Olmec Games

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Bale and Sarna are the first hero unit for the game which introduce an entirely new set of cool rules and interactions into your Judgement battles. Bale is a melee bruiser that certainly packs a punch, while Sarna is a tricksy mystic that provides a lot of cool enhancements.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Brok is an enigma within dwarf society. Fiercely loyal to his friends, and outright terrifying to his enemies, Brok can sometimes struggle to differentiate between the two, and seemingly alternates his attitude towards others on a whim. One thing consistent about himhowever, is his ferocity in close combat. Brok is a killing machine, threshing through enemies with reckless abandon, screaming obscenities and desecrating slain foes, he is a sight to behold in a melee.Beneath the surface, and not immediately recognisable, is an astute warrior who studies the art of killing like few others. Brok has a particular penchant for working out the best ways to fell the various beasts of Between,and is well known for it amongst his peers.One thing all other heroes of Judgement agree upon is once summoned, lookingaround at the other chosen that were summoned to fight alongside you, it is reassuring to see Brok among them.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Dor'gokaanroams the quasi-plane call Magma, which is the borderlands between the Fire and Earth planes. He was first summoned to the shadow plane by the warlock Viktor Clerval. Unbeknownst to Viktor, Dor'gokaan, following his first port to Between, now has the knowledge and the meansto travel there at will.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Shadow Hounds are intelligent natural denizens of the shadow plane of Between, and are one of themost aggressive creatures towards the summonedheroes. Unbeknown to most mortals of Athien, Shadow Hounds are able toassume a humanoid form, although the hound is their natural and preferred state.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">One particular Shadow Hound that has taken a keen interest in the heroes is Gloom. She was actually present the moment the Everlasting first appeared on Between, and observed them from afarfor many years. As a result, Gloom knows more about theEverlasting, the Summoned, and the struggle between the old gods and new than any other Shadow Plane inhabitant.Gloom understands thedangers the mortals pose to herhome plane, perhaps even threatening its very existence, so had taken it upon herself to hinder the heroes any chance she can get.Shadow Plane creaturestraditionally do not communicate with each other, however Gloom has spent considerable time trying to convince others of the dangers they are all in. A few, such as Ashtooth the Werewolf, and Inferno the Fire Elemental have heeded her words, however many still prefer to be left alone, soup to this point have not gotten involved.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Zaron Bogdan has taken a keen interest in Gloom, and indeed all creatures of Between. For he knows they have complete mastery of the mysteries of the plane, and are able totake advantage of the natural warping of time the Shadow Plane possesses. In fact, Gloom and Ashtooth are able to appear in two places at once, and slaying them only seems to remove them for a time before they once again appear in battle. Powerful knowledge indeed, and something he will need if his quest to become the one god ruling over Between is to come to pass.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Inferno is a fire elemental sent to the shadow plane by the god Forin to stop the meddling of the mortal heroes.With potentially the highest damage output of any monster in the game, Inferno also provides a tasty bounty for anyone who slays him.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Lord Fazeal is a powerful undead who rules over a vast domain on the shadow plane. He drew the attention of the demi-gods after amassing an enormous undead army that quickly became the most potent singular force on the entire plane. Then, without giving any reasons for it, Fazeal offered his services as one of the summoned. The first undead to do so.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">None of the demi-gods understandwhat drives the death knight, however, they are all grateful for his service. The undead has become the latest player in the unfolding story describing the fate of Between and Athien.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">The origin of Ettins is unknown, most dismiss them as aberrations of Orcs, others as some unholy union between Orcs and Ogres. The truth is somewhere in between. The exact time the first Ettins walked Athien is not really known, however they are inexorably linked to the orc race, and always have been as long as anyone can remember.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">In general, when compared to orcs, ettins have a shorter temper, are more irritable, and less tolerant of anyone standing in their way. This is largely attributed to the fact their two heads are often squabbling, for it is most common that over time the two heads of an ettin get on each other's nerves and spiral into dangerous love/hate relationships. The squabbling can sometimes turn violent and even lead to death. For while an ettin can survive with one of its heads ?dead? or removed, it is a sad existence and inevitably leads to what remains of the ettin taking its own life.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Occasionally, the two heads get along, have common cause, and work together to achieve common goals. These are by far the most powerful, respected and feared ettins. One such ettin is Skoll Bonestorm, who has grown in stature over decades among the orc tribes. You would be hard pressed to find an orc alive that does not know of Skoll, or who couldn?t regale stories of his exploits in great detail. For Skoll is an example of what can be achieved when an ettin's heads are in complete unison. Skoll is also the first of his kind to be summoned to Between, the 1st chosen, which has only increased his powers and renown.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Styxwas a former undertaker in the service of Zaron Bogdan, before his master ascended intothe undeath as a lich. Not wanting to leave his master's side, Styx underwent months of painful surgery to transform into a cyborg, thus ensuring a dark sense of immortality.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Terra fills a unique dual role of being summonable by Gendris, as well as joining the Warband as a hero model when the Shrine fo Eldir is controlled by one of the players. She is a powerful piece that can turn a game if summoned in thethick of the action.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thorgar was captured from a young age by the unscrupulous slave traders of Zaiqah and sold to the gladiator pit operators. Years of torture, arduous training and anger manipulation has resulted in him losing most of his race's traits, to be replaced by a ferocious and borderline psychotic killing machine. He dominated the pits for years, felling countless foes, actually winning his freedom many years ago. Despite this, he remains a gladiator by choice, knowing little more than senseless killing for sport, a shell of what he could have been.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thorgar's legend has extended beyond the Shifting Sands, withbards singing his praises intaverns across Athien. Word of a huge minotaur dominating the pits of Zaiqah soon reached the ears of Doenrakkar, the minotaur shaman and spiritual leader of his people. Doenrakkar sent one of his shaman pupils, A'kash, south to Zaiqah, to help freeThorgar and return him to his people. A'kash barely survived the first time he was in Thorgar's presence, the sight of another minotaur sending Thorgar into a fit of rage. Since then he has managed to befriend him somewhat and so A'kash begins the journey of trying to salvage what is left of the true minotaur inside the gladiator.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thrommel is a keg. An armour-plated immovable object with a warhammer that stands higher than his own head. Black hair andbeard shrouded in heavy helmet, thick muscles and no neck.A will of iron and a heart of gold.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thrommel was a royal guard from birth, selectedby the village elders to enter the training regime that persisted through the long exile, generating some of the greatest dwarven warriors to ever stride Athien. He excelled at training and in the rare actual battles that sprung up across the islands of the spray. By the time he was of age to be chosen for the royal guard he was already a renowned warrior, known for his stubborn unwillingness to let those around him fall to the blows of the enemy. His readinessto put himself in harms way over and over again and steadfast refusal to yield made him an ideal choice to the guard and his age made him an ideal close guard forthe young prince of the royal line.Their relationship began unsteadily,Thrommel found the Prince's optimistic approach to the world na?ve and the Prince in turn found him to be far too pessimistic, reminding him of the older guards of hismother. In time though they developed a deeper bond, recognizing in each other a balance that would serve the royal line well. It was an unexpected boon that their relationship developed into love, granting them an unshakeable trust that made Thrommel the ideal emissary between the Prince and rulers on the mainland.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thrommel is a clear example of the old dwarven ideals and his dedication to the royal line makes him one of the strongest royalist icons, which makes him loved and despised among mainland dwarves as the divide in their societydeepens.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">In Judgement, players assume the role of one of the five 'Everlasting', demigods who live on the Shadow Plane known as Between. Each of the five were once champions of their race before transcending from mortals to demigods whileon a quest to destroy the gods of old.
Their quest was bestowed upon them at The Gathering, a time when the majorraces of Athien came together to select five among them, so they could travel to the plane of shadow and stop the meddling of the old gods. The orcs and dwarfsnominated their most respected spiritual leaders, Krognar and Bruell to guide the five. The Elves and Minotaurs nominated their most powerful mage, Ista, and warrior Grul, to challenge the gods. By consensus the humans provided their greatest knight, Tomas, to provide leadership for the company. As one of the Everlasting, you summon heroes from the mortal world of Athien to the shadow plane (Between), so they can harvest souls at your behest. Souls that give you power and sustain your immortality.
Judgement brings all the elements of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) video game genre to the table top. Powerful, diverse and funheroes, neutralmonsters,magical itemsand herolevels.These ingredients provide a trulyamazing gaming experience like no other miniature game on the market. The game designteam worked tirelessly for almost 2years creating, testing and perfectingthe core mechanics which ensure diverse, dynamichero activations and a fast, flexible combat system.The icing on the cake are superbly detailed 54mm scale resin cast miniatures.
This is the game of Judgement.

This box contains four unnamed characters with alternate weapon options. These models can be used in The Drowned Earth as troops for ANY faction- in the rules PDF download you will find 10 troop profile cards, two profiles for each faction, for use with these models. Alternately you can use them to replace the hero standees in your games of Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island. This box also contains some alternate weapon choices, and in the future an accessories pack will be released for even more choices on how to build your figures.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Viktor is a halflingwho, from birth, soughtpower in thedark arts to make up for his small stature. After stealing a tome from the library of Bastian, Lorekeeper, Viktor was able to learn the true name of the demon Al'garath whichallows the halflingto summon him as a bodyguard on the shadow plane.

font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Zaffen is a hunter of no ill repute, who sails along the cost of the spray islands in search for the most dangerous of creatures. In-game,Zaffenis the closest thing we have to an artillery piece and can wreak havoc on youropponent if given the chance to aim.

Zhim'gigrak is the name Zaron Bogdan assumed once he ascended from his mortal self to the realm of the undead.With the aid of his trusty assistant, Styx, Zaron was able to capturehis soul immediately upon dying, stopping its journey to Between. Years later, in the frozen wastes of northern Athien, Styx was able to "revive" his master and Zhim'gigrak, the first undead to walk among the mortals of Athien, was born.
Out of Stock
Ankylo (TDE-N6021)
The relentless Ankylosor! This chunky fellow can be used as an alternate boss in several Ulaya Chronicles scenarios, or by any faction in The Drowned Earth.
Baby Ceratops - Adorable Herbivore (TDE-N6020)
BABYTOPS! This little miracle of creation just wants his mum! While not a powerful combatant of its own the Babytops buffs the Ceratops (mum!) in various ways, and increases her combat effectiveness from terrifying to... devastating!
Bale & Sarna - Goblin Hero Unit (Hybrid) (JM-BaleSarna)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Bale and Sarna are the first hero unit for the game which introduce an entirely new set of cool rules and interactions into your Judgement battles. Bale is a melee bruiser that certainly packs a punch, while Sarna is a tricksy mystic that provides a lot of cool enhancements.
Barnascus - Dwarf Pyromaniac (Hybrid) (JH-Barnascus)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Barnascusis a powerful utility piece that can output damage at aggressor levels in the right situation.
Baryonyx (TDE-N6018)
The Mighty Baryonyx! Use this beautiful metal miniature instead of the standee in the core box.
Brok - Dwarf Berserker (Aggressor) (JH-Brok)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Brok is an enigma within dwarf society. Fiercely loyal to his friends, and outright terrifying to his enemies, Brok can sometimes struggle to differentiate between the two, and seemingly alternates his attitude towards others on a whim. One thing consistent about himhowever, is his ferocity in close combat. Brok is a killing machine, threshing through enemies with reckless abandon, screaming obscenities and desecrating slain foes, he is a sight to behold in a melee.Beneath the surface, and not immediately recognisable, is an astute warrior who studies the art of killing like few others. Brok has a particular penchant for working out the best ways to fell the various beasts of Between,and is well known for it amongst his peers.One thing all other heroes of Judgement agree upon is once summoned, lookingaround at the other chosen that were summoned to fight alongside you, it is reassuring to see Brok among them.
Ceratops - Belligerent Herbivore (TDE-N6019)
The magnificent Ceratops! This mighty figure can be used in The Drowned Earth miniatures game or as an alternate boss in several Ulaya Chronicles scenarios (not required to play UC).
Dilophosors Boxed Set (TDE-N6022)
The Dilophosors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models using the Ulaya Chronicles rules for A.I. Enemies.
Dor'gokaan - Demon (Monster) (JM-Dorgokaan)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Dor'gokaanroams the quasi-plane call Magma, which is the borderlands between the Fire and Earth planes. He was first summoned to the shadow plane by the warlock Viktor Clerval. Unbeknownst to Viktor, Dor'gokaan, following his first port to Between, now has the knowledge and the meansto travel there at will.
Gendris - Minotaur Druid (Supporter) (JH-Gendris)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Gendris is a minotaur druid with a fantastic ability to summon forests during battles. A diverse kit with a high skill cap, Gendris can dominate battles when used to her fullest potential.
Gloom - Shadow Hound (Monster) (JM-Gloom)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Shadow Hounds are intelligent natural denizens of the shadow plane of Between, and are one of themost aggressive creatures towards the summonedheroes. Unbeknown to most mortals of Athien, Shadow Hounds are able toassume a humanoid form, although the hound is their natural and preferred state.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">One particular Shadow Hound that has taken a keen interest in the heroes is Gloom. She was actually present the moment the Everlasting first appeared on Between, and observed them from afarfor many years. As a result, Gloom knows more about theEverlasting, the Summoned, and the struggle between the old gods and new than any other Shadow Plane inhabitant.Gloom understands thedangers the mortals pose to herhome plane, perhaps even threatening its very existence, so had taken it upon herself to hinder the heroes any chance she can get.Shadow Plane creaturestraditionally do not communicate with each other, however Gloom has spent considerable time trying to convince others of the dangers they are all in. A few, such as Ashtooth the Werewolf, and Inferno the Fire Elemental have heeded her words, however many still prefer to be left alone, soup to this point have not gotten involved.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Zaron Bogdan has taken a keen interest in Gloom, and indeed all creatures of Between. For he knows they have complete mastery of the mysteries of the plane, and are able totake advantage of the natural warping of time the Shadow Plane possesses. In fact, Gloom and Ashtooth are able to appear in two places at once, and slaying them only seems to remove them for a time before they once again appear in battle. Powerful knowledge indeed, and something he will need if his quest to become the one god ruling over Between is to come to pass.
Haksa - Orc Shaman (Supporter) (JH-Haksa)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Haksa is an orc shaman supporter that provides powerful healing,decent damage and the ability to destroy magical artefacts.
Heroes Extras (TDE-U9001)
Extra head, weapon and arm options for the Hero Pack models. Extra useful if you plan on using your models as rank and file troops in The Drowned Earth!
Inferno - Fire Elemental (Monster) (JM-Inferno)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Inferno is a fire elemental sent to the shadow plane by the god Forin to stop the meddling of the mortal heroes.With potentially the highest damage output of any monster in the game, Inferno also provides a tasty bounty for anyone who slays him.
Judgment Dice Set (10) - Black (JD-10B)
A set of 10 custom blackJudgement dice. Each die has 1 "J" symbol, 2 "Hit" symbols, 1 "Combat Manoeuvre" symbol and 2 blank sides.
Judgment Dice Set (10) - Green (JD-10G)
A set of 10 custom green Judgement dice. Each die has 1 "J" symbol, 2 "Hit" symbols, 1 "Combat Manoeuvre" symbol and 2 blank sides.
Judgment Dice Set (10) - Red (JD-10R)
A set of 10 custom red Judgement dice. Each die has 1 "J" symbol, 2 "Hit" symbols, 1 "Combat Manoeuvre" symbol and 2 blank sides.
Judgment Dice Set (10) - White (JD-10W)
A set of 10 custom whiteJudgement dice. Each die has 1 "J" symbol, 2 "Hit" symbols, 1 "Combat Manoeuvre" symbol and 2 blank sides.
Judgment Dice Set (10) - Yellow (JD-10Y)
A set of 10 custom yellow Judgement dice. Each die has 1 "J" symbol, 2 "Hit" symbols, 1 "Combat Manoeuvre" symbol and 2 blank sides.
Kogan - Minotaur Warrior (Aggressor) (JH-Kogan)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Kogan is a berserker minotaur who wields a blunderbuss and bandsaw with reckless abandon. A wonderful aggressor that provides both melee and short-ranged damaged options with several interesting abilities in his kit.
Lord Fazeal - Undead Death Knight - (Aggressor) (JH-Fazeal)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Lord Fazeal is a powerful undead who rules over a vast domain on the shadow plane. He drew the attention of the demi-gods after amassing an enormous undead army that quickly became the most potent singular force on the entire plane. Then, without giving any reasons for it, Fazeal offered his services as one of the summoned. The first undead to do so.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">None of the demi-gods understandwhat drives the death knight, however, they are all grateful for his service. The undead has become the latest player in the unfolding story describing the fate of Between and Athien.
Sinoraptors (TDE-N6013)
These beautiful feathered beasts replace the standees in Ulaya Chronicles, and can also be used with any faction in The Drowned Earth!
Skoll Bonestorm - Ettin Mystic (Defender) (JH-Skoll)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">The origin of Ettins is unknown, most dismiss them as aberrations of Orcs, others as some unholy union between Orcs and Ogres. The truth is somewhere in between. The exact time the first Ettins walked Athien is not really known, however they are inexorably linked to the orc race, and always have been as long as anyone can remember.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">In general, when compared to orcs, ettins have a shorter temper, are more irritable, and less tolerant of anyone standing in their way. This is largely attributed to the fact their two heads are often squabbling, for it is most common that over time the two heads of an ettin get on each other's nerves and spiral into dangerous love/hate relationships. The squabbling can sometimes turn violent and even lead to death. For while an ettin can survive with one of its heads ?dead? or removed, it is a sad existence and inevitably leads to what remains of the ettin taking its own life.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Occasionally, the two heads get along, have common cause, and work together to achieve common goals. These are by far the most powerful, respected and feared ettins. One such ettin is Skoll Bonestorm, who has grown in stature over decades among the orc tribes. You would be hard pressed to find an orc alive that does not know of Skoll, or who couldn?t regale stories of his exploits in great detail. For Skoll is an example of what can be achieved when an ettin's heads are in complete unison. Skoll is also the first of his kind to be summoned to Between, the 1st chosen, which has only increased his powers and renown.
Skye - Elf Monk (Defender) (JH-Skye)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Skye is an AGI based defender that can be extremely difficult to take down, particularly once he reaches level 2. He is also adept at keeping friendly heroes alive against even the most dangerous of charging enemies.
Soul Pack (5) (JA-SoulPack)
Upgrade your games from the basic tokens to these quality Sould Token miniatures.
Styx - Human Cyborg (Supporter) (JH-Styx)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Styxwas a former undertaker in the service of Zaron Bogdan, before his master ascended intothe undeath as a lich. Not wanting to leave his master's side, Styx underwent months of painful surgery to transform into a cyborg, thus ensuring a dark sense of immortality.
Terra - Earth Elemental (Summoned) (JM-Terra)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Terra fills a unique dual role of being summonable by Gendris, as well as joining the Warband as a hero model when the Shrine fo Eldir is controlled by one of the players. She is a powerful piece that can turn a game if summoned in thethick of the action.
Thorgar - Minotaur Gladiator (Aggressor) (JH-Thorgar)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thorgar was captured from a young age by the unscrupulous slave traders of Zaiqah and sold to the gladiator pit operators. Years of torture, arduous training and anger manipulation has resulted in him losing most of his race's traits, to be replaced by a ferocious and borderline psychotic killing machine. He dominated the pits for years, felling countless foes, actually winning his freedom many years ago. Despite this, he remains a gladiator by choice, knowing little more than senseless killing for sport, a shell of what he could have been.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thorgar's legend has extended beyond the Shifting Sands, withbards singing his praises intaverns across Athien. Word of a huge minotaur dominating the pits of Zaiqah soon reached the ears of Doenrakkar, the minotaur shaman and spiritual leader of his people. Doenrakkar sent one of his shaman pupils, A'kash, south to Zaiqah, to help freeThorgar and return him to his people. A'kash barely survived the first time he was in Thorgar's presence, the sight of another minotaur sending Thorgar into a fit of rage. Since then he has managed to befriend him somewhat and so A'kash begins the journey of trying to salvage what is left of the true minotaur inside the gladiator.
Thrommel Ironbeard - Dwarf Warrior (Defender) (JH-Thrommel)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thrommel is a keg. An armour-plated immovable object with a warhammer that stands higher than his own head. Black hair andbeard shrouded in heavy helmet, thick muscles and no neck.A will of iron and a heart of gold.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thrommel was a royal guard from birth, selectedby the village elders to enter the training regime that persisted through the long exile, generating some of the greatest dwarven warriors to ever stride Athien. He excelled at training and in the rare actual battles that sprung up across the islands of the spray. By the time he was of age to be chosen for the royal guard he was already a renowned warrior, known for his stubborn unwillingness to let those around him fall to the blows of the enemy. His readinessto put himself in harms way over and over again and steadfast refusal to yield made him an ideal choice to the guard and his age made him an ideal close guard forthe young prince of the royal line.Their relationship began unsteadily,Thrommel found the Prince's optimistic approach to the world na?ve and the Prince in turn found him to be far too pessimistic, reminding him of the older guards of hismother. In time though they developed a deeper bond, recognizing in each other a balance that would serve the royal line well. It was an unexpected boon that their relationship developed into love, granting them an unshakeable trust that made Thrommel the ideal emissary between the Prince and rulers on the mainland.
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Thrommel is a clear example of the old dwarven ideals and his dedication to the royal line makes him one of the strongest royalist icons, which makes him loved and despised among mainland dwarves as the divide in their societydeepens.
Troodon Boxed Set (TDE-N6024)
The Troodon are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models using the Ulaya Chronicles rules for A.I.
Two Player Starter Box (JBG-001)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">In Judgement, players assume the role of one of the five 'Everlasting', demigods who live on the Shadow Plane known as Between. Each of the five were once champions of their race before transcending from mortals to demigods whileon a quest to destroy the gods of old.
Their quest was bestowed upon them at The Gathering, a time when the majorraces of Athien came together to select five among them, so they could travel to the plane of shadow and stop the meddling of the old gods. The orcs and dwarfsnominated their most respected spiritual leaders, Krognar and Bruell to guide the five. The Elves and Minotaurs nominated their most powerful mage, Ista, and warrior Grul, to challenge the gods. By consensus the humans provided their greatest knight, Tomas, to provide leadership for the company. As one of the Everlasting, you summon heroes from the mortal world of Athien to the shadow plane (Between), so they can harvest souls at your behest. Souls that give you power and sustain your immortality.
Judgement brings all the elements of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) video game genre to the table top. Powerful, diverse and funheroes, neutralmonsters,magical itemsand herolevels.These ingredients provide a trulyamazing gaming experience like no other miniature game on the market. The game designteam worked tirelessly for almost 2years creating, testing and perfectingthe core mechanics which ensure diverse, dynamichero activations and a fast, flexible combat system.The icing on the cake are superbly detailed 54mm scale resin cast miniatures.
This is the game of Judgement.
Ulaya Chronicles - Raptor Claw Island (TDE-UC111)
A solo/cooperative skirmish scale miniatures game set in a land of dinosaur infested jungles and ancient technology.
Ulaya Heroes (TDE-U9001)
This box contains four unnamed characters with alternate weapon options. These models can be used in The Drowned Earth as troops for ANY faction- in the rules PDF download you will find 10 troop profile cards, two profiles for each faction, for use with these models. Alternately you can use them to replace the hero standees in your games of Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island. This box also contains some alternate weapon choices, and in the future an accessories pack will be released for even more choices on how to build your figures.
Viktor & Al'garath - Halfling Warlock (Aggressor) (JH-Viktor)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Viktor is a halflingwho, from birth, soughtpower in thedark arts to make up for his small stature. After stealing a tome from the library of Bastian, Lorekeeper, Viktor was able to learn the true name of the demon Al'garath whichallows the halflingto summon him as a bodyguard on the shadow plane.
Vujasha - Sea Witch (Monster) (JM-Vujasha)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Vujasha is the featured monster of the swamp map andpossesses the unique ability to drop an unbound soul whenever she is killed.
Xyvera - Minotaur Necromancer (Soulgazer) (JH-Xyvera)
Xyvera is an old crone, an ancient minotaur steeped in the lore and history of her race. A Soulgazer of re-known, Xyvera has a bunch of powerful abilities that make her a dangerous foe.
Zaffen Ironhelm - Dwarf Hunter (Aggressor) (JH-Zaffen)
font-size:11px;">font-family:trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica;">Zaffen is a hunter of no ill repute, who sails along the cost of the spray islands in search for the most dangerous of creatures. In-game,Zaffenis the closest thing we have to an artillery piece and can wreak havoc on youropponent if given the chance to aim.
Zhim'gigrak - Undead Necromancer - (Aggressor) (JH-Zhim)
Zhim'gigrak is the name Zaron Bogdan assumed once he ascended from his mortal self to the realm of the undead.With the aid of his trusty assistant, Styx, Zaron was able to capturehis soul immediately upon dying, stopping its journey to Between. Years later, in the frozen wastes of northern Athien, Styx was able to "revive" his master and Zhim'gigrak, the first undead to walk among the mortals of Athien, was born.
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