit Type: Infantry - Battle Armor Era: Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061) TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades Base not included.
Snake SNK-1V (AR20-982)

Tonnage: 45<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Solar Array (XSA6/25)

The Solar Panel Array was designed to work in multiple scales. It easily transfers between 6 mm and 25 mm and everything in between. This piece measures approximately 3" wide by 2" tall and 1 1/2" deep. It comes in 8 separate pieces and requires assembly. Cast in resin.
Spartan SPT-N2 (AR20-755)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Spatha SP1-X (AR20-352)

Tonnage: 60<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Sprite ProtoMech (Standard) (1) (BT-285)

Tonnage: 15<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: ProtoMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: The War of Reaving
Star Lord (CP18)

Peter Quill was originally born on Earth, but dreamed of exploring the vast reaches of space. After a chance meeting with a celestial being on one of his first trips off world, Quill chose to venture out on his own to find adventure among the stars as the intergalactic hero Star-Lord. An expert marksman and a clever tactician, Star-Lord leads the motley group of heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy against any and all threats across the cosmos.
Starslayer STY-3C (AR20-673)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Strider SR1-O (AR20-757)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Striga Fighter S-STR-O Invictus (Mech Scale) (20-491)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Aerospace - OmniFighter<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Striker STC-2C (AR20-276)

Tonnage: 80<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Age of War<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Suleiman Battlefleet Set (DWA240003)

<p>The twin decks of the Suleiman Fleet Carrier are replete with squadrons of Sabiha strike aircraft. An impressive vessel, the Sultanate values supremacy of the skies that the Suleiman class brings. While her twin hulls make her slower to turn than other vessels of her size, her ability as the flagship in a carrier assault group shows the huge advances the Ottomans are making thanks to heavy investment by the Sublime Porte.</p><p>When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers have become the mainstay in a highly mobile armada, making excellent use of the engineering to bring glory to the Sultanate.</p><p>The enemies of the Ottoman people are right to fear the Sadrazam Heavy Cruiser, should they see one come over the horizon. With firepower comparable to the heavy cruisers of other nations, but the ability to outmanoeuvre almost anything in its class, a seasoned captain will capitalise on this and devastate the enemy.</p><p>Pasha Light Cruisers are routinely found at the head of Sultanate battlefleets. A strange tradition has developed among crews, specifically those onboard Pasha’s that have been retrofitted with Particle Beamers. It is seen as a great honour to be the first to scorch an enemy ship, doubly so if it’s a flagship. These races to engagement are seen as reckless by older and more traditional commodores but even they have to admit the bravery of Pasha captains and their crews.</p><p>The relatively shallow draft of the Izmir Monitor makes it the perfect defence for estuaries. When not so close to land, it is often paired with a carrier to use any squadrons as spotters. Many enemy submarines have fallen foul of an Izmir working alongside a Suleiman or a Constantinople.</p><p>The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots. These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know that they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and don’t let outsiders forget it.</p><p>The Mihrimah Flechette Cruiser is armed with a weapon unique to the Sultanate. It can unleash a torrent of Orichalcite Flechettes from its bombards at a target. These light and razor-thin fragments are so sharp they can puncture steel hulls at close quarters, though air resistance prevents them from being effective at longer ranges. While they can certainly cause damage to cruisers, they are deadly against squadrons of smaller ships. A cloud of flechettes can easily envelop multiple vessels and shred through steel and flesh alike.</p><p>While the Ferik escort skiffs of the Sultanate are ubiquitous in their battlefleets, they need frequent maintenance to keep their repulsion engines in working order, that’s where the Konya comes in. A bay at the fore of the ship allows a skiff to be loaded in and repairs to be made. Though a commodore knows that a Konya lacks firepower, they never regret having one close by.</p><p>An Aydin Supply Cruiser is a welcome sight to other crews. Knowing they won’t run out of vital necessities at a moment's notice is a huge boost for morale and for this reason alone they are constantly on the move, heading from fleet to fleet, only heading ashore to resupply themselves.</p><p>Morea Minelayers have become more common as tensions escalate. Sultanate commanders understand that they must keep their holdings around the world at any cost while Order advisors push the fact that anything to advance the greater good is necessary. While the merchant navy of the Sultanate might dislike the sea being mined, they are slowly being fed stories that prove how vital they can be.</p>
Sultanate Frontline Squadrons (DWA240007)

<p>The Izmir Monitor can often be seen supporting a Mehmed class, making sure that the great rivers and coastlines under the Sultans' protection are well defended. Assignment to an Izmir is often seen as a sideways promotion as the constant presence of a Grand Monitor can make a captain and his officers feel they have little chance to show initiative and that any orders they give their crew may be changed at a moment's notice.</p><p>When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers have become the mainstay in the highly mobile Sultanate armada, particularly when partnered with Pasha class vessels. These Light Cruisers are often the first to attend a conflict, they are outfitted with extensive observation systems allowing any reconnaissance to be as detailed as possible. This helps the Iskanders and flagships be in the best position to bring their formidable weapons to bear.</p><p>Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers are the envy of the world's navies. Advanced Sultanate engineering, the match of even the Covenant of the Enlightened, combines speed and maneuverability with enhanced firepower to deadly effect. Regularly fitted with particle beamers, the sight of a squadron of Sadrazams on the horizon is often enough to shake the resolve of the bravest enemy Commodore.</p><p>Often seen as part of large battlefleets, the Temir Frigates are employed as flanking squadrons supporting Pasha or Izmir class warships. These frigates are sometimes tasked with engaging a secondary objective while the larger ships proceed with the main thrust of an attack.</p>
Out of Stock
Sultanate Support Squadrons (DWA240008)

The flight crew of Constantinople Carriers are rightly proud of their assignment. It is said that "the blood of a wingman is thicker than the water of the womb" and that is certainly the case for these pilots. These aerial combatants are like a close-knit family as they know that they can only rely on each other once the fighting starts and don’t let outsiders forget it.<br /><br />The Mihrimah Flechette Cruiser is armed with a weapon unique to the Sultanate. It can unleash a torrent of Orichalcite Flechettes from its bombards at a target. These light and razor-thin fragments are so sharp they can puncture steel hulls at close quarters, though air resistance prevents them from being effective at longer ranges. While they can certainly cause damage to cruisers, they are deadly against squadrons of smaller ships. A cloud of flechettes can easily envelop multiple vessels and shred through steel and flesh alike.<br /><br />While the Ferik escort skiffs of the Sultanate are ubiquitous in their battlefleets, they need frequent maintenance to keep their repulsion engines in working order; that's where the Konya comes in. A bay at the fore of the ship allows a skiff to be loaded in and repairs to be made. Though a commodore knows that a Konya lacks firepower, they never regret having one close by.<br />An Aydin Supply Cruiser is a welcome sight to other crews. Knowing they won’t run out of vital necessities at a moment's notice is a huge boost for morale and for this reason alone they are constantly on the move, heading from fleet to fleet, only heading ashore to resupply themselves.<br /><br />Morea Minelayers have become more common as tensions escalate. Sultanate commanders understand that they must keep their holdings around the world at any cost while Order advisors push the fact that anything to advance the greater good is necessary. While the merchant navy of the Sultanate might dislike the sea being mined, they are slowly being fed stories that prove how vital they can be.
Supernova (Standard) (AR20-696)

Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Supply Truck 8mm (XTrkSup8)

The Supply Truck comes in seven pieces and will require assembly. The 8 mm version of this model is approximately 1 3/4? long, 1/2? wide and 1/2? tall when fully assembled. Cast in resin.
Svantovit Infantry Fighting Vehicle (2) (AR20-263)

Tonnage: 35<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Hover<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
Svartalfa ProtoMech (Standard) (1) (BT-283)

Tonnage: 14<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: ProtoMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Sword and Fire (CAT36030)

<h2>TAKING THE BATTLE TO THE ENEMY...</h2>An awesome mission has been assigned to Task Force Serpent: to destroy Huntress, homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the Inner Sphere's greatest menace. But the invasion has suffered a serious blow: Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion has been struck down by an unknown assassin.<h2></h2>
Tanker Truck 6mm (XTrkTnk6)

The dimensions of the 6 mm Tanker Truck are approximately 1 7/8? long by 3/8? wide and 3/8? tall. It comes in four pieces and will need to be assembled. Cast in resin.
Tanker Truck 8mm (XTrkTnk8)

The dimensions of the 8 mm Tanker Truck are approximately 1 3/4? long by 5/8? wide and 5/8? tall. It comes in four pieces and will need to be assembled. Cast in resin.
Targe TRG-1N (AR20-351)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Tempelhof Battlefleet Set (DWA250005)

Air support is essential for the operation of an efficient fleet and as efficiency is the watchword of the Imperium Navy, Air Support is found in all sections of the Prussian Forces. At the heart of this is the Tempelhof Fleet Carrier. Its main role is to get its contingent of aircraft to within striking range of the enemy and provide anti-air support to them. They can often be equipped with the deadly Blitzen Bombers; heavy aircraft armed with devastating bombs to rain down on enemy decks, coastal defences or even targets further inland. Enemy Admirals who have encountered these large bombers will never forget the deep throaty roar of their engines, if they ever survive the encounter that is. In support of the Tempelhof Fleet Carriers are assigned a number of specialised cruiser variants. Based on the ubiquitous Blucher Class Hull, but with a specialised bridge section, these ships can be refitted as fast as their frontline counterparts. The Konrad Class Support Carrier bears a flight deck with supply for a small number of fighters allowing it to add to the squadrons of aircraft the fleet can put in the air. The Reiter Class Flak Cruiser is equipped with an impressive array of vierling cannons, deadly multiple barreled weapons that launch scores of flak rockets into the air, ensuring the Blitzen Bombers can reach their targets without interception. Finally the Volsung Class Cruisers bear large Sturmbringer Cannons on their decks that can char flesh and rupture enemy armour. Added to this array of impressive naval firepower are the Imperium Destroyers. Vessels of the Sigimer Class are longer, more heavily armoured and boast additional firepower over Frigates. Toten Class, on the other hand are heavier still and are equipped with two Sturmklaue cannons. Many an Admiral has underestimated these smaller vessels to their cost.
Tempest TMP-3M (AR20-617)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Templar III TLR2-O Prime (20-5132)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Templar III TLR2-OC (BT-421)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
Templar III TLR2-OD (BT-423)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era: Early Republic (3086 - 3100)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns
The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game Rule Book (TDE-X7001)

Set on the continent of Ulaya, The Drowned Earth is a tropical world, thick with jungle, swamp and tropical archipelago. Once, The Drowned Earth was the home of a great, futuristic civilisation. Their cities spanned the globe, and they were beginning to conquer the solar system. A terrible cataclysm ended that civilisation. For hundreds of years nature reclaimed the earth, prehistoric monsters ruled the wilds, while the survivors of the cataclysm known as "The Event" struggled to survive.Now, a new Enlightenment has dawned. The fragile glimmer of civilisation has begun to shine, and the fight is on for who will control the knowledge being discovered in the ruins of the ancient world...
The Nellus Academy Incident (CAT35830)

The battlefields of the 31st century are commanded by the BattleMech, twelve-meter-tall, 100-ton bipedal engines of destruction. Fought by MechWarriors, commanded by neo-feudal officers, owned by national governments and band of mercenaries, loyal to one of the interstellar Successor States or the martial Clans, these 'Mechs make every other ground combat vehicle obsolete. This is the warfare of fusion-powered giants. This is BattleTech. Allegra Greene is no stranger to the military; her father is a general, after all. But when she enters the Nellus Military Academy, she find far more than she expected. She finds a group of friends that will keep her going, training that is challenging, and instructors that push her to the edge and beyond. Unfortunately, that's not all she finds, and soon the endemic politics and warfare of the Inner Sphere reach the Nellus Academy. Soon, Allegra and her friends are in a life-or-death struggle to survive!
The Ruins of Power (CAT36202)

<h2>THE SWORD OR THE PLOWSHARE...</h2>The destruction of the interplanetary communications net has isolated planets across the Republic of the Sphere. On Mirach, a widening schism in the military between those who would remain loyal to The Republic and those who would break away threatens the peace and prosperity that have lasted for generations. Once a formidable MechWarrior, governor Sergio Ortega now believes that diplomacy will win the day. His sons, Dale and Austin, are also stalwarts of The Republic and aspiring MechWarriors. Facing growing civil unrest, they urge a military show of force before events spiral out of control. But Mirach has no BattleMechs, and their pacifistic father is slashing military spending. But when power-hungry forces within the government begin plotting to overthrow it by any means necessary, including assassination, Austin must rebel against everything he's known to fight for the safety and freedom of Mirach, even if that means facing off against his own father...<h3></h3>
The Secret Service Posse (WEX121099003)

Desperate times call for desperate measures and Abraham Lincoln believes that the times of the Dystopian Age are desperate indeed. Faking his own assassination in order to work unhindered by the demands of office, Director Lincoln now fights against the Union’s enemies alongside those men and women trusted enough to join his Secret Service. Lincoln and his agents wage a war in the shadows, defending their beloved country from threats that the general public must have no knowledge about. Whatever it takes so that the good folk of the Union of Federated States can sleep soundly in their beds.  With the assistance of his right-hand man Robert Pinkerton, his top agents Lucinda Loveless and Camilla Blanche, Henry Courtwright, Leah Kingston and Milo Jefferson, Lincoln has the tools he needs to tackle any situation.
The Soul Hunters (WEX101099006)

To the common man, the Covenant of the Enlightened are little more than an exclusive club of intellectuals and aristocrats who sit in grand drawing rooms talking much and doing little. While the Covenant are at great pains to show that the reality is far removed from this, it must be acknowledged that there are some groups within the Enlightened who more closely resemble this stereotype than they would like to admit. One such group of these is the Hook and Ladder Club in New York City, so named due to their premises being located in a building that was originally destined for the nascent Fire Department. The club members specialise in the emergent field of parapsychology, a subject that the common man might call supernatural.
Thunder THR-1L (20-5050)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Thunderbolt IIC (20-5034)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Prototypes
Thunderbolt TDR-9M (20-993)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Tian-zong TNZ-N1 (20-5103)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Dark Age (3131 - 3150)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Tianlong Battlefleet Set (DWA220008)

<p>The Tianlong Draconic Colossus uses a combination of rotor engines and repulsion fields to remain aloft. Originally created to patrol the airspace near the Zhanmadao Sky Fortresses and Ziwei Sky Bastions, the Tianlong swoop down, their skilled crews getting the most out of these marvels of Engineering. The Tianlong can be outfitted with different weapons located in the mouth and tail. The choice of the Heavy Huoqiang or the Heat Lancette is a difficult one for most Captains to make. The Heavy gun battery can also be removed in favour of additional crew space to house a squadron of Bushi Ryu. These highly trained Samurai use rocket-propelled armour to descend to assault enemy vessels in hand to hand combat.</p><p>Despite the fact that King Sun Li of Korea holds responsibility for all air technology the Emperors Ming and Shinuza have utilised a loophole to jointly commission the construction of a Draconic Colossus to provide air support for their own units. This has caused some amount of frustration for The Cloud Dragon and he has tried to have the Colossi decommissioned or brought under his oversight on several occasions. The Forum, however, has resisted such moves to dismantle such magnificent symbols of the Empire.</p><p>There are occasions when squadrons of Tianlong are sent on strike missions, if so they are often supported on the sea by Gong destroyers. These fast, but well-armed vessels are ideal for long-range, fast attacks, complimenting the Draconic Colossi well.</p>
Out of Stock
Tidala (TDE-A1010)

Mobility and defensive tricks are the order of the day with Tidala. A combination of a short range Stun weapon, re-stealth and Camouflaged mean that this fragile little gal is devilish hard-to-hit!
Titan II TI-2P (AR20-457)

Tonnage: 100<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit:  BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Triton ProtoMech (1) (BT-208)

<span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 8</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: ProtoMech</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Civil War (3062 - 3067)</span><br style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3075</span>
Troodons (2) (TDE-N6009)

Deadly little pack predators, the Troodons are one of the smaller, but most feared Raptor species in Ulaya. Their uncanny ability to hug cover and avoid incoming fire, and their vicious bite all add up to an excellent attack-dino, favoured by aggressive Crews like the Bondsmen, but also commonly used as guard-raptors on Artefacter dig sites.
Truth and Shadows (CAT36204)

<h3>LYING IN WAIT</h3>The Highlanders defeated Anastasia Kerensky the last time she attacked Northwind, although she retreated with most of her troops intact. Now dispersed among several planets, the Highlanders will need a bigger edge if they are to end Kerensky's threat completely. A rumor places Anastasia Kerensky on Northwind. If that's true, the Steel Wolves must also be close by. Determined to locate them, Paladin Ezekiel Crow and Countess Tara Campbell order a reconnaissance, unaware that their enemy may be closer than they think.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />With her forces on standby, Anastasia believes there is little the embattled Republic can do to stop her from finally conquering Northwind. What she doesn't realize is that she has allies she never imagined, and enemies she never suspected.<br data-mce-fragment="1" /><br data-mce-fragment="1" />It's a moment of truth for Crow, Campbell, and Kerensky, when lies emerge from the shadows, and the fate of a world hangs in the balance.<h3></h3>
Turhan Wheeled Vehicle (2) (20-5007)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Wheeled<br />Era:  Age of War / Star League <br />TRO: Technical Readout 3075
Turk Micro Fighter (1) (BT-085)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Turkina Prime (20-759)

Tonnage: 95<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - OmniMech<br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades
Ulaya Chronicles - Raptor Claw Island (TDE-UC111)

A solo/cooperative skirmish scale miniatures game set in a land of dinosaur infested jungles and ancient technology.
Ulaya Heroes (TDE-U9001)

This box contains four unnamed characters with alternate weapon options. These models can be used in The Drowned Earth as troops for ANY faction- in the rules PDF download you will find 10 troop profile cards, two profiles for each faction, for use with these models. Alternately you can use them to replace the hero standees in your games of Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island. This box also contains some alternate weapon choices, and in the future an accessories pack will be released for even more choices on how to build your figures.
Union Aerial Squadrons (DWA120012)

<p>The military optimism of the Union is exemplified by their enthusiastic bellows whenever a Union dirigible passes overhead. I’ve had multiple reports from assets placed in vital positions describing their, please excuse the term, “hooting and hollering”. Of course, it shows a lack of engineering skill that they aren’t simply appalled by the reliance on newfangled airship designs over our vastly superior, tried-and-tested rotorcraft. Admittedly they seem to be doing well spreading their influence thanks to the smaller fuel requirements of those designs, but I have no doubt that a minor rerouting of supply lines will remedy the problem. We simply have to make recommendations to any of our forces that they should make an effort to destroy any Bogota Carryalls which accompany the airships so as to cause problems with their logistics. I understand that won’t be easy while taking fire from the airships themselves, but my suggestions certainly make theoretical sense.<br /><br />- Commodore Gerald St.John-Smythe, debriefing to the Crown Military Intelligence Service</p>
Union Frontline Squadrons (DWA120003)

Almost always found in support of large carriers and battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever-vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for signs of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long-range observers for the gun crews on board the ships. Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.
Union Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet (DWA120000)

<p>Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.</p><p>Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.</p><p>This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.</p>
Union Support Squadrons (DWA120004)

<p>The Union fleet has seen a number of technological improvements since the defection of Nikolai Tesla from the Imperium, and a significant overall increase since the end of the Ore War. Support Cruisers and Automata have all been upgraded by the creative team in the Pipeworks. The Washington Missile Cruiser serves to increase the long-range firepower of the battlefleet as well as providing additional cover against enemy aircraft. Armed with Kettering pattern cruise missiles, the crew of Washington class vessels often make use of observation rotors and spotters in fighter squadrons to ensure the deadly payload strikes true.</p><p>The Roanoke Strike Carriers provide air support to any fleets they are attached to. These Cruisers employ powerful electromagnetic catapults to rapidly launch their Corsair strike fighters into the fray, the Roanoke carrier is a valuable vessel in the Union fleet. The class was named after the Union naval base on Roanoke Island, destroyed in 1862 during the Ore War.</p><p>A rarer sight are the new Discovery Class Arc Cruisers. Given sufficient development from The Pipeworks to be given general deployment in the Union Fleet, the Discovery class are replete with Edwina Houston and Nikolai Tesla's Arc technologies. These deadly state of the art weapons can flash burn through the hulls of the mightiest enemy battleships in a burst of incandescence.</p><p>Finally, with a reputation for working miracles, the crews of Montgomery support ships are always a welcome addition to any battlefleet. Scores of repair teams use a combination of flight gear and escort craft to effect repairs and rescue to friendly vessels in need. These ships are also able to provide field repairs to the RC-52 Patriot Automata. These towering simulacra are designed by the brilliant theoretical engineers at The Pipeworks, and are the largest automata in the Union's military. Just like smaller automata, over time their adaptive computations develop quirks that give veteran Automata distinctive personalities.</p>
Union Vanguard Squadrons (DWA120011)

Only moments ago the Alliance patrol was chugging peacefully along. Now there was only chaos and violence. The patrol was making routine rounds 205 Nautical miles from the Bay of Oiapoque that marked the border with SUSA and the Union of Federated States. Merely two days ag this stretch of sea was devoid of any points of interest. Now there was a Farpoint Sentry Platform. The Union had managed to put this into pace with remarkable speed. While technically far enough out to see to not be a breach of any treaties, the Alliance Commodore, Saulo Rezende saw this as an insult. Without any visible backup, he decided to make a name for himself by taking the platform. Had his crew spotted the shapes getting bigger on the horizon, COMO Rezende may have decided against it. Cheyanne Hunter Submarines rose to the surface and unleashed torpedoes against the now outnumbered patrol. Akron Sentry Rotors flew from the skies, hidden in the glare of the midday sun. More terrifying than all of them, a pair of John Henry Vitruvian Colossi had raced in from distance and crushed frigates and cruisers alike with great hammers that annihilated whole sections of a vessel at a time sending men to their watery grave before they could realise what was happening. The last thing that Commodore Saulo Rezende thought of was the skill of the trap that ended him. That, and the crews he had led to their doom.
UR-31E Teslabots (WEX121013007)

Nikolai Tesla is not a man to stand still. He is forever moving forward, tinkering with his designs and dreaming up new and ever more challenging projects. The UR-31E is one such progression from the UR-31 Automata, a design that became ubiquitous to replace lost manpower after the Ore War. These so-called 'Teslabots' are hard-wired with either ranged offensive instructions or more defensive, close order ones depending on their equipment loadout. The offensive units are armed with electrocarbines and can disable or even kill enemies with their highly charged weapons. The guard variants are instead equipped with arc-shields and electro batons.
Uraeus UAE-7R (20-5147)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Republic of Sphere
Uziel UZL-3S (20-972)

Tonnage: 50<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Vandal Fighter (Mech Scale) (FT-032)

<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Tonnage: 30</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Technology: Clan</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Unit Type: Aerospace - OmniFighter</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">Era:  Succession Wars</span><br style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;" /><span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff;">TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades</span>
Vandal LI-O Prime (20-5135)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech  - OmniMech<br />Era: Dark Age (3131 - 350)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation
Vandal Micro Fighter (1) (BT-152)

Tonnage: 30<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Verfolger VR5-R (AR20-239)

Tonnage: 65<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Victory Battlefleet Set (DWA210006)

<p>For the last three decades, the Victory class Heavy Carriers has been a dominating force around the globe. They demonstrate the huge significance that naval strength plays in all Crown military campaigns. As an island nation, the British consider the seas and oceans of the world as essential to hold their Dominions together. The Victory and her aircraft ensure that remains so. With an internal hanger that is rivalled only by the experimental Ice Maiden of the Imperium, A Victory can launch dozens of Defiant fighters into the skies to defend the fleet from incoming bombers or to hammer the decks of her enemies with their rapid firing Vickers Automatic Guns.</p><p>Its aircraft are not the Victory's only defence of course. It is armed with three Mark VII Congreve rocket turrets, giving them significant long-range engagement capabilities. While the Victory is no spring chicken, its solid design and advanced Crown engineering make it capable of keeping up with newer classes of ship.</p><p>Alongside the Victory Heavy Carriers are found, not only the common Frontline Squadrons but also Support Squadrons. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.</p><p>The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.</p><p>The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier.</p>
Out of Stock
Volga Transport (AR20-034)

Tonnage: N/A<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  Advanced Aerospace - Warship<br />Era: Age of War / Star League<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3057 Revised
Wakazashi (BT-267)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Watchman WTC-4M (20-5051)

Tonnage: 40<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades
Wayfarers Faction Starter Box (TDE-W5550)

Mysterious guns for hire, the Wayfarers are a secretive guild of mercenaries with no single purpose, but many allied secrets and aims. It is said they are controlled by a shadowy figure, the identity of which even the most important Wayfarers have never seen. This mystery leader is the heart and soul of the Wayfarers, organising which jobs they take, and which they reject. No wayfarer is ever obliged to take a job which has been offered, and it is known that many Wayfarers will turn their nose up at particularly unsavoury or immoral work. That said, their reliability and effectiveness is famed throughout Ulaya, and their services are in high demand. Wayfarer models can be taken as a faction in their own right, or separately as Faction Neutral Mercenaries for other factions.
White Flame WHF-3B (AR20-230)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech - Quad<br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Wild West Exodus: Showdown at Retribution - Two Player Starter Set (WEX992099004)

The frontier of the Union of Federated States is a wild and often lawless place. Ideal for outlaws, renegades and zealots to prey on the locals. Now a force led by the morally bankrupt Enlightened scientist Gustave Eiffel has arrived in the town of Retribution. The mayor sends out a call for aid and is overjoyed to find that the hero of the Union, Nikolai Tesla is in the area. But as the Union forces pull into Retribution it becomes clear that this is no coincidence and all has unfolded to Eiffel's plans for vengeance. The stage is set for an epic showdown in Retribution between these two rivals.<br /><br />Get into the new edition of Wild West Exodus with Showdown at Retribution - a two-player starter set designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the savage Wild West in the Dystopian Age. Containing dozens of fantastically detailed Warcradle miniatures, the full third edition rulebook, quick start guide to help you get going straight away and much more - this hefty boxed set is an easy way to explore the game and start your hobby adventure.
Wild West Iron Horses (WEX991015002)

<p>Since Armstrong Custer's famous charge leading the Michigan Wolverine's at Gettysburg, the Iron Horse has become a ubiquitous machine across the frontier. Their combination of speed, firepower and durability led to a massive Union contract with the Covenant of the Enlightened during the Ore War, replacing flesh and blood horses in all cavalry regiments. Now more than a decade later, Iron Horses have become easy to obtain, with Union surplus and frontline shipments making their way onto the black market in vast numbers and the machinery itself proving to be simple to maintain with spare-parts in abundance. While older marks and models of Iron Horse prove to be a little on the temperamental side, the Iron Horse's popularity and variety of designs can be found in use across the Union and beyond.</p><p>The Blazer was first used by the Confederate Army during the Battle at Gaine's Mill. The Iron Horse was still in limited service in those early days of the Ore War, but already its endurance and potential were obvious. Twenty-six Iron Horses were heavily modified in the field to mount additional gatling guns and armour plating to shield their riders from the huge attention of enemy fire they would receive once they began their attack. With General John Bell Hood on the lead Blazer, the Confederates tore a bloody hole in the two-mile-long Union flank and the day was carried, despite massive casualties on both sides in the 50,000 soldiers that fought that day. By the time of Gettysburg, both sides had units of Blazers fighting alongside their Iron Horse Cavalry and Blackhooves.</p><p>Uniquely found in the Union arsenal, the Iron Eagle is seen by many as the pinnacle of technological evolution for the Iron Horse. More than the replacement of the RJ engine with a voltaic power plant, the Iron Eagle boasts additional armor and electro-weaponry. As the ultimate statement that the Iron Eagle represented the future of Union military prowess, Nikolai Tesla incorporated specially programmed UR-31E Automata to pilot these new machines, giving them a resilience unmatched in the field by other cavalry.</p>
Winston Combat Vehicle (AR20-5012)

Tonnage: 70<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: Combat Vehicle - Tracked<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085
Wishbone - Wayfarer Leader (TDE-W5001)

Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries. Wishbone can be used as the Leader of the Wayfarers or as a non-leader mercenary in any other faction, and is supplied with profile card for both roles.
Wolverine WVR-8K (20-208)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:   Civil War (3062 - 3067)<br />TRO: Technical Readout Project Phoenix
Woodsman Prime (20-5033)

Tonnage: 75<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech - Omnimech<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Era Digest: Golden Century
Wrath of the Nautilus Detachment (WEX212099001)

Born under the Raj in Delhi, Rani Nimue had a turbulent childhood. Her English-born father worked for the diplomatic service and moved across the country to wherever Her Majesty required him, his wife and only child dutifully following. At the height of the Indian Mutiny, Rani’s mother was killed and her father was faced with the difficult task of raising his daughter alone. Seeing to it that she was educated by a succession of governesses and tutors, her father proudly saw her grow into a beautiful and fiercely intelligent woman. Rani secretly harboured a wanderlust and restlessness that, added to the stifling restrictions of Victorian society brewed within her until she was fit to either explode or run away and leave it all behind. Eventually her love for the swaggering Outlaw Broad Arrow Jack, after a chance encounter in the Port of Bombay, twisted her father’s pride to shame when, at the age of sixteen, she ran away with the pirate and was not heard from again for nearly a decade.
Xerxes Micro Fighter (1) (BT-102)

Tonnage: 85<br />Technology: Clan<br />Unit Type: Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter<br />Era:  Succession Wars<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3067
Yao Lien YOL-C4 (20-5039)

Tonnage: 55<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit Type: BattleMech<br />Era:  Jihad (3068 - 3085)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental
Yu Huang Y-H9G (AR20-630)

Tonnage: 90<br />Technology: Inner Sphere<br />Unit:  BattleMech <br />Era:  Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061)<br />TRO: Technical Readout 3060
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